This is the Message Centre for toxxin - ¡umop apisdn w,I 'aw dlaH

Reply to az

Post 61



It must have been terribly frightening for you to have people break into your home and attack you. Why did they call you a 'f**king paedophile'? Do you think this was their motive for breaking in and attacking you? Have you had any previous 'paedphile' convictions that you haven't mentioned? Otherwise, why would these bastards have called you this? Why did they think of you as a paedophile and use this as an excuse to do what they did?


Well, a few months ago I would have thought that our recent conversations together would have been an impossibility. Hence, you also don't need to walk on eggshells on the god thread when you want to argue against something I have said that you disagree with, okay?


Oh, I have no doubt! smiley - biggrin

Have you got your supplies in? Are you okay?


Reply to az

Post 62


You have disappeared again. What's up?


Reply to az

Post 63

toxxin - ¡umop apisdn w,I 'aw dlaH

This all started in '01, az. My house was raided by cops and the story got out that I was being busted for that kind of offence. Actually an indecent assault which was dropped by the cops after an identification parade produced no result from either of the two victims. I've been victimised by vigilantes ever since. Unlike Matthew Kelly, the fact that I was never charged doesn't get into the media!

As to my latest absence: one of my crutches must have snagged the phone cable. I managed to drag myself down to Tesco yesterday and install a new one. The effort left me sleeping for a day, but as you see I'm back. smiley - smiley

How heartening that someone should care enough to enquire. You are a kind lady and I don't blame you for being suspicious. I guess any intelligent person would be. All my windows are now boarded up and I'm even more scared to go out in case someone kicks my crutches away. I know it sounds OTT but there are some real bastards round here.

With many thanks, toxx.

Reply to az

Post 64


I'm a kind 'lady'??? Lady?


Well then I hope you won't mind me asking this. You were quite vague about the incident in '01. You only said that the charges for indecent assault were dropped because the cops could not produce any positive identification from the two (two???) victims. You didn't say that you were innocent of these charges or explain why the cops would have busted you in the first place.


I don't agree with vigilante activities but I am struggling to understand how you have got to this state if you have done nothing to to make your neighbours respond in such a strong manner.


Reply to az

Post 65

toxxin - ¡umop apisdn w,I 'aw dlaH

Lots of questions there, az, but I can easily answer them all. The cops busted me in the first place because I had my camera kit with me in the local park. I guess the neighbours equated this with photographing kids even though I took no photos (cops checked the film) and it wouldn't be an offence if I had (but why would I?). As a sort of aside, I was warned off entering one of the local pubs this lunchtime on the grounds of photographing kids in the park. Even if I had, it's difficult to imagine how a kid gets to suffer as a result. Folks round here are just dim!

Anyway, kindly woman (is that better?), these neighbours complained to the cops who, given the sensitivity of such things, sent a squad round to ferret about among all my kit, including the computer. In order to justify this on more rational grounds than the neighbours' ramblings, they dug up a month old unsolved case as an excuse to do the search. The two victims/witnesses described the perpetrator as 'black' which sure ain't me. You see how stupid it gets! I never saw the girls because one-way glass is used for the ID process. Nevertheless, I felt sorry for them because I know that they were hoping to see the bloke and nail him, and it wasn't going to happen. Immediately afterwards the cops forgot that incident, but then tried to make what they could of the contents of the computer.

If you have more questions, I shall be more than happy to answer them.


Reply to az

Post 66


smiley - sadface

Can't you move, or ask for permission to move?

- Jordan

Reply to az

Post 67



Did you see this article?,3604,1097623,00.html

Perhaps moving would be a good idea.


Reply to az

Post 68

toxxin - ¡umop apisdn w,I 'aw dlaH

Jordan and az. I shall move at the first oppo. At the moment, since they're still on my case, there's a condition that I continue to live here. This latest event should get rid of that, plus I'm told that the crim inj compo could be worth a couple of K which should help.

Just moving a couple of miles puts me into a different world. People are incredibly helpful when you're on crutches. I get a sit-on electric trolley at Tesco. I'm helpful back in my own way. I bring a cheerier atmosphere to a hospital ward that has been rather dismal. I don't have to be academic all the time! smiley - smiley Yep, I'll be looking forward to '04, even if I have to spend it in clink. I have a solid defence, but it's a little complicated for the average punter to follow. Ah well, I can but go for it. Cheers for any support; it isn't misplaced.


