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Raymond Posted Mar 20, 2007
Greetings -
My silence only means I haven't been able to get on the internet long enough to reply. Now that the weather is warmer, it's easier on my lungs so I've had things to do. I try to get on at least once a week, if not more. Ideally, I can get on every day. Practically, some days get busy.
Did you get a chance to work with "google earth"? I go exploring every now and then and have found some delightful surprises, such as aircraft in flight, unusual geographic features, etc. I'll give you the coordinates of some if you wish.
Sorry to hear about your mum. I lost my mother about 15 years ago, so I know what you're going through. Hope things work out.
Well, it's about time for bed, so I'll sign off for now. Talk to you later.
cats and personal pages
weirdo07 Posted Mar 20, 2007
Thank you for being there
I'm glad warm weather is good for you.
I suppose there are things to do in the garden - it's great to be outside.
We live in a flat in a huge city, I wonder if the number of residents is 10 or 12 million (there are lots of illegal immigrants, so the real figure remains unknown). I work mostly at home, so I only leave the flat for a couple of hours every day - just to get to my school, give a lesson or two, and then - back home again for more classes. I sometimes get a feeling I'm going to turn into a sponge - attached to my chair at the table - surrounded by text-books and dictionaries...with students like fish swimming by and then off again...
Here's one coming - more later ...
cats and personal pages
weirdo07 Posted Mar 20, 2007
Ah, she's gone...
The silent minutes between classes when my kids are still at school and the place is so quiet...Sheer delight
Yes, any interesting Internet links are most welcome, thank you.
My students and I are running our very own English language forum as part of our studies and the most fascinating thing about it for me is web links. I have very intelligent teenage students, interested in science, gifted mathematicians, a Star wars fan (a misplaced search for God, I suppose), encyclopedia readers and thinkers. They come from educated families and are very nice and gentle people. I guess I am really lucky...My God seems to take care of me
Thank you for the opportunity to write - no one ever marks *my* writing!
I only got to this site (and on-line in general) three months ago, and have been incredibly fortunate to find a good friend in Australia and another one in Canada. I'm horribly busy and never belong to myself - I'm either working or, when my kids are around, need to give them as much attention as possible, so I enjoy the pace of our correspondence.
See you again soon.
cats and personal pages
Raymond Posted Mar 23, 2007
Yes, the pace is great. You can pick and choose what you want to say and take the time to get everything just so. Even if you get interrupted, no one knows the difference. No one knows if the last paragraph took 5 minutes or 5 hours to get finished.
I've been looking around Moscow lately with "Google Earth". The whole thing is dotted with links to pictures and I've been looking over all of them. I wish I could see them first-hand. Particularly St. Basil's Cathedral. I live in a town of 7 to 8 thousand people. Our entire state has only two-thirds of a million people in it. In other areas, 660,000 people don't even make a good-sized city. But it's home.
Well, it's time to get some sleep. Our two Schnauzers need grooming, so tomorrow they get haircuts. Neither one of them particularly like that, so I have to help my wife. She used to have a job as a dog groomer, but she developed allergies. Now, all she grooms is our two. Have to get my rest so I can help brush them out and bathe them.
Take care. It may be well into the weekend before I get back to this posting, but I will get back to it sooner or later. Until then, take care.
cats and personal pages
weirdo07 Posted Mar 26, 2007
Your last letter made me weep - I am not joking... What an emotional thing am I... (That is, I've always been emotional, but now, with
Had no time over the weekend, Sunday full of events and meetings, but now the new working week has started and again I'm too busy to write.
Hope this finds you in a 'working'condition
I've got a good story to tell, and I'd feel more comfortable telling it by e-mail. How do you feel about e-mailing? I could put my adress on my PS for a while.
Kind regards to Mrs.Curmugeon and the rest of the family.
Take care,
cats and personal pages
Raymond Posted Mar 27, 2007
E-mail is OK. It's easier to access and lends itself to more privacy. I've got a blog I use sometimes, but very personal stuff doesn't go on there. We'll handle this any way you want. I just enjoy a little bit of a personal touch to the web.
cats and personal pages
weirdo07 Posted Apr 1, 2007
Hope you are OK.
I spent the day with my family celebrating my second son's 16th
birthday. We went for a walk in our park, which is more like a wood, quite wild, but unfortunately rather dirty in its more crowded parts.
There are tar(?) paths for people walking, cycling and roller-skating, as well as wilder narrow paths across the wood. The ice has melted and lots of ducks have arrived. I'm off to my mum's place again. Have a nice day.
cats and personal pages
Raymond Posted Apr 2, 2007
It's been a busy few days. I'll e-mail you.
cats and personal pages
weirdo07 Posted Apr 11, 2007
Hristos Voskresie!
Hope I didn't scare you off with my letter
We, too, had a spell of cold and snowy weather, but the little green leaves survived, and it's spring again.
cats and personal pages
weirdo07 Posted Jul 31, 2007
Greetings, old friend!
(I guess I'll try one more time.)
I can see from your blog that you are (hopefully) OK - at least breathing and praying, and even writing!
Why don't you drop a line, like in the good old days - or at least tell me what went wrong?
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cats and personal pages
- 21: Raymond (Mar 20, 2007)
- 22: weirdo07 (Mar 20, 2007)
- 23: weirdo07 (Mar 20, 2007)
- 24: Raymond (Mar 23, 2007)
- 25: weirdo07 (Mar 26, 2007)
- 26: Raymond (Mar 27, 2007)
- 27: weirdo07 (Mar 27, 2007)
- 28: weirdo07 (Mar 27, 2007)
- 29: weirdo07 (Apr 1, 2007)
- 30: Raymond (Apr 2, 2007)
- 31: weirdo07 (Apr 11, 2007)
- 32: weirdo07 (May 16, 2007)
- 33: weirdo07 (May 29, 2007)
- 34: weirdo07 (Jul 31, 2007)
- 35: weirdo07 (Nov 4, 2007)
- 36: weirdo07 (Dec 9, 2007)
- 37: weirdo07 (Dec 25, 2007)
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