Journal Entries

Computers are rubbish ...

when they don't work.
We are computerless and are therefore begging to use everyone elses, I will not be online very much over the next few weeks. Although, I am usually battling with the other half to get on anyway so it probably won't seem any different.

smiley - sadface

smiley - hsifsmiley - fish

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Latest reply: Dec 13, 2005

An entry

An entry to get rid of that annoying 'we all lead interesting lives' garble.

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Latest reply: Sep 30, 2005

Lawful Killing

I read in a paper that police have recieved a verdict of 'lawful killing' for shooting a 'mentally ill' man who was brandishing a Samurai sword.

Lawful killing? It feels like it should be an oxymoron?

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Latest reply: Sep 23, 2005

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Calliopes_Sleepy Face

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