This is the Message Centre for Cazz - the angel with a magical touch.
Hello:0) XXX
Cazz - the angel with a magical touch. Posted May 31, 2003
Good Morning Michael, here is a nice cool for you. I hope you slept well?
Although I had a very nice evening I did not sleep much at all. :o( I am feeling rather tired and this heat is draining my energy more. Never mind, I'll try to have a relaxing day, although I do have to go out later.
Aw! Poor Jayne must be bad if she can't get out of the chair without help. I hope you enjoyed your time there last night. Lets hope she feels better today.
The dogs will be in their pool again today, Charlie loves water. Yes I do spoil them but I love them both dearly. I gave them a nice cuddle from you. Please cuddle the cats from me and gve the kittens their X X X's.
I'm so pleased to hear that the work is coming along well. It will be great when it is finished.
Well my dear friend, enjoy your day and relax a bit if you can.
I'll be in touch later all being well.
Take care. Oh! I nearly forgot to say I loved the bubbly last night, thanks. Here is a nice Good Morning :o)xxx(o: from me.
Bye for now.
Love, HUGE's
and xxxxxxxxx's
from Cazz
Hello:0) XXX
dragonheart Posted May 31, 2003
Morning Cazz Sweet
Thank you for your lovely email and message this morning mwaaaah!
and for the OJ tat was nice and refreshing my friend.
It went well at Jaynes last night but she is still sore.
Im glad you had a good evening but sad as you did sleep well my friend. I do hope you get to relax when you get back. Heres a nice cool for you so when you get in put feet up and take it easy my friend. I slept well but went to bed later than i thought i would. i did'nt get to bed till !:05a.m. and was up for 8a.m. The weather here is hot again and i realy like this weather my friend. I tan easy too
My arms are tanned now and ive not even sot out in the sun yet
It must be catching the sun with all the driving i do :0)
Im going down town in a while and ive got a bit of work to do here
I will get to put my feet up later i hope. I hope Charlie and Holly enjoy there dip in the paddling pool give them both a :0)(0: from me please. Ive gave Snowy and Lady a ;0)(0: from you and a X X X each for the kittens
Well my friend heres a nice morning :0)xxxx(0: for you and i hope you have a nice day. Well I'll LOVE and leave you now for a while my friend.
Takecare Sweet
Love HUGE's
and xxxxxxxxxxxx's
Your Friend Michael.
Hello:0) XXX
Cazz - the angel with a magical touch. Posted May 31, 2003
Hiya Michael, how are you my friend? Thanks for the lovely OJ you left me, it was just what I needed in this heat. Yeah, it's been another scorcher today and the dogs have been having fun in the garden. They are both worn out now and are asleep.
My day has been ok, as I told you in email, I spent a bit of time at my Mums this morning but have been home for most of the afternoon.
I hope the cats and kittens are well. I send the cats a :o)(o: each and X X X's for the kittens.
I gave the dogs your cuddle thanks.
I would like to share another drink with you tonight so here is a nice for you and one for me
my friend.
I am going to put my feet up now, I had a nice shower not long ago and now I'm going to relax and enjoy the evening. I hope I sleep tonight, I really need it as I feel quite tired.
I do hope your day has been ok and you managed to sit in the sun, to top up your tan. :o) Enjoy the evening Michael and sleep well. Here is a nice night night :o)xxx(o: just for you.
I'll be in touch tomorrow. Take care.
Love, 's
and xxxxxxxxx's
from Cazz
Hello:0) XXX
dragonheart Posted May 31, 2003
Evening Cazz Sweet
Thank you for your lovely message and the lovely drink my friend that went down well. Now you can share a drink with me my friend MMMmmm thats nice to have such good company to share a drink with my friend. As im typing this message to you the kittens have all come out of the bed and walking round it my friend they are so sweet:0)
Well my day as been fine, i went to town this a.m. and a few jobs round the house this p.m. Ive not long got out of the bath and do feel better now. Anyway im glad your day as gone well for you and
you went to see your Mom i hope its not to hot for her my friend.
Sounds like charlie and Holly have had fun in there pool again today. Give them both a :0)(0: from me please. I'll give Snowy and Lady a :00(0: for you and a X X X each for the kittens my friend.
Anyway i do hope you have a good relaxing evening and that you do get a good nights sleep my friend
Well i'll Love and leace you now but fist heres a Good nights :0)xxxx(0: just for you my friend
Sweetdreams and Sleeptight
Takecare Sweet
Your Friend Michael.
