This is the Message Centre for Hogster 207478
Welcome to h2g2 Hogster...
Emmily ~ Roses are red, Peas are green, My face is a laugh, But yours is a scream Started conversation Oct 28, 2002
Hi Hogster....
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Welcome to h2g2 Hogster...
Hogster 207478 Posted Oct 29, 2002
Y thank U kindly Emmily (one more M than my daughter.
I avoid religion as my opinions often offend.
I'm not atheist. I'm not Christian, in fact I am not into any "brand" of religion. I have litle time for fundamentalism of any shape or form, blind faith has caused more deaths in the name of God than anything else.
As Man became more enlightened I had great hopes for civilisation, but the Christians Muslim and Jewish fanatics on this planet are determined to bring to living hell thier own brand of faith.
Nearest i can get to my beliefs is a weird mixture of Buddhism (but that's atheist) and Quakerism,( but I'm not a pacafist and I rather like alcohol..) *sigh* so I shall just have to keep on searching. I put Jedi as my faith on the census form. I think that about sums it up.
At a time when US states are teaching kids evolution didn't occur when the evidence is all around them, that Muslims are told to die for their faith is holy - when clearly its not and when jews appear to regarding bombing Palestinians for whatever reason is a good thing they forgot the Holocaust didn't they, then Religion on this planet needs shutting down...until they can read their texts and I mean READ them not interpret them.
Welcome to h2g2 Hogster...
Emmily ~ Roses are red, Peas are green, My face is a laugh, But yours is a scream Posted Oct 29, 2002
Hi Hogster....
Hmmmm..religion has a lot to answer for..I thank God everyday that I'm an athiest....
Emily is a lovely name..your daughter is lucky to have such a nice name..&..lucky to have parents that can spell....I get a lot of comments about my spelling of Emmily..hey....I reckoned if Emma was spelt with 2'm' I thought it only logical the Emily had two too..I was wrong!....
Are you finding your way around this vast site?..&..liking what you find here?..
Welcome to h2g2 Hogster...
Hogster 207478 Posted Nov 2, 2002
hmm not finding my way around too quickly, would say it is not as intuitive as I'd like, but I do like the idea. And also chance to discuss imprtant things like Harley Davidson's with folks. Atheism? ha! atheism IS a religion. The religion of non-belief.. sigh..
Welcome to h2g2 Hogster...
Quille the cynic...TC Posted Nov 2, 2002
*contests* Ok I just feel like posting..Hi Emmily.
Can you explain why you think Atheism is really a religion? I mean religion generally denotes some god or symbol as their worship, while atheism is just the opposite. Atheists shun the very idea of a symbolic omnipresent being...
Ok I'll be quiet now since you don't enjoy arguing religion. But if you want to argue it (and don't want to offend others) the FFFF (Freedom From Faith Foundation) is a good place to do so. It also has a good bit of philosophy in it. If you want the link please ask
I'm just a non-religious person who hasn't studied enough religion to make REAL conclusions about it. So I could also talk about countless other things with as much ease...
Quille the
Welcome to h2g2 Hogster...
Quille the cynic...TC Posted Nov 2, 2002
Aww yes and if you'd like any help navigating and the like, please feel free to ask me and I'll try to tell you some (not that wonderful Emmily doesn't do a much better job than I do.)
Welcome to h2g2 Hogster...
Hogster 207478 Posted Nov 2, 2002
Interesting point, can the firm belief in the NON-existence of an omnipresent being be a Religion?
Since none of us can KNOW for sure whether there is or isn't an Almighty, then a belief in the NON-existence of one is surely as much a faith as one that believes there IS? But the difference to me is most atheists I've known (not a lot to be sure) have not preached conversion and world domination nor eternal damnation if I refused to accept their belief. So Atheists are OK by me, I could have been a Buddhist after all you see.
Personally I reckon the Jedi have it about right if you want to know my beliefs. You see I'm NOT an atheist, but each to their own and my God allows folks not to believe in he/she/it, because, well, he's (I'll use the "he" as its easier)waaay too superior than us pond life to bother about silly things like that. Don't believe me - jeez this guy created the UNIVERSE for chrissake, there's a job and a half eh!
I'm not sure if he even registers our existence at all - well he does have Life, the Universe and Eccentrica Golumbitz to look after.
And who said I didn't enjoy discussing religion? I think I said my beliefs often offend. BTW Thanks for the link
Welcome to h2g2 Hogster...
Quille the cynic...TC Posted Nov 2, 2002
Makes sense. You know about the Jedi religion then? I should prolly ask about it, as I've just thouht of a question. Is it like Star Wars Jedi, or is it alot different? Just the all-around force thing or with less sci-fi? Sounds a bit far out even for religion to actually be worshipped wholly for the entire power of the force (some of the things that is), but I REALLY am interested in it.
