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Thanks and Hi..
daniel (the one whos not very good at anything but still enjoys life) Started conversation Oct 27, 2004
Thanks for the welcome Terri and Hi hows life? I havent gone to any of the info places yet but will do when I manage to get myself away from the threads. Yes your right looks to be addictive.
My boat is a 27ft Sailer having a major refit below decks hopefully to be back on the wet stuff by next summer, im the one doing the w**k....
see you out an about the threads or chuck me a message about any good ones i havent found yet.
Thanks and Hi..
zendevil Posted Oct 27, 2004
Hi Dan,
with the w**k! whereabouts are you? Hopefully somewhere warm, nothing worse than w**king on your boat outside in a howling gale!
Thanks and Hi..
daniel (the one whos not very good at anything but still enjoys life) Posted Oct 28, 2004
I have it at the bottom of my garden and the crane driver had to w**k his big jib really hard and swing it about a lot so he could ge it in there. Its amazing how big those extending jibs get when you have someone who knows how to w**k them correctly.
Anyway its only a short distance from the house now so i can come home and w**k away down below all this winter
Thanks and Hi..
zendevil Posted Oct 28, 2004
Nice that it's handy for you , some people have fairies at the bottom of their garden, a boat is much more useful!
What's her name? Have you been out on her much? Still no idea where in the world you are, either you are an insomniac in Europe (like me!) or you are on the other side of the world, such is the joy of hootoo, international friends!
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