This is the Message Centre for zendevil

The Magicians Guild Recruiting Service

Post 1

Craxus "ACE" (High Lord of the Magicians Guild "A2510425")

Hello smiley - smiley

I started up a Fantasy RPG, extremely fun adventure, called The Magicians Guild. It has many memebers and are still looking for more. I think you would be a great asset to this if you would please join us. I would just like you to look at it.


-The Magicians Guild

This isn't just like a normal organization, like the Assassins Guild or h2g2 Wizards Guild. It's actaully a massive worldly RPG with adventure inside the world where you play the magician to decide the fate of Imardin (the good guys city). You can choose to be a Magician in a War between good and evil. There are many smaller quests and adventures. It is a awesome RPG and I think you would love it too.....I set it up to be pretty leaniant and to keep it in some order so we don't have people walking around with surpreme power to blow up the world. If you have any questions, just post to this...I would be happy to answer them.

I would like to hear from ya :D

The Magicians Guild Recruiting Service

Post 2


smiley - ta for the invite, but i think i must resist; i already spend far too long on here without getting addicted to stuff like this!

But have fun & smiley - goodluck with the battle!

smiley - cheers

smiley - zensmiley - devilTerri

The Magicians Guild Recruiting Service

Post 3

Craxus "ACE" (High Lord of the Magicians Guild "A2510425")

Awww whats a few more hours of addiction to

Anyways I understand much but have fun :D

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