This is the Message Centre for Mudhooks: ,,, busier than a one-legged man in an ass-kicking contest...
A Cup of Coffee...and no frozen people
Montana Redhead (now with letters) Started conversation Nov 13, 2003
Goodness, but we have a lot in common. So, would you like a ? Or should we just skip that and have an
A Cup of Coffee...and no frozen people
Mudhooks: ,,, busier than a one-legged man in an ass-kicking contest... Posted Nov 13, 2003
Hi Montana!
Well, I don't drink (well, the odd G&T), but coffee would be great....
A Cup of Coffee...and no frozen people
Montana Redhead (now with letters) Posted Nov 13, 2003
and how do you take it? Can't stand the taste myself, although I adore the smell. I prefer .
I find it absolutely fascinating that in California, after weeks of complaining about the lack of rain and how much the fires are burning, the newscasters (a loosely descriptive word, since what they do is barely news) are all whining about the drizzle yesterday and the storms today. I am simply shocked by the way weather is spoken of here...literally, the sky is falling on a daily basis, as far as they're concerned. It rains here and people act like it's the worst snowstorm in centuries.
There are days that I wouldn't mind shoveling snow again. California is a surreal place to live, I tell you.
A Cup of Coffee...and no frozen people
Mudhooks: ,,, busier than a one-legged man in an ass-kicking contest... Posted Nov 13, 2003
Sorry... I missed this... So busy trying to get things working at this end.
I like Cafe au Lait, myself. I often pop a cup of milk in the micro with instant coffee and it is instant cafe au lait.
I've not been to California, myself. Closest was Ashton with my brother. He lives in Eugene, Oregon. I like Eugene. It is very like Ottawa, except for the winter. Landscape is much the same, too....
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A Cup of Coffee...and no frozen people
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