This is the Message Centre for Pat Pending

Just testing...

Post 1


You getting these messages then Pat Pen?

Just testing...

Post 2

Pat Pending

Got that one Bushy. Work a bit ape so will rejoin the thread featuring you, Kris and CG this afternoon.

Cheers for testing.
PS: What was the Kim Howells point?

Just testing...

Post 3



Oh yeah, erm ... think I was waffling on about my work or something wasn't I? I merely linked said waffle to Kim Howells idiotic statement regarding thew Turner prize, namely, that it was "conceptualised bullsh*t" which is what many technical people get accused, not without reason I might add, of talking much of time!

Catch you later this afternoon! Get Brad and Dr Strangloves over here as well!

Just testing...

Post 4

kri stickle mass

hi is this boys corner ?? smiley - biggrin lol

Just testing...

Post 5

Pat Pending

Hi Kris,

How's tricks?

You me and Bushy need to work out how we're going to get Brad, Fr Chas, Dr Strangegloves and the rest (but not ij, tr or rm) over here: it was your suggestion that Bonnie Lass should search here for "free to flow" which put me onto it, but how did you get here Bushy? I assume a search for your on my name will now reveal our presence, but I'm merely a humble lawyer and not up on how all this works yet, so any ideas?

PS: Bushy - Pirate Peter Lovegloves is in here too under "Akira100".

Just testing...

Post 6


I followed a discussion on MC-H! They were being pretty cagey but mentioned something called "Cheddar Gorge". I just searched around 'til I found it and then I stumbled across Kristine, Chelsea Girl, Peter and you!

A lawyer eh? What type of lawyer? Solicitor? What do you specialise in? Not matrimonial by any chance?

Just testing...

Post 7

Pat Pending

Can't help with your marriage problems I'm afraid. Barrister. Property law (esp landlord and tenant).

"So, if you're a barrister, how come you have time to message instead of being in court?" I hear you all ask.

Well, first there was the accident, so I'm not back to working flat out yet, and second, we're not all Rumpoles. About 60% of my work is done on paper sorting problems out so people don't have to go to Court.

Oh, and some of us have (a) a sense of humour and (b) a conscience. Not me though: I'm a witless money-grabbing juridical whore.

Talking of wit, anyone see the interview with Stelios in today's Telegraph (I glance through all the broadsheets)? "I would like to think that I am...witty and clever. I am always the one telling jokes". That'll be right then: remember a few jokes from the Freddie Starr jokebook and suddenly you're witty and clever.

Rant over. If anyone sees Brad (or Sarnia: she seems all right IMHO) on MC-H perhaps that's the time to point them over here.

Just testing...

Post 8


I'm not married! Just guessed at matrimonial... I'm not looking for legal representation thank you!

Yes, by clicking the "Who's Online" button you can see our names and click into the personal space where they can then follow the conversations easily enough. I will tell Brad to get his arse over!

Not too keen on ij (johnson, i - 1/10) then I take it? I think he's pretty good fun to be honest! Always good for a wind-up anyway? He has the most fracterous weird little viewpoints I have ever heard!!

Fascinating system this isn't it? All these people waffling on and on all hours of the day! Do human beings have an uncontrollable urge to communicate? I wonder sometimes as in everyday life most people just rush about their business without much thought to another other than their own personal goal for that moment! Looks like systems such as this are fulfilling a basic instinct?

Do I detect a little spark of interest in Sarnia? Isn't she somewhat materialistic? I think it may just be a joke but she often obsesses about money! Hang on... You're made for each other!! Barristers have lots of cash don't they?

Just testing...

Post 9

Pat Pending

I suppose ij shouldn't be lumped in with the others: it's just that he's always so bl8ody sure of himself and so confident that there are simple (normally moral) answers to every question. Sometimes it's good fun, other times it makes me grate my teeth.

BTW, loved your reply to Johnny Mnemonic the other day when you wrote "laughed so much I nearly forgot you were stupid": just found it v v funny.

Communication is often a human need, and the more so as our jobs become more specialised and time consuming. I spend hours with my head in books and papers working in a room of my own. I never get lonely, but it is always pleasant to have the option of an outlet and to have input from others, especially when it's on subjects I wouldn't otherwise discuss. Places like this mean people can "talk" if they want to, but don't have it forced on them. And the invasions have just been an amusing and harmless diversion, whatever others may say.

I think Sarnia's OK: she seems quick, but not too dogmatic and quite friendly: must admit, hadn't noticed the materialistc thing: hope she isn't.

Just testing...

Post 10


Hmmm... I can be quite rude sometimes can't I? I was going to call him Johnny Moronic as well but that might have been a little too crude? Have you seen English BullTerrier's latest side swipe which labels doug, Brad, you and me et al as the "dicks of the message board" ... I do find it strange that such a silly little thing as an on-line public forum could generate so much anger?? Perhaps it is because we're relative newcomers, I don't know? There is defintely two distinctive groups that compete with each other for dominance and another group that normally stays between the two... Then there is the Moderators as well! Where is the good Dr? Haven't seen him for while.

