This is the Message Centre for Cazz - the angel with a magical touch.
Hello:0) XXX
dragonheart Posted May 6, 2003
GoodMorning Cazz
How are you today my friend.
I hope you had a good relaxing evening and that you slept well and that your tummy is much better today. Heres a nice cup of and a soft :0)X(0: for you. I slept better last night and did'nt wake up till 7:30 but still feel tired (=_=) as i did'nt get to bed till 1:30 i was chatting on phone to a friend and did'nt notice the time.
Well its nice and sunny here today hope it nice where you are my friend. I think Snowy is getting close to having her kittens:0). I will give her a gentle :0)(0: and Lady too for you. Give Charlie and Holly a :0)(0: from me please. I have to go out this morning up town. Im glad you like my personal space i might add more to it late in the week. Anyway my friend i hope you have a good day and enjoy in what ever you do. I have just rembered
i was told on here that if i keep the smileys down to a minimum of 7 then it would'nt crash on the messages. We are doing well again
we are on the 101th message so it looks like we can have a drink and toast that tonight my friend.
Well takecare have a nice day and i'll chat to you later.
Love 's & xxxxxxxxxx's
Your friend Michael.
Hello:0) XXX
Cazz - the angel with a magical touch. Posted May 6, 2003
Good Morning Michael, thank you for such lovely messages. I am running a bit late as I had a bit of a lie in. Thankfully I did sleep better last night. It sounds like you could do with an earlier night! lol. I'm sorry to hear that you feel tired.
Thank you for the and the cuddle, also for the cuddle for the dogs. As always I send nice cuddles for the cats. I hope Snowy is fine when she has her kittens.
I have to go out Michael so I must rush. I will be in touch with you later. I hope you have a nice day. It is sunny here also.
My tummy is just hurting a little at the moment. Chat later. :o)(o:
and a :o)X(o:
to you,
from Cazz
ps. Yes we have done well with this posting so far
Also, I loved what you said about Snowy and 7 kittens! lmao.
Hello:0) XXX
Cazz - the angel with a magical touch. Posted May 6, 2003
Hiya Michael, how are you my friend? What kind of a day have you had? Mine has been busy but at least the weather was kind to me. In fact it is still sunny.
The dogs got a nice walk today. They loved it. On Friday morning I may not get to message you as I have to be at the vets with Holly for 8.30am. I'll have to leave her there till the afternoon. She is to have her teeth done. I will hate leaving her, I'll miss her like mad and so will Charlie.
How is the 'Mum-to-be' Snowy? I bet she is fit to burst now! Bless her. Give her a nice gentle cuddle and also a nice cuddle for Lady too.
I rang Telewest today and got nowhere! They just told me that it was a fault and they are dealing with it. They have no idea when it will be fixed! It is enough to make me go out and buy a pc! It is so annoying.
I do hope you have had a good day and that you will relax tonight. I'm going to chat to a friend but not for too long as I want a bath and an early night. I do hope you sleep well and that you are not awake till the early hours again.
Well, I will wish you Good Night my dear friend. I'll be in touch tomorrow. Take care.
Love, 's
and a :o)x(o:
from Cazz
Hello:0) XXX
dragonheart Posted May 6, 2003
Goodevening Cazz
IM glad the day as been good for you and do hope your tummy gets better soon my frind:0)(0:
My day as been fine. I went to town this morning a brought some new jeans:0). Ive been busy in my shed making a new little bench for the garden i hope to have it finished tomorrow. My evening is going well ive watched the soaps
and will watch Most Haunted at 9:00p.m. and i have to phone my friend at 9:00 as well on her new phone i brought her.
Anyway my friend i hope you will
join me in a drink cheers.
Well i hope you enjoy your bath and have a good relaxing evening and that you sleep well tonight
and i hope i sleep well too.
Snowy is very big now and does look as though she is going to pop. I will give her a gentle :0)(0: from you and :0)(0: for Lady too. Give Charlie and Holly a :0)(0: from me please and i hope everything goes well for him
at the vets.
Well i'll say Good night to you now my friend.
Sweetdreams and Sleeptight.
Takecare Angel.
Love 's & xxxxxxxxxx's
soft :0)X(0:
your Friend Michael.
