This is the Message Centre for Lil

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Post 1


Hello Lil,
I wandered into the Voting with our Feet conversation recently and saw the suggestion from Abi to create a film forum here. Since no else appeared to move in this direction, I thought to do so and so have now created one.

I’m letting you know because it seemed to me from the messages that you were one of the more positive people with respect to the idea of a film forum here. I know from friend Marge Gunderson that not all you BBC Film MB-ers are so interested in changing horses, nor interested in double posting, but maybe other topics and contributors will turn up here. I’ve only looked, never posted at BBC-film-MB, so I won’t actually be leaving there.

I hope you look the Film Forum and maybe contribute to get on its way. Let me know if you have any ideas for the Entry Page.

smiley - smiley3pw

PS Does St. Chinian fall into your 'fine wines'?

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Post 2


Pickled walnuts?????????

I haven't posted on the film boards for days and days... but I am happy to come and have a look at what's going on on yours.

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