Aww yes. Atheists are fantabulous. I'm not even an atheist and have been damned to the depths of hell (keep in mind I'm 14 and am only arguing religion with my family and peers who get it completely from society and the rest of their peers). So I wrote a book (ok more like 20 pages...). It's dumb, but I love it. I haven't even read it for a year and it isn't finished.
Aww yes, but I really should read the Bible before arguing into the depths of God too much.
Sorry about that. Read it wrong Can't think how beliefs offend most *shrug* Anything's fine by me if you truly believe in it and can explain it...
welcome for the link
and I leave you with the question:
'Does God encompass all evils for he made the Devil (an angel with no soul) able to create rebellion?' <----no one would explain the answer to me.
Welcome to h2g2 Hogster...
Emmily ~ Roses are red, Peas are green, My face is a laugh, But yours is a scream Posted Nov 2, 2002
*waves* Hi Quillie....
Hi Hogster....
..I've not been around for a few days..
I think God is like Santa Claus....something from one's childhood that one grows out of....
I live near a church..the road on a Sunday is always packed with parked amuses me..all these people..doing what?..asking their God to solve their problems?..asking their God to forgive their they can commit more sins..& forgiven again..that's too easy..the hardest person to forgive you yourself..Athiesm is not a religion at all..I hope you realised I was just teasing about.."thanking God everyday that I'm an athiest" an athiest I believe in myself..I have tolerance of all walks of life..if other people want to believe in a God..that's their choice..just don't'shove it down my throat'..IMO most religious people lack's that lack of tolerance that causes so many problems..
Welcome to faith
Hogster 207478 Posted Nov 3, 2002
well some interesting point folks.
Atheism is a religion IMHO as I said before. Fervent belief in Non- existance of a God is as much a faith as one where you belive one does exist.
But my objections to religion are not objections to a God. Except God is the wrong word.. it implies a being, a person with human charecteristice. Nope I hate intolerance of beliefs. I can feel closer to "my god" whatever, whoever that is, in a field of corn on a warm summer day than I can in a church. So many folks go to Church and think "OK I've absolved myself.. lets go persecute a Muslim" What utter hypocrites they are. Religion.. TRUE religion is not Sunday one day a week, or a few Hail Mary's. It is tolerance of others, understanding, love and even THAT's not all of it. I urge anyone to read up on ALL faiths. and accept NONE. Reading these posts I have belief that folks today ARE getting better awareness. Just don't fall into the trap that chums of mine did at college. e.g I met a lass who was doing Biology BsC, she firmly believed that evolution was a lie.. and that God had put fossils in the earths crust to fool us.. Yeah that makes sense doesn't it..Blind faith a VERY dangerous thing, should come with a warning like Nuclear missiles or cigarettes. If you can con folks the earth was made in seven days it's easy to kid them that Jews are evil and should be murdered isn't it!
Welcome to h2g2 Hogster...
Hogster 207478 Posted Nov 3, 2002
No Jedi not a real religion in my vew. Thankfully! No worship is NOT the thing.. No god worth their salt wants worship surely! Why on earth would the all powerful , all encompassing sprit that flows through every atom of existence want worship?
Anyone who's damned you to hell at 14 is a very very sick person. Book writing is good, everyone has a book in them my father did, I got it published privately (4 copies) and gave him one to read just days before he died! The look on his face was magic. So don't wait as long as he did, go publish!
You should read what you want to rad, and why stop at the bible? What about the book of Buddha? and who says religion needs books? look at Hinduism!
God - encompassing evil? Hmm interesting idea. As u may imagine, to me God is not a being with a white beard, God is a power, a force,something far more substantial, yet non-existant, yet more than an old geezer with a glowing crown on his head and a booming voice..
The nearest I have heard any religion describe God is Christianity when they talk about the Holy Ghost, but ask a Christian to explain the Holy Ghost to you - never found one yet who can. So in that sense therefore, yes god is evil, but all good, god is everything. Angels? Shmangels.. u still believe in Pixies and fairies at the bottom of your garden? ha ha ha, go read Tolkein.. if that's your bag.
Welcome to h2g2 Hogster...
Quille the cynic...TC Posted Nov 3, 2002
OH ok. I was just wondering because I know nothing about it other than my infatuation with Star Wars. Glad it's not one of those evil worship things...good Buddhismish.
Not that sick...well maybe a bit deranged. I really don't mind . Wow! That's fabulous. (what's it about?) *secretly wants to read it, but that would sort of ruin the beauty of what it was* I wouldn't get my book published. It's too controversial, and without me to pursuade the poeple, it is complete crap. I can send some to you. I mostly wrote it at 3 AM when I was musing on pointless things.