Hello:0) XXX
dragonheart Posted May 7, 2003
Good Morning Cazz
How are you today i hope your better and that you slept well.
Heres a nice cup of and soft :0)X(0: for you my friend.
I slept well saying i was up till 1:15 again and was up for 7:30am.
Its a nice sunny morning here today. I will finish the bench off and cut the front lawn later.
There is no news on Snowy she went outside this morning and Lady is asleep in front of the fire. I will give them both a :0)(0: from you. How are Charlie and Holly today give them both a :0)(0: from me please. Im glad you like my personal space now, Dave as ask me if i need any help is to just drop him a line and he will be glad to help. Sounds a nice chap Dave:0).
I do hope the sun shines for you today and you get a chance to rest up if your tummy is not.
Well i must get on and have my breakfast so i'll chat to you later have a nice day.
Love 's & xxxxxxxxxx's
soft :0)X(0:
Your Friend Michael.
Hello:0) XXX
Cazz - the angel with a magical touch. Posted May 7, 2003
Good Morning Michael. thanks for the messages, the bubbly, and the tea this morning. I am so glad you slept well, even though you were up late! I didn't have a brilliant evening, I had a bit of an upset and ended up going to bed really early. I didn't sleep too well either so I feel rather rough this morning. Anyway, I'm going to take it easy this morning before it is time to take Mum out this afternoon.
Your little bench sounds nice. I often sit outside when it is sunny to eat my breakfast.
I'm really glad Dave helped you, he is such a kind person. Anytime you want help, just ask him, he really doesn't mind.
I do hope poor Snowy has her kittens soon. I'm glad the cats like their cuddles. I send another one to them both. Charlie and Holly are fine, they have had their cuddle and are waiting for a dog biscuit now!
Well my friend, I will be in touch with you later. Take care and enjoy this morning :o)X(o: from me.
and xxxxxxxxx's
from Cazz
Hello:0) XXX
dragonheart Posted May 7, 2003
Hi again Cazz
Im sorry to hear that you hada bit of an upset and that you did'nt sleep to good my friend.
Heres a nice cool and a soft :0)X(0: for you.
I hope you do get to relax today
for a while. I hope you will be ok when you take your Mom out this afternoon and that you and your Mom enjoy your lunch my friend. Well you Takecare
and i'll look forward to hearing from you later. I will be think about you my friend mwah.
Love 's & xxxxxxxxxx's
soft :0)X(0:
Your Friend Michael.
Hello:0) XXX
Cazz - the angel with a magical touch. Posted May 7, 2003
Dear Michael, thnks so much for caring and for the refreshing I was ready for that.
How has your day been my friend? Did you finish the bench? If so then I hope you're pleased with it.
My day hasn't been too bad. I had a quiet morning before it was time to takke my Mum out. The weather was nice and she enjoyed her lunch. She has to be in a wheelchair when she is out and it is a big ordeal for her, she is quite frail but does really well.
The dogs enjoyed a nice walk near the beach. They are both fine. Holly won't like going to the vets on Friday though. She will be shaking! Bless her.
I'm going to have a nice evening and maybe another earlier night. I think it will do me good.
I will leave you with a nice :o)X(o: and a glass of for later. I'll have one too
Enjoy your evening my friend, and sleep well
I'll message you tomorrow.
Take care.
Love 's
and xxxxxxxxx's
from Cazz
Gentle for Snowy and a nice for Lady.
Hello:0) XXX
dragonheart Posted May 7, 2003
Hi Cazz
Sorry im late my friend Mwaaaah!
But im here at last:0).
As you may have read in my e-mail
why i was late but my day as been fine thank you. Ive been doing a bit of weeding in back garden and yes i did get to finish my bench
im very happy with it looks good.
Im sorry to hear that your Mom is in a wheelchair my friend but its nice to hear you are there for her to take her out for lunch and she enjoys it which is nice for her bless. Your a kind woman and your Mom is lucky to have a lovely daughter like you my friend.
Well thank you for the drink you left me that was very nice Mwhaaaaaaah. Im glad you and your Mom had a good lunch and your Mom enjoyed it:0). its nice to hear you had a relaxing morning too.
