This is the Message Centre for Riccardo - Keeper of the Hammond Organ

Hello Riccardo

Post 81

Riccardo - Keeper of the Hammond Organ

Hey there young lady, I see you're on line just now!
smiley - smooch

Hello Riccardo

Post 82


smiley - smoochsmiley - cuddle
Been online since 9am

Hello Riccardo

Post 83

Riccardo - Keeper of the Hammond Organ

I'm going to send you an email smiley - smiley

Hello Riccardo

Post 84


smiley - smiley

Hello Riccardo

Post 85


I know you`re here
Why aren`t you talking to me
smiley - smileysmiley - hug

Hello Riccardo

Post 86

Riccardo - Keeper of the Hammond Organ

I am talking to you - look!

Hello Riccardo

Post 87



Hello Riccardo

Post 88



Hello Riccardo

Post 89

Riccardo - Keeper of the Hammond Organ

Hi Claire,
Sorry - I didn't notice you had posted this message 4 days ago - I only noticed just now. How's things?

Hello Riccardo

Post 90


Good thanks
Hows things with you?

Hello Riccardo

Post 91

Riccardo - Keeper of the Hammond Organ

I'm OK. I went to Land's End at the weekend, really nice down there. I put an entry in my journal. How's Luton these days? What are you doing when you leave college?

Hello Riccardo

Post 92


Raining as usual. I`m looking for an office job at the mo.
I`ve been to Lands End before, its lovely and sunny there

Hello Riccardo

Post 93

Riccardo - Keeper of the Hammond Organ

When I was there it was quite windy but it was still nice - it made the sea quite choppy and big waves. It's amazing to watch the forces of nature - makes you realise just how small we are in the bigger picture.

Hello Riccardo

Post 94


I completely agree
So what have you been up to lately? Apart from holidaying

Hello Riccardo

Post 95

Riccardo - Keeper of the Hammond Organ

I've been going to the gym a lot - working on that 6-pack again smiley - smiley I feel fitter too, been doing a lot of those RPM classes (the resistance bikes) and playing football. I'm going up to Edinburgh the weekend after this one, and again in April for a trip to the Outer Hebrides. I can't remember if I told you but I'm being made redundant at the end of June. After that I'll probably do more travelling and maybe stay in Italy - that would be really nice smiley - smiley

Hello Riccardo

Post 96


That sounds fun

Hello Riccardo

Post 97

Riccardo - Keeper of the Hammond Organ

What else have you been up to apart from looking for a job?

Hello Riccardo

Post 98


Going to college
Stressing out

Hello Riccardo

Post 99

Riccardo - Keeper of the Hammond Organ

Stressing out about what?

Hello Riccardo

Post 100



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