This is the Message Centre for Lil

Hi Lil

Post 1


I am Abi and I am one of the in house staff.

I have noticed that a lot of you like to talk about films, and I was wondering whether rather then using journals to talk about them, you would like some help setting up a designated set of pages for people who want to talk about films.

What do you think?

Hi Lil

Post 2


Hi Abi:

That would be a good idea. It would be nice to be able to post reviews and then have people pick up on them, even some time later.

I, for one, am still trying to find my way around this site, and am feeling a little intimidated by it. I know you have been in touch with Katina - and hopefully with the Meenister, Electric Dragon, Mysterious Stranger, Pheonix, Green Arrow, and the other late comers...

How do we start?


Hi Lil

Post 3



To be honest I only stumbled on you guys last night completely by accident. But I instantly thought you might be having problems with the functionality! It is difficult, but I am here to help and I think you guys could be a real asset.

First of all do you know how to make a brand new page? It's really quite easy - you can find a guide to doing it at A308233 but equally I would be quite happy to build you one myself.

Hold on a minute...

Hi Lil

Post 4


A974711 - do you think the title is a bit much? smiley - winkeye

Any way I can reassign this page to make you the owner if you like. The great thing is if you let all the others know that this is their page, they can start conversations at the bottom... kind of like a substitute message board.

What do you think? I can change the text and we have some pictures we can use for it too. Are there any you fancy at A443242?

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