Hello:0) XXX
Cazz - the angel with a magical touch. Posted Jun 1, 2003
Hi Michael, thanks for your lovely message last night and for sharing a drink with me, that is always nice.
I do hope you enjoyed the rest of your evening and that you slept well. My evening went very well and I slept much better.
I think we both need a nice cool drink so here is an for you, and one for me
MMMmmmm..that's better. It is still warm here but with a little breeze. It will be another nice day. My Mum seems to be coping with the hot weather ok but she does stay in the shade.
AW! I bet it was lovely to see the kittens all out their bed. Oh! They would have looked so sweet. Give them a nice X X X each from me. I send the cats a nice cuddle too of course. The dogs are fine and will spend time in the garden again. They are like 2 cheeky children! lol.
I have no plans for today as yet so I'm hoping it will be a nice relaxing day. I'll love you and leave you for now Michael, but I'll message you later.
Take care and enjoy your day.
Have a nice Good Morning :o)xxx(o: from me.
Love, HUGE's
and xxxxxxxxx's
from Cazz
Hello:0) XXX
dragonheart Posted Jun 1, 2003
Hi Cazz Sweet
Thank you for your lovely message and the OJ you shared with me that was nice and refreshing mwah
Im SO SORRY im late in replying to you but i explained that in the email to you my friend. I did get to relax and i did sleep well too my friend. As i went out last night and had me 3 and a half pints.
My day is going well and ive got nothing planned for this afternoon. Im glad you had a good relaxing evening and that you had a good nights sleep too my friend
Im glad your Mom is coping ok and its not been to hot for her as she as stayed in the shade BLESS.
I hope you like the kittens names i let you in email 0.
Sounds like Charlie and HOlly love there paddling pool :0) I hope they enjoy there paddle today, give them both a ;0)(0: from me please and i'll give Snowy and Lady a :0)(0: for you my friend and heres a nice :0)xxxx(0: for you too sorry its late my friend but do hope you like it. I think we both need another OJ together MMMMmmmmm thats nice i hope you enjoy yours too. Well My friend i'll LOVE and leave you now for a while and i'll chat to you later
Have a nice day my friend.
Takecare Sweet
Love HUGE's
and xxxxxxxxxxxx's
Your Friend michael.
Hello:0) XXX
Cazz - the angel with a magical touch. Posted Jun 1, 2003
Hi Michael, there was no need to apologise about being late my friend. As long as you are ok that is the main thing. It is always so nice to hear from you whenever it is.
The oj was so refreshing this morning thanks. It has been very hot again and it makes you thirsty. I'm glad you had a drink out last night and enjoyed it.
How has your day been? I told you about mine in email. It has been nice though. The dogs have had lots of fun today, in fact Charlie is still playing with a squeaky ball! I think he is hyper today! lol.
Oh yes, I loved the names you chose for the kittens. Please give them a X X X each and a cuddle for the cats.
If you don't mind I'd love to have a drink with you tonight again, so here is one for you and one for me
my friend.
I hope you have a nice evening tonight and that you sleep well again. I am going to have a quiet evening and then hopefully I'll sleep well too.
I guess I'll love you and leave you for now but I will leave you this nice night night :o)xxx(o:
Take care Michael. I'll be in touch tomorrow.
Love, HUGE's
and xxxxxxxxxx's
from Cazz
Hello:0) XXX
dragonheart Posted Jun 1, 2003
Evening Cazz Sweet
Thank you for your lovely message my friend mwaaah! I don't mind you having a drink with me my. I would like you to Join me in a drink my friend. MMMmmm thats nice and so is your company
my friend.
Im glad you got to have a good relaxing afternoon and i hope your evening gose the same and that you have a good nights sleep too. Im glad you liked the names i chose for the kittens:0).
I'll give Snowy and Lady a :0)(0:
from you and a kiss each for the kittens. Nice to hear that Carlie and Holly have had a good day in the garden and their pool:0)
Give them both a :0)(0: from me please.
My evening as been nice and relaxing well thats what ive been doing most of the afternoon my friend. The workers are back tomorrow and they will be finished upstairs by Wednsday i hope. Then i'll have a lot to do then.
Well i'll LOVE and leave you for now my friend but first i'll give you a good nights :0)xxxx(0:
So i'll say night night to you now and i will look forward to hearing from you tomorrow my friend.
Sweetdreams and Sleeptight
Takecare Sweet
Love HUGE's
and xxxxxxxxxxxx's
Your Friend Michael
Hello:0) XXX
dragonheart Posted Jun 2, 2003
Morning Cazz Sweet
How are you today my friend.
