Introduction to me
My name's Adam and I live in central Michigan. I hate my home town because of its shitty undiverse culture. Everyone is white catholic upper/middle class. It pisses me off. Actualy lots of things piss me off, maybe that's why im writing this right now in a partial hospitalization program for adolecents. Adolecents, yeah i'm 15. I love all the Douglas Adams books and im totaly into that kind of satire (kurt vonnegut and stuff) I'm also really into music. GOOD music. You know: Frank Zappa, Led Zepplin, Tom Petty, Bob Dylan (people say I look like him) and a s**t load of other stuff thats mostly just cheep thrills (punk music)
Anyway, thats me in a paragraph.
tikibobber (Researcher 207777)
Researcher U207777
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