Bloody Stupid Johnston, as far as I can tell, never wins an argument! He simply twists the emphasis of a post to suit his mis-guided sense of moralistic achievement! Can you imagine what he is actually like in real life? A prime cadidate for becoming mass murderer, a friend commented, ala "Seven"! I never laughed so much when Brad said he was Dick Dastardly and peter pooter was Mutley!!

The MC-H'ers are throughly good bunch and have much more affinity with the lighter side of posting although some of their references to art and literature don't quite drop into place for a few hours until I have had time to work out what they're alluding to...

I am sure Sarnia is a lovely person! Probably just me remembering selectively about certain members of the posting community? She's certainly always been friendly and is usually pretty witty!

Just testing...

Post 11

Pat Pending

Re EBT's side swipe (very subtle of him, I'm sure), I think William Norton (or was it sandy winder) got it right yesterday when he posted quite a long post pretending to criticise us, but in fact pointing out that it was an open forum, no poster or group of posters owned any board, wit and humour are harmless and there's nothing wrong with interacting with new people. Needless to say, not everyone got the irony. Pirate Peter also made a series of similarly good points in Ruth's "Mel Sarnia and Tim" thread (which is off-topic if ever that pointless rule was going to be enforced), but I think it got lost in the pages and pages of self-pity which followed.

So then : tell me a bit about yourself (like where you're from for a start).

Just testing...

Post 12


Sorry Pat! Got to go now but will catch you tomorrow hopefully!

I apologise in advance but I just could not resist pot-shotting those two snivelling little cowards on the MB! (Mel Simple and English BumTerrier) If they ever bump into me I won't be the one going extinct...

Later dude!

Just testing...

Post 13

kri stickle mass

hi pat and bushy

that was a nice little chat to read through, bushy is into maths, quantum and computers from what he has said on the boards.

i thought i was losing me marbles a bit between yesterday and today but can see now that nicknames can be altered retrospectively.

now as regards sarnia, she is a lovely person who i write to and talk to on the phone. she is great fun, lives on an island and i will send her a mail tonight and send her here, she will love it.

be good to her now.

luv micky

ps pat, i spent 2 years as secretary to a criminal defence lawyer and he let me do loads of court work and watching briefs etc and eventually let me run my own cases right up to crown court. smiley - boingsmiley - biggrin

Just testing...

Post 14


Good morning everyone!

Sorry I had to rush off last night.

Right then to answer your question, I am from Hull originally but have lived in Leeds, Islington, Liverpool and Manchester. Went to Uni in Leeds and still trudge along to most Leeds United games, more fool me!

Now live in Wilmslow, South Manchester! Enjoying doing my Physics degree with OU whilst working in IT to pay the bills. Have lived with Mrs Whack'd (not married just an expression!) for 3 years but have fortunately managed to avoid children. Still get out quite a bit although am much less inclined to drop a tab and go to an all-night rave, prefering a more sedate night out however; I did end up a mad Salsa Bar over the weekend in Liverpool which was pretty cool!!

What about you Pat? Potted history perhaps?

Kris, what is the significance of "micky"?

Just testing...

Post 15


"obsesses about money?" Damn cheek!

Found you all, although it took me most of the morning. Kris said this conversation was by her page, but I clicked on Bushwhack'd's name on the "online" section and mysteriously arrived at Pat Pen's page!

Anyway, hope this works.

Just testing...

Post 16

Pat Pending


Brilliant. Welcome (ooh, aren't I just the old hand now, handing out the welcomes like the old bloke sat in the corner with a pipe and the Express "crossword").

Are you registered under "Sarnia", or have you come as an alias?

Just testing...

Post 17

Pat Pending

"Wilmslow, South Manchester"

Shouldn't that be "Wilmslow, Cheshire stockbroker belt"?

Have a meeting now, but potted history will follow later this afternoon. Perhaps, doing it in the style of Cheddar Gorge, I'll start with:

"early thirties........."

Just testing...

Post 18


Oops! smiley - blush

I am very sorry Sarnia clearly I am (as usual?) very much mistaken...

Errr... Is this my coat?

Just testing...

Post 19


Oh you know what a Marxist I am Pat! Indulge me...

Yes, it is in Cheshire's stockbroker belt, yes David Beckham buys his boxer shorts at our local M&S, yes Prestbury has the highest number of millionaires per capita and yes there is not too much mugging going on in the town centre however; I do my best to remain intellectually aloof (and thoroughly hypocritical) from all the profiteering little phoneys!

Hmmm... Interesting start to potted history "early thirties....." Might I volunteer the next line?

"Pat Pen was born at the time of Hitlers rise to power to loving parents, Osrick and Gwyneth" ??? Am I close?

Just testing...

Post 20


Thanks for the welcome Pat. Can't remember what I registered under now but changed my ID no. to Sarnia. I'll just make sure I never log out (that should solve that problem!)

This could be addictive. smiley - smiley

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