This is the Message Centre for No Absolutes

well you are not alone

Post 1


hi andy here i've been here for about 4 months come and check out my personal space if you need some ideas!!

andysmiley - bat

well you are not alone

Post 2

No Absolutes

hey there andy. i popped over to your place...and have no idea how to do that kind of's not html smiley - sadface ...and when i tried to put smilies in my own page thingy, it didnt work.

so, i'm just not getting the h2g2 thing...where are the people exactly? like, where can i speak to them before i launch into writing something?

i understand the rules but what is the etiquette and how does it all usually happen?

well you are not alone

Post 3


the etiquette thing find a convos butt in and add your bit of info well thats how i usully do it and i have only been here for about 4 months and as i posted on your journal i am british
i take it you are australian and with the time zone thing a lot of brits are in bed it is 04:00am over here and i will be going home in an hour as i am at work!!

andysmiley - bat

well you are not alone

Post 4

No Absolutes

i might try playing with the time zone thing...and see if i get further....but where are the conversations? and how do i know i'm not in hostile territory?
surely there are unwritten rules you have discovered in your wanderings around here?
tell me, as you know, i'm australian, and gaff is our national middle name.. smiley - winkeye


well you are not alone

Post 5


well its 3:00pm now and im here no unwritten rules just trawl around and add comments or just chatsmiley - biggrin

andysmiley - bat

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