I hope you had a good relaxing evening and that you had a good nights sleep. Heres a nice cool for you and a good morning :0)xxxx(0: for my friend. I did'nt sleep to good Ive been up since 5:15a.m. as i thought if i went back to sleep i would over sleep and the workers are coming at 8a.m.
The weather here is overcast looke like there will be some some time today:0(.
Snowy went outside when i got up the kittens are fast asleep all cuddled together:0) and Lady is sitting on the armchair. I will give them both a :0)(0: and a X X X each for the kittens for you my friend. How are Charlie and Holly today give them both a :0)(0: from me please.
Anyway i hope you have a nice day and you get to relax as i know you are busy on Mondays. Enjoy in what ever you do my friend.
I'll LOve and leave you for a while Takecare Sweet
Love HUGE's
and xxxxxxxxxxxx's
Your Friend Michael.
Hello:0) XXX
Cazz - the angel with a magical touch. Posted Jun 2, 2003
Good Morning Michael, thanks for your message and bubbly last night and for the message and oj this morning.
I'm rushing a bit but I'm sorry to hear you didn't sleep too well. It's not easy though when you have workmen coming round so early in the morning.
I am glad the cats got their cuddle and the kittens got their X X X's from me. The dogs enjoyed their cuddle and are now both asleep in the lounge.
I have a busy day ahead so I had better get on but I'll leave you a nice for when you read this and a nice Good Morning :o)xxx(o: I hope you have a nice day and you don't get rain. It is still sunny and hot here.
Take care. Chat later.
Love, HUGE 's
and xxxxxxxxxx's
from Cazz
Hello:0) XXX
Cazz - the angel with a magical touch. Posted Jun 2, 2003
Hi my dear friend Michael, how are you? I do hope your day has gone well and that the sun did shine for you.
It has been a gorgeous day here, very sunny and warm. Thankfully my day hasn't been too hectic and I did get to walk the dogs by the beach. It was so nice as there was a gentle breeze.
How is all the work coming along? It must be a relief that it is being done after such a long wait.
I am looking forward to a nice relaxing evening and sharing a nice drink with you, I hope I sleep well again as even though I'm not seeing Pam tomorrow I have a busy day planned.
I send the cats a nice :o)(o: and the kittens a X X X each. I hope they are all doing well. The dogs are just fine, they enjoyed their walk and are now fast asleep.
Anyway my friend, you enjoy your evening and try to sleep better tonight. Here is a nice :o)xxx(o: to wish you a good night. I will message you again tomorrow. Take care Michael.
Love, HUGE 's
and xxxxxxxxxx's
from Cazz
Hello:0) XXX
dragonheart Posted Jun 2, 2003
Evening Cazz Sweet
Thak you for the lovely message and for the lovely drink you shared with me Mwaaaaaaah! That was sweet of you. Now will you share a drink with me my dear friend
Mmmmm thats nice.
The weather her as been warm but a bit windy and i thought it was going to rain as it went dark but soon brightened up again later my friend. The first room is nearly done it will be finished by 10a.m. Im happy the way they are doing it my friend. Im glad your day was'nt as busy and you found time to relax in the sun and go for a long walk on the dogs my friend. Im SO sorry to hear about Pams foot i do hope she gets better soon my friend. I will be busy tomorrow as i have to emtpy the other room for the workers.
Anyway Im glad the dogs enjoyed their walk and enjoyed their selfs in the garden. The cats and kittens are doing fine thank you
I'll give them both a :0)(0: from you and a kiss for each of the kittens. Give Charlie and Holly a :0)(0: from me please. Anyway i hope you have a good relaxing evening and have a good nights sleep and i hope i do too my friend. Anyway Heres a nice soft good night :0)xxxx(0: for you. So i'll LOVE and leave you for a while and i'll chat to you tomorrow. Night Night Sweet Sweetdreams and Sleeptight my friemnd.
Love HUGE's
and xxxxxxxxxxxx's
Your Friend Michael.
Hello:0) XXX
dragonheart Posted Jun 3, 2003
Morning Cazz Sweet
How are you today my dear frind.
I hope you slept well and you had a good relaxing evening. My evening went well and i slept well too. Heres a nice cool refrshing and i'll have one with you
MMMMmmmm thats nice and cool. How is the weather there today. Its overcast here looks like there might be rain but i not:0(. I know you have a busy day today but i do hope you find time to rest up a while my friend. The cats and the kittens are doing well and i'll give them a :0)(0: from you. How are Charlie and Holly today give them a :0)(0: from me my friend. Anyway ive got to go to the doctors this a.m. for some tablets co-codamol for my headaches as i had 3 yesterday and ive had a headache this morning. Anyway my friend heres a nice big morning :0)xxxx(0: for you and i hope you have a nice day my friend. chat to you later
Takecare Sweet
Love HUGE's
and xxxxxxxxxxxx's
Your Friend Michael.