Reply to az

Post 69

toxxin - ¡umop apisdn w,I 'aw dlaH

Thanks for the link, az. Yep, it's a lot like that story even when you haven't been found guilty. I admit to looking at pictures of pretty girls on the internet. I've been a pushover for them since I was a little lad. On the other hand, I haven't laid a finger on one of them or paid or traded for images on the net. The pictures I like can be downloaded for free. They can be found in books in your local library!

Even so, I'm lucky to be alive after the attempt to set fire to my house. Yep, I tend to go shopping at odd hours now we have a 24 hour Tesco. What with the crutches, I shall be ordering my stuff over the net even though I can hardly afford the £5 charge. Yep, as the story says, it is the new witch persecution.

Just one local pub accepts me now. Thanks, Nigel and Julie. They have a couple of young kids too, so they're showing exceptional sense. Actually, I was in their pub when the indecent assault offence took place. The cops didn't even bother to ask where I was, even though there were witnesses.Mostly though, the article is right. I'm an outlaw! I could be dismembered in the street and nobody would report it. It takes some guts to discuss this on a public forum, but I want intelligent people to know what life is like for the alleged paedophile. If they jail me, I shall be writing the book.

Cheers, toxx

Reply to az

Post 70


What's happening on Monday?


Reply to az

Post 71


hi again,

It sounds a bit like you are pushing things, talking about your court case and broken leg on the god thread. Are you wanting to go more 'public' than you have been doing here? I'm just curious.

btw, if Oetzi shows up on this thread don't be surprised if I tell him to just go away. That guy keeps showing up on many of my more 'personal' conversations and it's quite getting on my nerves. And he knows it.


Reply to az

Post 72

toxxin - ¡umop apisdn w,I 'aw dlaH

az. I know Oetzi gives some people, including you, a hard time. I guess most of my legal problem is off topic in the God thread so I prefer it here. I'm not ashamed of anything I've done; and if you happen to think of anything I might regret, please ask. I've been perfectly honest throughout.

I got effectively barred from a local pub by a couple of guys who followed me into the gents yesterday. Worst aspect of that was that they couldn't confront me in the bar! I suppose they wanted to give the impression of being prepared to do me over. They sure weren't listening to reason. smiley - doh


Reply to az

Post 73

toxxin - ¡umop apisdn w,I 'aw dlaH

Oh yep, az. Monday was suddenly planned to be a repeat of the 3rd when I was in hosp. My plea to plead 'not guilty'. I could make it with effort, but medically I'm not really in shape. Zonked by painkillers and tranks as well as being almost immobile. Not the kind of state to be up to putting a fair case for oneself. Not even had conference with new solicitor yet. Not even sure that he has the papers from the old firm.


Reply to az

Post 74


Oetzi does not give me a hard time - ever. I am quite capable of ignoring his more idiotic responses on general threads, though sometimes he is more or less coherent. I just don't like it when he shows up on my more 'personal conversations' and starts making a nuisance of himself. Sorry, but he has done this a lot. So I thought I would tell you in case he shows up here. If he shows up I will just ask him to go away. If he wants to chat with you on another thread, then fine.

You got out to the pub on crutches yesterday? Well, that's good. It wasn't good (obviously) that you got confronted by a couple of very nasty people.

toxx, I keep trying to understand how you could be thrown into the clink for just looking at 'top shelf' sort of porn. I can't imagine how this could happen. I want to believe all that you are telling me but parts of it don't add up and really don't make sense. Surely the police wouldn't make such an issue about you for no reason? Or perhaps I am just being a bit naïve about how the police operate? As I say, I don't know.

I feel a bit in limbo with you. I appreciate your honesty and your trust with telling me so many things on this thread. Perhaps my doubts are based on the fact that what you may find innocuous and innocent are not what others (including myself) would agree with. But as I say, I still don't know this and have yet to come to a personal conclusion about all you have been telling me.

I think you know by now that I was sexually abused as a child. So I don't take this sort of thing lightly. What others might perceive as just a bit of fun can totally destroy a child's self-esteem, sense of self-worth and perception of the world. And for what? Because an irresponsible adult just wanted to get their rocks off? I cannot agree with this, okay? And this is not a hysterical or emotional response to that, it is in fact a somewhat cold and possibly calculated response. At any rate, I will not let myself respond until I feel sure of the facts.

Just don't get too into playing the 'victim', okay? That won't wash with me. I know people can be very unkind and perhaps you are experiencing outrageous acts of unfair violence towards yourself. If people are doing this, this means they are afraid of you, or of what you represent. Which may or may not be fair. I certainly don't condone violence of any sort, no matter if they are right about you or not. But you keep telling me they are wrong about you.

And I'd like this to be true.

I do want to believe you, toxx. And I hope you can understand why it is difficult for me to just accept everything you say right now. As I say, I have not made up my mind yet. It's a very delicate topic for me and so I am being perhaps too careful.

