My life
difficult to know where to start. My name is Ann, i'm 53, and could be described as a bored housewife, but i'm much too busy for that. I like gardening, but my husband says that i love plants too much, and so will never have the sort of garden that apears in the glossy magazines. This year i've had to neglect my plants, because i've been busy helping with reroofing our house.
Conversation Title | Latest Post | Latest Reply |
next word game | Nov 17, 2002 | Last Week |
Walking in the rain | Nov 3, 2002 | No Replies |
Butterfly Bush - Nanho Purple | Nov 3, 2002 | No Replies |
Osiyo Ann... | Oct 31, 2002 | Oct 31, 2002 |
Rubbish | Oct 31, 2002 | No Replies |
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