Introduction to something

I have a name again! Well, most of the time.
I haven't really got the hang existence, which is why I prefer listening to music while the people who previously would be described by the term 'schoolmates' carry on existing in ways I find terribly dull and predictable. Hence I am probably overly sarcastic but only to people I don't really like.
I like music, but only the sort of music I like. And I have lots of it. People who like any of the genres encompassed in indie-guitar-prog-punk-singer/songwriter-jazzrock-rock/pop (oh, and Classical a very little bit) will be able to talk to me about something. I'm hoping that this is the sort of website that contains people who know more than me, because I need that experience to happen to me in case I fall out with someone for not knowing who Ed Harcourt is again.
I'm in First year at Uni, which, for those of you who don't know, is the year that you start to substitute sleep for alcohol in.
Anyhoo, talking to people over the internet is quite useful for people like me, who wish that there was a delete key in real life too.

I wish John Cleese would stop trying to be funny. He just can't do it anymore.


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