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Just testing...

Post 21


No probs Bushy. I was just having a joke with Alistair (when he mentioned bank balance).

I see you live in Wilmslow. I have family that live in Altrincham. Always rains there, doesn't it? smiley - smiley

Just testing...

Post 22

Pat Pending

"Am I close?"

Spookily so: my original name was Pat Braun.

Anyway, I'll continue:

"Originally from Wiltshire......(that's Wiltshire, Bavaria, obviously)"

Just testing...

Post 23


Thought I'd replied to this Bushy, but it isn't showing up.

I have family in Altrincham. It always rains there. smiley - smiley

Just testing...

Post 24


I'm obviously not quite getting the hang of this. I posted a reply to Bushy and ended up in Pat's Personal Space (sorry Pat!)

Just testing...

Post 25

Pat Pending


Yoyur reply to Bushy re rain in Altrincham is in another conversation.

Just testing...

Post 26


It did show up Sarnia but the replies come in chronological order. So Pat has interjected here I think?

Yes, it does rain up here quite a bit, in fact it rains a lot!! Where do you live Sarnia? "Dahn Sahf"?

Just testing...

Post 27

Pat Pending

Indeed, I've interjected and added to the confusion as a reult. See you all later. Meanwhile, here's something to discuss: "Gene: the greatest band in the world, or only in the English speaking world?"

Just testing...

Post 28


Never heard of them! Gene?

Oh you mean Genesis! Erm... Someone get a straight jacket for Pat Pen please!

Just testing...

Post 29

Pat Pending

Right, my client's been delayed for half an hour, so you're going to get a quick lesson on Gene.

4 piece from Watford via Cardiff. Awesome live, half a dozen or so top 20 hits ("We could be Kings"; "Fighting Fit"), Morrissey's fav band when The Smiths split, hard core cult following who are devoted.

PS: Genesis have done nothing decent since Peter Gabriel left: his solo stuff, however, just gets better and better.

Just testing...

Post 30


I am from dahn sahf (am a Londoner) but live in the Channel Islands (moved here from the States and before that lived in Bermuda).

Just testing...

Post 31


Was it Pat? I thought I'd posted both replies in this conversation...never mind, it's (they're) both there now.

Catch you lot later, have to go now. smiley - smiley

Just testing...

Post 32


Re: Gene: Ah right! Nope still never heard of them... Not really a big music type person actually. Do still enjoy the Housey Dance type stuff but nobody can ever replace the KLF or the Prodigy!

Sarnia, sounds like you have had an exciting globe trotting type time! Are you a tax exile I wonder? Tell us a little bit about yourself when you return...

Just testing...

Post 33

Pat Pending

Still at work, so can't be bothered with my potted biography or Gene or anything else, but before I go, just one question: Is "doug deep" anyone here? If this question seems weird, I'll explain tomorrow.

Night all.

Just testing...

Post 34


doug deep? Ummm... I don't think so! Why?

Oh morning by the way! Please don't shout as I have serious hangover! Seems I was a little bit naughty last night and on a school night too... Disgraceful!

Just testing...

Post 35


Hi Bushy,

Bloody pain school isn't it? Or rather, having to get up to get bratlings organised for it.

Just testing...

Post 36


No "bratlings" for me Sarnia! Only myself to organise fortunately! How are you today? How many children do you have?

Good morning Sarnia!

Shall I change my name? Kristine cannot stop giggling at the back of the class when I am talking!

Just testing...

Post 37


Good morning Bushy (please note I am not shouting).

Am ok, nothing that a mega shot of caffeine (via cafetierre) won't cure!

Have three school-age bratlings. I don't mention it on boards (or hardly ever) as feel I may be pigeon-holed. smiley - smiley

Just testing...

Post 38

kri stickle mass

hi sarnia,

are you going to keep your beeby name here, i have been trying to lever bushy into choosing something less pornographic smiley - flyhismiley - biggrin

hope you had fun being naughty.........*bushy*

hi pat pen, in my opinion, doug may or may not already be here smiley - huh i just relax and take him as he comes. of course, no one has invited him here, i will pop over and invite him now.

smiley - surfersmiley - wizard

busy day today, catch you all later smiley - love

Just testing...

Post 39


Morning Kris,

Yes, will prob. keep my Beeby name.

How do you type all those pictures btw? I stumbled across smiley - smiley by accident.

Busy day for me too - catch you later!

Just testing...

Post 40


Pigeon-holed? What kind of a numpty would do that?

You have 3 school aged? How many more... Come on Sarnia, confess!! Confess or it's the comfy cushion for you my girl!

I'd love a cup of coffee to wake me up a little alas I am too idle to make the walk down the corridor to the coffee machine! Ummm... Who shall I ring to see if I can con them into doing it for me? Management Accountant? Her assistant? Receptionist?

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