The good thing is that I have quite enjoyed chatting with you and I am glad we are no longer 'enemies' on the god thread. Also, I *have* become your friend, haven't I? smiley - smiley

Anyhow, take care and let me know what is happening, okay?


Reply to az

Post 75

toxxin - ¡umop apisdn w,I 'aw dlaH

I guess that what you describe equates to a 'hard time' for me. Sorry if the phrase isn't what you would use.

OK, we're not talking about 'top shelf' stuff but mostliy milder photos but with models who might be under 16. Think of the work of David Hamilton. His work is in hardback books, where it's legal. The law prohibits 'making' (ruled to equal downloading) indecent pictures of models under 16. Hamilton could be prosecuted, but not the purchasers of his books - because they haven't 'made' anything. Many photographers appreciate the special qualities of the adolescent girl. It's only photos, for goodness sake, no physical contact or stuff like that involved.

Hamilton was, in fact, prosecuted in Finland - and found to be not guilty. That's the only country where this happened as far as I know. Then there are Bourbouillon and Rusinov and many others. I prefer this photographic art to pictures of grossly sexualised and siliconised 'models' as seen on the top shelves and page three. The law takes a different view. This appears to be so even though the country in which the photo is taken makes no law against it. It is questionable whether British law does. It all depends on a jury's interpretation of the word 'indecent'. This 'after the fact' decision of what the law requires is probably contrary to Article 7 of the Human Rights Act, 1998.

Cheers, toxx.

Reply to az

Post 76


So what happened on Monday? Didn't you say you had something big happening?


Reply to az

Post 77

toxxin - ¡umop apisdn w,I 'aw dlaH

Hi there, az. I mentioned 'Monday' at the start of my last message I think. I guess I 'coded' too much of the message so here's the full story. On Friday evening I checked for phone messages and found one from the solicitor saying we were due in court on Monday morning to do what we should have done when I was in hospital. He asked if I could get certification that I was under doctor's orders not to travel so he would have excellent grounds for cancelling the arrangement.

Since I am technically 'on bail', the court officials virtually have powers of life or death, so I was kinda panicked to realise that it was too late to contact him or anyone else until Monday itself. However, I was already about to contact the hospital consultant's secretary for certification that I was confined to a hospital bed on the 3rd when I should have been in court.

It occurred to me that I could ask for an additional clause to certify that I wouldn't be able to travel (risk of more damage, pain, general difficulty etc) until the leg brace is removed on Jan 14th if all goes well. I was still panicking that this might be too late, might not work, involve spending money I don't have etc.

It now transpires that the solicitor had a later message on Friday to say that my name had been taken off a later, revised version of Monday's case list. He just didn't bother to let me know. smiley - doh So I had panicked all weekend for nothing. Ah well, all seems to be sorted now and I even persuaded the solicitor to speak directly to the consultant's secretary. She kept asking questions about what would be needed, which only he could have answered, so I was being a rather useless piggy in the middle. Anyway, if he asks for the certificate/report it will be more tricky to get me to pay, I reckon. Hehehe.


Reply to az

Post 78


smiley - hollysmiley - reindeersmiley - santasmiley - giftsmiley - xmaspudsmiley - mistletoesmiley - cracker

Merry Christmas toxx!

How is the day going? I just opened my prezzies sent by Blues Shark, one of which included a cd by Bukka White, very old delta blues guy. It is wonderful. I wrote more about my prezzies on my 'no grinching allowed' thread, if you're interested. I just can't write it all again.

Must make my Christmas lunch soon. I've been saying that for the past hour or so. smiley - biggrin

But it has been such a lovely and laid-back sort of day . . . later I will have to call my mother in Canada and some other friends. In fact, they should all be up and about by now.

Anyhow, I hope you are having a nice Christmas.

smiley - holly


Reply to az

Post 79

toxxin - ¡umop apisdn w,I 'aw dlaH

Hi az and I hope you've had a great day. Only just spotted your message. Had a good siesta this afternoon! I've been telling myself to cook something since Christmas Eve. Managed a tin of soup only. Got some pork in which I plan to curry.

Hey, I can dig dem old country and urban blues too! Once saw Sonny Terry and Brownie McGee locally. Robert Johnson of course and all those blind guys are cool. I come up to date with Clapton, some of whose tracks I utterly adore. There's a live album where he has a decent backing group - something he had often tended to lack. 'Cocaine' is magic and 'Further on up the Road!.

Cheers, toxx

Reply to az

Post 80


So, what's up? Are you okay?


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