Journal Entries

Daredevil Review

I wasn't sure if I wanted to see this film. The customing looked terrible, and for every good comic book movie there are at least ten bad ones.

This one was good in parts. The costumes were indeed terrible - that crinkley leather just made Affleck look as if he'd slept in it, and his face is too long for that short mask, which looked as if it had been made for someone else.

Talking of looking as if made for someone else - Bullseye seemed to belong to a different movie, a much funnier and less tragic one. Everyone else in the film was vaguely realistic - given the ridiculous origin of which too much was made, a common problem in Super Hero films.

But the wire-work was fun, and Garner impressed as Eleckra, though the character was softened from the comic, probably because such a brutal woman would not appeal as a heroine to the mass market. We are expecting very high standards of CGI now and I am afraid that, like 'Spiderman' this film did not reach the heights that we expect. Still, there were one or two lovely effects - seeing a person's face in the fall of raindrops came over wonderfully - and the fights were excellent.

Pacing could have been better as the origin sequences in particular sagged rather badly. It's a short film too, so no-one should have been looking at their watches. Which they were.

One thing puzzles me though - why did Matt keep showing off his superpowers to Foggy and Elektra? This is a secret identity????

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Latest reply: Feb 19, 2003

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