This is the Message Centre for zendevil

House in France!

Post 1

Leopardskinfynn... sexy mama

Hi Terri!
smiley - hug

Thanks for the house info - my Man brought it up to me when he came to visit at the weekend (I'm staying with a friend who is due to give birth any moment).
*VERY* interesting...
smiley - wow
The Man and I definitely want to come and take a look...

So how's things with you? Kaz said that you were back on hootoo! smiley - biggrin

House in France!

Post 2


Hi Leo,

Great that you are interested in the house!smiley - biggrin I really thought you might be, when i saw it, i said straightaway to Michel "I know someone who would go "oooohhh" over this!" His brother is talking to someone about it though even as we squeak SO do phone me & get yourselves out here pretty vitesmiley - run to have a look. Michel is on holiday till 23rd, but any time after that. You can stay with me no probs, i have just about got the house sorted enough now, so it's not "camping style" anymore!

End of Summer/beginning of Autumn is probably the best time of year to visit here, still nice & warm BUT not too hot & the shops & stuff are open again. Just let me know when you can get here & we can start plotting routes & stuff, maily depends on whether you want to drive your own car or hire one when you get here, easy to do in Angouleme, i hired a van to move my stuff.

Email me (same as before, all up & running now!) or phone either fixed line or mobile & i will let Michel know straight away you are interested (get him to put brother on hold!)

smiley - cheers

smiley - zensmiley - devilTerri

House in France!

Post 3

Leopardskinfynn... sexy mama

I tried to reply before, but the pc went all smiley - weird
smiley - cross

I'm currently staying with a friend in Essex who is due to give birth any day and wants me to help with her birth, so I won't be able to call you. smiley - sadface
I can however email you! smiley - biggrin
If I can find your email address that is... smiley - flustered

The Man and I are definitely interested in coming to have a look at this place, but seeing as I'm waiting for this baby to arrive, we probably won't be able to come out until September.

House in France!

Post 4


Say hi to the baby when he/she arrives!!

September is fine, it's pretty hot here right now plus most of France (as i am sure you know!) goes on holiday during July & August, so getting anything official done takes even longer than usual.

I have spoken to Michel & got him to put it on hold, also today seen Patrick, a good friend who is in the property business, who would be very happy to help guide you through the mountain of paperwork that is an essential part of this sort of thing. (it's not difficult, just tedious!)

My email is zendevilthree (all in one word, little letters)

I assume yours is still the same? i will rattle something off to you now to test if it arrives.

Ooh, goodie, i am SO much looking forward to meeting up with you; & i just feel this place is so "right" for you, i got smiley - magic stuff when i went there, Michel thought i'd gone loopy 'cos i just said "smiley - wowLEO!smiley - ponysmiley - wow"

smiley - runs off to email.


House in France!

Post 5

Leopardskinfynn... sexy mama

Oops! This thread must have got buried! smiley - flustered
Sorry about that! smiley - hug

Right, the Man and I are trying to decide when to come over - although it will have to be just for a weekend due to work stuff.
We'd have to hire a car over there I guess - Ryanair have a deal with Hertz which is £53 for the weekend - cheaper would be better, so if you know anywhere where we could get a cheaper deal....

As my friends live in Sarlande and I was hoping to combine a visit with them and you and the house, I guess we're going to need our own wheels.

So the weekend of Friday 17th or 24th I guess. Which one is best for you?

smiley - run off to email you this message too!

smiley - hug

House in France!

Post 6


Just emailed you back!!

It's all tied up with car races, my birthday & Roadkill & parents coming out too, all will be made clear as mud in the email!

But basically WWHHHOOO HHOOOOO; c'est une mini meet à Angoulême je pense!

smiley - biggrin


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