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hi from Lisacat
Kitten Started conversation Oct 16, 2002
Hello trancentral!
I am new this week too and wanted to say hi. I'm from california and never met anyone from the U.K. before. You are from there aren't you. I thought as such because you mentioned pence. You sound like a wisened soul. What made you join? Looking forward to talking with you sometime.
hi from Lisacat
trancentral Posted Oct 19, 2002
well thankyou Lisacat. yes I am in England, though 'pence' as a term for currency is not exclusive to the U.K.
I joined h2g2 because it had an interesting site about the author J.Creasey whom I have found to be a very intriguing person, using multiple pseudonyms and being one of the planets most prolific writers.
Wizened is a bit harsh isn't it, just because I can remember the 1980's!
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hi from Lisacat
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