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Quiz No. 2

Post 1


Some old chestnuts, some maybe not so.

1. Which country is named after a chemical element?

2. Which country gives its name to an article of clothing?

3. Which of these is not a kingdom: Madagascar, Morocco, Netherlands, Swaziland?

4. What 20th century composer's name means (in English) two contradictory things that can be expressed by two words identical apart from their first letter?

5. Which of these has an eponymous hero: The Three Musketeers, The Man in the Iron Mask, Watership Down, Dances With Wolves?

6. When was the first ostensibly featureless monochrome canvas exhibited in an influential art gallery: in the 1920s, 1950s, or 1980s?

Quiz No. 2

Post 2

Icy North

Off the top of my head:

1. Argentina
2. Knickeragua, Tieland? (still thinking)
3. Madagascar sounds most likely
4. (still thinking)
5. Dances With Wolves, I think.
6. I'd guess the 1920s, but I really don't know.

Quiz No. 2

Post 3


Three out of six. smiley - tea

Quiz No. 2

Post 4

You can call me TC

5 can only be the Man in the Iron Mask, surely.

Am still trying to get my early morning mind round the composer thing, and for countries named after elements - there was me trying to remember which countries ended in 'ium'. smiley - facepalm

Quiz No. 2

Post 5

You can call me TC

Yeah, clothing. So many named after places, jodhpur, balaclava, cardigan, homburg, but a whole country!!!??? Although, based on the 'Argent - Argentinia' principle, I suppose French knickers would fit.

Quiz No. 2

Post 6

Icy North

2. Panama fits (well, some of them fit)

Quiz No. 2

Post 7

Icy North

The best I can do for 4 is:

John Cage = Poop Coop

Quiz No. 2

Post 8

You can call me TC

I started perusing this list:

but I baulked at finding a translation for Rimsky-Korsakov.

Quiz No. 2

Post 9

Icy North

On Q6, the old Libyan flag was monochrome, so it was presumably flying above exhibitions in Tripoli and elsewhere for many years.

Quiz No. 2

Post 10

Baron Grim

Bermuda shorts

And Dances With Wolves. Remember, "Dances With Wolves" was the name given to the protagonist during by the Lakota.

Quiz No. 2

Post 11

You can call me TC

Ah. I never saw the film. (Must be the last person on the planet....)

Quiz No. 2

Post 12

You can call me TC

Hmm. I don't think a flag is actually an "exhibit", Icy. I would guess the 1920s for that one, too. Was it dadaism?

Quiz No. 2

Post 13


Hmm, no. 4 is abstruse enough. Let's say The name is not English, but reading it as though it were, it could with the addition of a T or a G before it go for a drive.

Quiz No. 2

Post 14


About no. 6, I don't count a flag as a canvas. I'm talking about a primed and mounted canvas painted with a single colour with no variety of shade, and exhibited as an art work.

Quiz No. 2

Post 15

Baron Grim

Rabo Karabekian's _The Temptation of Saint Anthony_ nearly fits the description.

Quiz No. 2

Post 16


Nearly... except I am not thinking of a fictional artist.

Icy was right about Argentina, Madagascar, and Dances with Wolves. I rule out The Three Musketeers and The Man in the Iron Mask as it is not their names that give the story its name, and Watership Down is a location rather than a hero.

I was annoyed and disgusted at the scene in which the hero was told that he had been named "Dances with wolves". It was the look of slow realisation that came over Kevin Costner's face: "Ah, so that's why they called the movie that". What I hate about Hollywood. No other country (well perhaps Bollywood) would take such pains to prod the audience reaction in such an insultingly redundant way.

Quiz No. 2

Post 17

Baron Grim

Heh... I know how you feel. Stephen King famously dislikes the Stanley Kubrick version of _The Shining_ and prefers the 1997 made for TV miniseries.

This version doesn't ever go longer than the next commercial break to remind you that Jack has a drinking problem. smiley - facepalm

Quiz No. 2

Post 18

Icy North

After your last clue, is 4 Ravel? I'm not sure that gravel and travel are particularly contradictory, but maybe in the context of 'drive'.

Quiz No. 2

Post 19


That's the one. The contradictory meanings of 'ravel' are entangle and untangle. Gravel and travel were bonuses. smiley - cake

Quiz No. 2

Post 20

Icy North

Ah, all becomes clear! We rarely use 'ravel' these days.

So are we still waiting for Q2? It wasn't Panama, then?

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