Hello:0) XXX
Cazz - the angel with a magical touch. Posted Jun 3, 2003
Hi Michael, I just have five minutes so I thought I'd drop you a quick line in here. Thanks for your messages, bubbly and oj you are really kind and it is appreciated.
How did you get on at the doctors? I hope you got your tablets and your head isn't aching now.
I am really busy and I will be going out soon. I'm hoping to walk the dogs later if it doesn't get too late.
They loved their cuddle from you and I send Snowy and Lady a nice :o)(o: and X X X's to the kittens. They will be getting more active and cheeky each day. Bless them.
I will leave you a nice for when you read this. I will be in touch later my friend.
Have this morning :o)xxx(o: from me before I go.
Take care.
Love, HUGE's
and xxxxxxxxxx's
from Cazz
Hello:0) XXX
dragonheart Posted Jun 3, 2003
Hi Cazz Sweet
Thank you for the nice cup of tea you left me just what i needed as ive been a bit busy myself this a.m. and thank you for the morning kiss that was nice:0). I got on ok at the doctors and got my co-codamol. My headaches better now thank you for asking my dear you are sweet.
Ive gave the cats a :0)(0: from uyou and X X X each for the kittens. The weather don't know what to do its a bit windy and keeps looking like rain but thats keeping off and the sun keeps coming out. I hope it stays nice for you my friend. Heres a nice cup of or an
which ever you want my friend. Well i better get on now as i was just having me a break. The workers have started in the back bedroom now. They are banging away so its a good job i got my tablets this a.m. Anyway Heres a nice
and :0)xxxx(0: for when you come back my friend and i'll chat tou later. Takecare Sweet
Love HUGE's
and xxxxxxxxxxxx's
Your Friend Michael.
Hello:0) XXX
Cazz - the angel with a magical touch. Posted Jun 3, 2003
Hi Michael, thanks so much for your message. I have to say I was very greedy and had the tea and the oj! I was very thirsty after all the dashing around I have done. It has been another busy day and I am a little tired now.
I'm pleased you got your tablets and that your headache was better. It must be difficult with all the noise from the workmen.
I gave the dogs your cuddle thanks. They had a nice walk today and are asleep now.
I send the cats a nice cuddle each and X X X's for the gorgeous kittens.
I do hope you manage to relax this evening my friend, especially after your busy day. I'm sorry to hear that your weather has been a bit changable. It has been lovely here and very warm but it has gone cloudy now and a little cooler.
Anyway my friend, before I go I'll leave you with a nice glass of I'll have one with you too
and I'll also leave you a nice night night :o)xxx(o:
Take care and sleep well tonight. I'll chat tomorrow.
Love, HUGE's
and xxxxxxxxx's
from Cazz
Hello:0) XXX
dragonheart Posted Jun 3, 2003
Evening Cazz Sweet
Thank you for your lovely message
my friend. Sounds like you was busy today all that running round
I bet you are glad to put your feet up and relax now my friend.
I did'nt mind you having the tea and oj as it was a good job i left you 2 drinks as you was thirsty:0). My day as been ok but busy here and ive been to Janyes to help her hubbie ti put some shelves up. Now im going to put my feet up and have a nice drink here with you my friend. MMMMmmmm
thats better now. I do like having a drink with you my friend
The weather here is still overcast but the rain as kept off
It will be noisey here the weekend as there is a fair on the park just up the road from my house. It only takes only takes about 3 mins to walk from my house to the park. But i don't think i will be going round there this year my friend. Anyway im glad you had a nice walk by the beach with Charlie and Holly. Give them both a :0)(0: from me please and i'll give Snowy and Lady a :00(0: from you and X X X each for the kittens. Well my friend while i was sending you the email i had another headache come on so ive taken 2 tablets so it will be gone by the time i go to bed. Anyway my friend i do hope you have a good nights sleep and a good relaxing evening. Heres a nice big Good night :0)xxxx(0: for you. So i will Love and leave you for now and say night night to you my friend. Have Sweetdreams and Sleeptight my friend Takecare Sweet
Love HUGE's
and xxxxxxxxxxxx's
Your Friend Michael.
