Journal Entries

Decisions decisions

if anybody wonders where my evil twin is, i'm away in a manger, no crib for a bed...smiley - biggrin

nah, actually just going through my own little private crisis. i wonder what you all might do, theoretically speaking.

my options...

i)experimental chemotherapy with unknown side effects.
ii)surgery with probable recurrence.
iii) surgery and chemo or radio therapy.

am booked in for the chop but dont like the idea of a merry go round of multiple surgeries, which it will probably start.
radiotherapy sounds horrible(i've seen what a microwave does to meat) and chemo sounds worse. smiley - run
i'm young, gorgie smiley - winkeye and still of reproductive age..bugger bugger bugger.

suggestions anyone?

berylsmiley - cool and her new friend desmond the tumor.smiley - erm

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Latest reply: Nov 26, 2002

So many nice people...

what a lovely place...i've been asterisked, but it's a learning curve, not a bell curve i hope.smiley - biggrin

just stumbled over the name of a friend of a friend of the chappy that 'convinced' me to vacate the other forumsmiley - erm small small small world the cyber world..... smiley - wah

just when you think it's safe to go back into the water....well, fingies and toesies crossed i'm safe here.smiley - biggrin

do the basil thing- and nobody mention the evil twin, and we should all be ok smiley - run

btw, i'm not really evil, nor a twin, and nor am i acutally named beryl...but it's someone i've blamed for so much in my life, over sooo many years... i've started to love her smiley - kiss

*yoda voice*
inner evil twin yours, embrace.


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Latest reply: Oct 22, 2002

Why I am here

damn fine question.

i have come here to escape a lunatic stalker in another online forum (we wont even go there...soooo boring)...and i'm really only familiar with the way that one works...

i cant believe the english sleep so long! where are they all? surely they know i'm here and wanting attention..and will come to un-performance anxiety me..

*sniff sniff*

*sob sob blubber blubber* it's like being the new kid at school....
wont somebody play with me?

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Latest reply: Oct 19, 2002

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