This is the Message Centre for zendevil
Spreading confusion...
neilfish, purveyor of the finest confusion since 1442 Started conversation May 8, 2003
Hi, just popping by to return the favour by reading your homepage and saying hi. Hi. (Again). And, of course, to further my cause of spreading confusion throughout the known universe (and for all I know through some unknown parts as well).
A little known fact about YOUR body. Yes YOURS... put your arm out in front of you with the palm up. Touch the end (nearest the hand) of the bone on the "little-finger-side" of the arm (the ulna if we are being technical). Then turn your hand palm down. Then, do the same- touch the pinky-side of the arm. Believe it or not that's the SAME bit of bone, ie same side of the bone, as before. Confusing hey? But you can spend many happy hours trying to work it out- I know I have!
Spreading confusion...
zendevil Posted May 9, 2003
But it really doesn't work if you have removed your arm first; honest, I've tried!
I will have to wait until the batteries have re-charged & try again.
*waits in fear of getting modded for non-pc to limb-challenged individuals*
Spreading confusion...
neilfish, purveyor of the finest confusion since 1442 Posted May 9, 2003
yes- I was a bit worried after I'd posted that by some freakish chance you'd be lacking an arm or two. But I guess I thought I'd play the odds. Another thought I've had is that do doctors have special correction factors for amputees or other such people lacking a limb when assesing ideal height/weight etc. Or do they use other means of ascertaining their BMI? Hmmm. Makes you think!
Spreading confusion...
zendevil Posted May 9, 2003
Yes, if one is sufficiently warped/non pc/open-minded to be able to think about such things, the possibilities are endless!
In actual RL, I've had two very funny instances of this:
1) my friend who was seriously overweight had to have a mastectomy. She insisted they do a double one, saying "not only will I lose all that weight, but if you don't, I will be spinning round in circles & fall over!"
2) whilst out boating with some new friends, I saked where the bloke had gone, his wife replied "oh, he's just gone inside 'cos he's broken his leg." I started shrieking & she said "oh, don't worry, it happens all the time, we've brought two spare ones with us!"
--I can honestly say I had no idea up until then!
Spreading confusion...
neilfish, purveyor of the finest confusion since 1442 Posted May 10, 2003
That second one is brilliant! I can just imagine you panicking on the boat. HOw long were you slightly bemused by her "we've brought some spares"?
Spreading confusion...
zendevil Posted May 10, 2003
About 20 seconds of absolute silence (almost unknown for me), followed by stuttered "do you mean , erm, you know, erm..." which went on for another eternity till we both burst out laughing, at which point he hobbled in clutching it & saying "I can't get the sodding thing on & there's a lock coming up!"
Certainly the perfect way to break down any barriers about supposed "handicap"!
ps: can I put you on my friends list; it's my lazy way of getting hold of people!
Spreading confusion...
neilfish, purveyor of the finest confusion since 1442 Posted May 10, 2003
Of course you may- if I can reciprocate?
Spreading confusion...
zendevil Posted May 10, 2003
ps; you're a medico, tell me why my top lip has suddenly swollen to horrendous proportions for no apparent reason? I look like a cross between elephant man & king kong!
Spreading confusion...
neilfish, purveyor of the finest confusion since 1442 Posted May 10, 2003
I dunno? What have you been doing to it? Maybe it's an allergic reaction or just irritation. What have you been putting in your mouth? Or it could be stubble rash!
Spreading confusion...
zendevil Posted May 10, 2003
I think Z & I have solved the mystery; it was probably over-enthusiastic use of my ventolin puffer; I had a squirt while very sleepy & maybe it did'nt go to the lungs but stayed in my gob!
Anyway, it is going down a bit now, thank god, very worrying at the time though, as I'm very allergic to insect bites/stings & have been told to beware if I get one near the mouth or throat!
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Spreading confusion...
- 1: neilfish, purveyor of the finest confusion since 1442 (May 8, 2003)
- 2: zendevil (May 9, 2003)
- 3: neilfish, purveyor of the finest confusion since 1442 (May 9, 2003)
- 4: zendevil (May 9, 2003)
- 5: neilfish, purveyor of the finest confusion since 1442 (May 10, 2003)
- 6: zendevil (May 10, 2003)
- 7: neilfish, purveyor of the finest confusion since 1442 (May 10, 2003)
- 8: zendevil (May 10, 2003)
- 9: neilfish, purveyor of the finest confusion since 1442 (May 10, 2003)
- 10: zendevil (May 10, 2003)
- 11: neilfish, purveyor of the finest confusion since 1442 (May 11, 2003)
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