Hello:0) XXX
Cazz - the angel with a magical touch. Posted Jun 4, 2003
Hi Michael, it has just taken me ages to get into our posting. :o( I kept getting error codes and had to unplug. Anyway, thankfully I have made it now. :o)
Thanks for the lovely message last night and the bubbly. It was great having a drink with you my friend.
I slept well and I hope you did too. A am sorry to hear you got another headache last night, I do hope it went and you stay free from them today
I bet it is nice having a park so near, however I guess it will be noisy with the fair there this weekend.
I have given the dogs their :o)(o: from you and I now send a nice cuddle to the cats and a X X X for the kittens.
It is another nice day here and I must get some washing done before going out with Mum later.
Anyway, I'll love you and leave you for now but not without leaving you an and a nice Good Morning :o)xxx(o:
I hope you have a good day and that the sun shines for you. It was nice of you to do those shelves and I hope Jayne is feeling better.
Take care Michael.
Lots of Love,
and xxxxxxxxxx's
from Cazz
Hello:0) XXX
dragonheart Posted Jun 4, 2003
Morning Cazz Sweet
Im SO sorry im late in replying to you as ive explained in email
my friend. Im glad you had a good relaxing evening and that you slept well my friend. I slept well but did wake at 5a.m. but soon went back to sleep. The weather here was overcast fist thing but its gone nice and sunny now:0). I hope you and your Mom have a good lunch and the weather stays nice for you both.
Sounds like Holly and Charlie was having fun this a.m. Ive been busy since i got up but now im taking it easy for a while. As i have to go to Janes later and take her some cuttings of some plants ive got. I took her some down the other day aswell.
As for the park i don't go up there much as there is nothing there. Kids hang around in the summer and the police have been there a few times. I think they go in there for drugs and smoking
that will do them no good at all.
Anyway my friend give Charlie and Holly a :00(0: from me please and i'll give Snowy and Lady a :0)(0:
from you and a X X X each for the kittens my friend.
Thank you for the OJ you left me that was nice and refrshing. Heres one for you when you get back my friend.
Anyway i will LOVE and leave you now for a while but first heres a good morning :0)xxxx(0: for you but sorry its later my friend.
Have a nice day and Tkecare
Lots of Love
Your Friend Michael.
Hello:0) XXX
Cazz - the angel with a magical touch. Posted Jun 4, 2003
Hi Michael, thanks for your lovely message. Don't worry about being late, I fully understand that you were busy. As you can see I drank the oj you left me it was lovely.
My day has been busy but good. I had a nice time with my Mum and she enjoyed her outing.
My nice weather turned rainy though and the dogs got their walk in the rain today. :o( They are asleep now and they both enjoyed your cuddle. Yes, they were having fun this morning! lol.
I expect all is well with the cats and kittens and I send them my cuddles and X X X's.
I know what you mean about the park, there is a park near my Mums and it gets full of kids at night, drinking and wrecking the bowling greens. It is a shame.
Well, I think it is time we had a nice drink together so here is your and I'll have mine
my friend.
Well, I hope you did manage to take things easy for a while today. Have you been to Jaynes yet? If so then I hope she was ok.
Anyway, I hope you have a nice evening and that you sleep well. Have this nice night night :o)xxx(o: from me. Take care and I'll message you tomorrow.
Night Night dear friend.
Lots of love,
and xxxxxxxxx's
from Cazz
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Hello:0) XXX
- 201: Cazz - the angel with a magical touch. (May 31, 2003)
- 202: dragonheart (May 31, 2003)
- 203: Cazz - the angel with a magical touch. (May 31, 2003)
- 204: dragonheart (May 31, 2003)
- 205: Cazz - the angel with a magical touch. (Jun 1, 2003)
- 206: dragonheart (Jun 1, 2003)
- 207: Cazz - the angel with a magical touch. (Jun 1, 2003)
- 208: dragonheart (Jun 1, 2003)
- 209: dragonheart (Jun 2, 2003)
- 210: Cazz - the angel with a magical touch. (Jun 2, 2003)
- 211: Cazz - the angel with a magical touch. (Jun 2, 2003)
- 212: dragonheart (Jun 2, 2003)
- 213: dragonheart (Jun 3, 2003)
- 214: Cazz - the angel with a magical touch. (Jun 3, 2003)
- 215: dragonheart (Jun 3, 2003)
- 216: Cazz - the angel with a magical touch. (Jun 3, 2003)
- 217: dragonheart (Jun 3, 2003)
- 218: Cazz - the angel with a magical touch. (Jun 4, 2003)
- 219: dragonheart (Jun 4, 2003)
- 220: Cazz - the angel with a magical touch. (Jun 4, 2003)
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