I hope you have had a good relaxing evening ive not had time to relax yet. But i wont stop up till 1:00 tonight my friend.
Anyway ive gave Snowy and Lady a :0)(0: for you so give Charlie and Holly a :0)(0: from me please
Heres a nice soft :0)X(0: for you to my friend. I hope you have a good nights sleep so i'll say night nigjht to you now so Sweetdreams and Sleeptight.
Takecare Angel.
Love 's & xxxxxxxxxx's
Your Friend Michael.
Hello:0) XXX
Cazz - the angel with a magical touch. Posted May 8, 2003
Good Morning Michael. Thanks for your message. Oh! I was so sorry to hear of your car trouble last night! What a shame after you'd had such a good day. I'm glad you got the bench finished. I hope you have plenty of sunny days now so you can sit on it.
How did you sleep? I had a quiet evening and went to bed early. I had a good nights sleep too. I feel a bit better today.
It is sunny here this morning. The dogs are in and out the garden. They had their cuddles thank you.
Give Snowy a gentle cuddle and Lady a nice cuddle from me please. As you are such a nice friend, I send you a nice :o)X(o: too.
I'm only doing a few jobs this morning and then I have a bit of shopping to do before walking the dogs.
I do hope you have a nice day. I will be in touch later. Take care Michael. I'll leave you this xx
and xxxxxxxxx's
from Cazz
Hello:0) XXX
dragonheart Posted May 8, 2003
Good Morning Cazz
Its good to hear that you are a bit better today.
Thank you for the tea that was just how i like it my friend mwah
Glad you slept well and had a early night. I could do with some of them myself. It was 12:45 when
i went to bed and up at 5:00 for a cuppa and a game of ZAMMO:0)
but over slept till 9:45 this morning. Its warm here and cloudy but the sun keeps popping out at times. I hope to cut the front lawn today and trim the edges.
Poor Snowy don't know where to get as she is a bit to fat now i do hope she as her kittens soon.
I'll give her a gentle :0)(0: from you and a :0)(0: for Lady too. Sounds like Charlie and Holly are lively today bless give them both a :0)(0: from me please.
I can't for get you my friend :0)X(0: a nice soft cuddle for you too. I hope you have a good shopping trip and that you enjoy your walk with the dogs and the sun stays shinning for you. Wlee my friend heres a for you I'll love and leave you till later and i'll look forward to hearing from you later have a nice day my friend.
Love's & xxxxxxxxxx's
Your Friend Michael.
Hello:0) XXX
Cazz - the angel with a magical touch. Posted May 8, 2003
Hi Michael my friend. Thanks for the lovely message and the refreshing oj. After my busy afternoon I really needed it.
It has been non stop this afternoon and I am ready to put my feet up now. It has been a lovely day here, really sunny. The dogs got a good walk which they enjoyed. Poor Holly won't be up to it tomorrow
I also got the shopping done and visited my Mum as my nephew was going to be there.
How is poor Snowy? Bless her. Give her an extra soft cuddle from me and cudle Lady too. I do hope Snowy has her kittens soon.
I hope your day has gone ok and that you can now have a relaxing evening. I do hope you sleep well tonight Michael.
I'll leave you with a night night :o)xxxx(o: and I will message you tomorrow but it will be late on.
Take care my friend.
and xxxxxxxxxx's
from Cazz
Hello:0) XXX
dragonheart Posted May 8, 2003
Hi Cazz
Thank you for your lovely message
and e-mail. I do enjoy hearing from you my friend. Im glad you had a good day even though it was hectic. My day as been good as its been nice hear and ive spent most of the day in the garden.
Ive cut and trimmed both back and front garden and done some weeding too. Then this evening i had a nice hot bubble bath. Now im going to put my feet up and relax infront of thr tv. Sounds likeyou enjoyed meeting up with your nephew and catching up on news. Im also glad your Mom is fine:0).
Well now ive got my feet up my friend will you join me in a drink
I'll give Snowy and Lady a :0)(0: from you. Give Charlie and Holly a :0)(0: from me please and i hope everything goes well for Holly at the vets tomorrow. I will be thinking of her.
Im hoping i get a good nights sleep tonight and i hope you have
a good nights sleep too.
