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Were you at TAM London?

Post 1


Damn! I knew there was a possibility another H2G2 person might be at TAM. What did you think? I really enjoyed it, particularly Tim Minchin's gig.

Were you at TAM London?

Post 2

Stealth "Jack" Azathoth

You may recall Josie Long telling a audience member "That was a leap of logic" after the audience member fell into paroxysms of laughter after moved between the topics of her father's moustache and her having being tickled recently, igniting a ripple of laughter across auditorium... smiley - flustered
I was that audience member.
I was indeed at TAM.

I made few posts to Ask between January and May thinking there'd be few people here that could be interested.

I enjoyed it too. I felt a bit down on getting home Sunday, keenly aware that there wasn't another day of great sceptics on stage being informative and entertaining for my and 500 peoples benefit. And that my map of who made which great point was already becoming blurred in my recollection.
There were so many great talks and performances I don't feel I can point to a single highlight, it was more case of few subtle dips in a two day peak based on personal taste.
I felt Brian Cox gave a inspiring account on the importance of Curiosity Driven Science. Simon Singh too on was inspiring in his account in what his fighting for and against. Jon Ronson as always had a great tale to tell. Ben Goldacre was on fine form with his talk on PR-reviewed science. Adam Savage and Phil Plait, both amazing.

Tim Minchin was the highlight of Nine Lessons and Carols last year. Eclipsing even Dawkins for me. I saw him again at the Camden Roundhouse in January. I foolishly supposed that after seeing at TAM it would be to overdose to see him later in the month in Brighton, but now I feel my appetite has been aroused but sated, so tomorrow when I go to Brighton to check out what the local Humanist Association gets up to, I will checking the box office for remaining seats.

I think it was The Amaz!ng Meeting and it was amazing. More amazing, entertaining and more thought provoking that I could have expected.

I hope we have a bigger and better TAM next year.

Were you at TAM London?

Post 3


I'm not such a frequent visitor to H2G2 as I used to be, so that a pity we didn't make contact in advance.

Yes, it was fantastic. I wasn't expecting so much out of it, because of all the mess ups with the tickets and badges, but it went way beyond my expectations. Although the cliched view of sceptics is as closed minded, dour kill-joys, the reality is the exact opposite - I can't remember ever laughing so often as I did over those two days.

There is next year to look forward to - hopefully it will be back in London again: a short hop across the Irish sea.

smiley - cheersW

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