I stopped at the Bible because we have it somewhere in our house. (though no one that lives in our house is religious). We might have the book of Buddha here somewhere to. I would need to find time to read it though! I don't really believe religion is real anyhow. It is more used as a way to twist people than a form of beauty and true belief that it should be.
Yes I got that. Had to phrase the question so my friends at school could understand and try to find an answer in their religious know how.
Hmm...I could describe it as I saw the Holy Ghost, but it would sound dumb. I wasn't wondering exactly, but more of..well testing I guess. To see what they really thought, and to change their opinions, while I really was asking you. Thanks for answering Me? Believe in angels? I don't even believe in God so I think not. I read The through the first hundred pages, skipped 20 or so and he was still describing the same d**n tree. I hear the rest is better...I personally enjoy sci-fi (Asimov, Heinlein, Card, Adams) and also Pratchett, Vonnegut etc. I have an entire list linked to my space.
Welcome to h2g2 Hogster...
Emmily ~ Roses are red, Peas are green, My face is a laugh, But yours is a scream Posted Nov 3, 2002
*waves* Hi Quillie..
Welcome to h2g2 Hogster...
Hogster 207478 Posted Nov 6, 2002
will you guys stop waving to each other!
It gets windy when you do that..
Its a bit like when Zaphoid, Trillian and Arthur and Ford all meet for the first time too, so quit it LOL
Welcome to h2g2 Hogster...
Hogster 207478 Posted Nov 6, 2002
Just posted hun, sounds a cool guy, but then I always knew he/she/it would be.
Its just the Religious nuters who cannot see their hypocrisy who let us down. Don't get me wrong, there are exceptions. I know of some truly wonderful priests, I know some kind wonderful Muslims and Jews and Hindus, so I respect them all.
The onse I'd have shot if I could? Well let's start with the "Born Agains" shall we? teaching kids that Darwin was wrong... that fossils were put in the earth to fool us! (Now there's a laugh). and then lets follow up with those idiots in Israel who think it OK to attack palestinians yet get really surprised when they blow themselves and innocent jewish children to bits... well if you take away everything they have, what do you expect.
Welcome to h2g2 Hogster...
Hogster 207478 Posted Nov 6, 2002
OSC is a great writer, he's a Mormon , now if you really want to have a chuckle about how stupid religion can be and how intelligent folks can be conned into handing over 10% of all their worldly goods, read up on the Mormons.
If Religion was regulated it wouldn't exist!
Welcome to h2g2 Hogster...
Quille the cynic...TC Posted Nov 6, 2002
*forcefully pulls hand out of the rhythmic waving pattern*
Aww yes god is a fabulously wonderful person! Talking to god in 2 convos aww the marvels
Yes he's quite good at writing! Perhaps I will. I think the best religious philosophy I've heard was from Heinlein as Michael Valentine in 'Stranger in a Strange Land'.
Welcome to h2g2 Hogster...
Hogster 207478 Posted Nov 11, 2002
Wife loved S in a SL. I kind of went. zzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Preferred Starship Troopers and Arthur C's Childhood's End
Welcome to h2g2 Hogster...
Quille the cynic...TC Posted Nov 11, 2002
Hmm should probably read troopers and childhood's end. Need to get more Asimov (already read foundation series)...Argh! I need TIME!!!!
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Welcome to h2g2 Hogster...
- 1: Emmily ~ Roses are red, Peas are green, My face is a laugh, But yours is a scream (Oct 28, 2002)
- 2: Hogster 207478 (Oct 29, 2002)
- 3: Emmily ~ Roses are red, Peas are green, My face is a laugh, But yours is a scream (Oct 29, 2002)
- 4: Hogster 207478 (Nov 2, 2002)
- 5: Quille the cynic...TC (Nov 2, 2002)
- 6: Quille the cynic...TC (Nov 2, 2002)
- 7: Hogster 207478 (Nov 2, 2002)
- 8: Quille the cynic...TC (Nov 2, 2002)
- 9: Emmily ~ Roses are red, Peas are green, My face is a laugh, But yours is a scream (Nov 2, 2002)
- 10: Hogster 207478 (Nov 3, 2002)
- 11: Hogster 207478 (Nov 3, 2002)
- 12: Quille the cynic...TC (Nov 3, 2002)
- 13: Emmily ~ Roses are red, Peas are green, My face is a laugh, But yours is a scream (Nov 3, 2002)
- 14: Quille the cynic...TC (Nov 3, 2002)
- 15: Hogster 207478 (Nov 6, 2002)
- 16: Hogster 207478 (Nov 6, 2002)
- 17: Hogster 207478 (Nov 6, 2002)
- 18: Quille the cynic...TC (Nov 6, 2002)
- 19: Hogster 207478 (Nov 11, 2002)
- 20: Quille the cynic...TC (Nov 11, 2002)
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