So i'll say night night to you now so i hope you have Sweetdreams and Sleeptight.
Takecare heres a nice warm :0)X(0: for you.
Love's & xxxxxxxxxx's
Your Friend Michael.
Hello:0) XXX
dragonheart Posted May 9, 2003
Good Morning Cazz
How are you today my friend i hope you had a good relaxing evening and that you slept well.
Heres a nice hot for you.
I was up late again as Snowy as had her kittens:0). she as had 4 but sadly the fist one as died:0(
But the other 3 are doing well im
happy to say. Well my friend the sun is shinning here i hope it is where you are and i hope everything goes well for Holly today at the vets. Give both Holly and Charlie a :0)(0: from me please. I'll give Snowy a gentle :0)(0: and a :0)(0: for lady too. Anyway im very happy for Snowy as she started at about
10:20 having her fist kitten and it did'nt come till about 1:05a.m. and the last one came at
2 :30a.m.. Well my friend heres a nice cup of for you and a nice Soft :0)X(0: for you too.
I'll look forward to hearing from you later today. So i hope you have a nice day and that the sun shines for you too.
Love's & xxxxxxxxxxx's
Your Friend Michael.
Hello:0) XXX
Cazz - the angel with a magical touch. Posted May 9, 2003
Good Morning Michael. What wonderful news about the kittens! I'm so pleased for Snowy. It is very sad about the first one, sadly that can often happen. Anyway, I'm sure the remaining 3 will do really well.
I think we need to celibrate
I send both Cats and the kittens very soft cuddles this morning.
I gave Holly her cuddle from you when I left her at the vets this morning. She was shaking bless her. Charlie is lost without his girl.
I had a nice evening and a good sleep last night. I think you had best have an early night tonight!
It is lovely and sunny here today. Not sure what I'll be doing yet but I have to phone the vets at 2.15.
By the way, your garden sounds great, a good size too. You have been working hard in it and I bet it looks great.
Anyway, you have a good day and I'll be in touch later on. I enjoyed the thank you.
Love, 's
and a :o)X(o:
from Cazz
Hello:0) XXX
dragonheart Posted May 9, 2003
Hi Cazz
Thank you for your lovely message and for that lovely drink. I was going to send you one but i thought it was to early for a drink. But it went down well:0).
Im glad you had a good relaxing evening and that you had a good nights sleep. Anyway i hope everything goes well for Holly today at the vets. Give them both a :0)(0: from me please and ive gave Snowy that soft gentle :0)(0: you sent Her and she enjoyed it and i gave Lady a :0)(0: from you too.
Well my friend heres another drink for you well i hope your day is ging well for and the sun is still shinening.
Its a bit cloudy here but warm.
Well my friend im going to do a bit more work so heres a nice soft :0)X(0: for you. Chat to you later. Takecare
Love's & xxxxxxxxxxx's
Your Friend Michael.
Hello:0) XXX
Cazz - the angel with a magical touch. Posted May 9, 2003
Hi Michael, as always it is nice to hear from you. I'm so pleased about the news of the kittens. I have thought about them a lot today. Aw! they will be gorgeous. :o) I send both cats a nice gentle cuddle and blow xxx's to the kittens.
It has been awful not having Holly here today, but I was over the moon when i could get her from the vets at 3.30. Bless her, she has had 5 teeth out. :o( She is doing really well though, even managed to eat some chicken and potato for her tea. I'm sure she'll be fine tomorrow. Charlie is so happy to have her home again. Anyway they both had their :o)(o: from you thanks.
It has been lovely here today but it has clouded over now and it rained hard for about 15 mins not long ago.
I hope your day has been good. You need to relax tonight and try to get to bed earlier. I'm going to relax, chat to a friend and hopefully I'll sleep well again.
I will wish you night night now my friend. I'll be in touch tomorrow. I'll leave you a nice for when you come online.
Love, 's
and a :o)X(o:
from Cazz
Hello:0) XXX
dragonheart Posted May 9, 2003
Hi Cazz
Thank you for your lovely message
my friend and its always good to hear from you Mwhaaaaah! Thank you also for the nice cup of tea just how i like it.
