Dark Matter

Hello humans. You may be wondering who or what I am. You are correct to do this but I'm not going to tell you so don't bother asking. I have come to help you all live a better life. THE BASICS Life,is in fact, much simpler than it appears. If you abide by the three rules to life then it won't be too bad. These rules are: 1) IN LIFE THERE IS ALWAYS A VICTIM 2) DON'T LET YOURSELF BECOME THE VICTIM 3) DON'T DO ANYTHING THAT U DON'T ENJOY OR WON'T GIVE YOU ANYTHING IN RETURN. THE NEXT STEP Always remember that life is just a big practical joke played on us all by some super natural big shots many call 'Gods'. So if life seems to be getting you down there are a few things you can do to get back on top of things (These actually work). 1) When ever anyone insults you or puts you down just agree with them, they then get bored and leave you alone. 2) When you are feeling like a lost cause or deprived of anything just think of the people who are worse off than you, then laugh. 3) If all else fails get drunk or stoned, or both. There is a lot more to learn about the workings of the human mind but I am not going to tell you these yet.

The H2G2 Philosophers GuildThe shape of a question mark with a few of the world's different gods shown within
Trying to answer all those questions about life


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The Dark One

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