Im happy Holly is fine and glad that everything went well for her
I was think of her today and i looked at the time at 2:15 and thought of you phoning the vets about Holly. Well my friend my day as been fine ive not been to busy today but i had to go and have me a nice hot bubble bath at about 9:45 this morning to wake me up saying i only got about 2 and a half hours sleep last night
ZZZZZzzzzzzz. I bet it was strange for you just taking Charlie out for a walk he must of missed her. Give them both a big soft :0)(0: from me please. Ive gave Snowy and Lady a soft :0)(0:
from you thanks. It started to rain here about 5:00p.m. it only rained for about half an hour then went nice again now its gone never knows what to do does it the weather my friend.
Anyway i hope your evening is going well for you and you have a good nights sleep. Heres a nice cool thats if you don't mind joining me in a drink my friend.
Im off to bed early tonight so i'll love and leave you till tomorrow and i'll look forward to chat to you then. So Sweetdreams and Sleeptight my friend.
Takecare Heres a nice soft :0)X(0: for you Mwhaaaah!
Love's & xxxxxxxxxxx's
Your friend Michael.
Hello:0) XXX
dragonheart Posted May 10, 2003
Good morning Cazz
How are you today my friend.
I hope you had a good relaxing evening and that you slept well.
Heres a nice cup of for you
Snowy and the kittens are doing just fine thank you. I are keeping one of them. I will give Snowy and Lady a :0)(0: from you and a blow kiss for the kittens.
Heres a nice warm :0)X(0: just for you my friend. How is Holly today I hope she is back to her self give her a nice big :0)(0: for me and one :0)(0: for Charlie
too. The weather here is'nt to bad this morning the sky was clear when i got up but as clouded over a bit now.
I went to bed at 12:15 last night
and i slept well stright though till 7:30 and i got up at 8:00.
Anyway my friend im off to my friends later then i might pop to town. I hope you have a nice day
and that the sun shines for you.
Takecare my friend i'll chat to you later.
Love's & xxxxxxxxxxx's
Your Friend Michael.
Hello:0) XXX
Cazz - the angel with a magical touch. Posted May 10, 2003
Good Morning Michael, thank you for your lovely messages. Thanks also for saying you thought about Holly yesterday.
I'm so pleased you had a good nights sleep. You will feel better for it. I had a nice evening and slept well too. It is a gorgeous day here, very sunny and warm.
I'm so glad the kittens are doing well. Snowy is a good Mum. I send the cats a nice :o)(o: cuddle each and blow a kiss to each kitten. I am glad you'll be keeping one and that your friends Aunty is going to have one.
The dogs loved their :o)(o: from you thanks. They are both sat here with me. Holly is just fine this morning and has just eaten 2 dog biscuits! She is just about back to her normal self now.
Well, I am going to leave you now but I'll be in touch later. I hope you have a good day my friend. Not sure what I'm doing today yet. Thanks for the last night and the this morning. Here is an for when you get home later.
Love 's
and a Morning :o)X(o:
from Cazz
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Hello:0) XXX
- 101: dragonheart (May 6, 2003)
- 102: Cazz - the angel with a magical touch. (May 6, 2003)
- 103: Cazz - the angel with a magical touch. (May 6, 2003)
- 104: dragonheart (May 6, 2003)
- 105: dragonheart (May 7, 2003)
- 106: Cazz - the angel with a magical touch. (May 7, 2003)
- 107: dragonheart (May 7, 2003)
- 108: Cazz - the angel with a magical touch. (May 7, 2003)
- 109: dragonheart (May 7, 2003)
- 110: Cazz - the angel with a magical touch. (May 8, 2003)
- 111: dragonheart (May 8, 2003)
- 112: Cazz - the angel with a magical touch. (May 8, 2003)
- 113: dragonheart (May 8, 2003)
- 114: dragonheart (May 9, 2003)
- 115: Cazz - the angel with a magical touch. (May 9, 2003)
- 116: dragonheart (May 9, 2003)
- 117: Cazz - the angel with a magical touch. (May 9, 2003)
- 118: dragonheart (May 9, 2003)
- 119: dragonheart (May 10, 2003)
- 120: Cazz - the angel with a magical touch. (May 10, 2003)
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