This is the Message Centre for Riccardo - Keeper of the Hammond Organ

Hello Riccardo

Post 21

Riccardo - Keeper of the Hammond Organ

Good choice smiley - smiley I'm going back there for Christmas and new year. I always do in fact. I think it's nice to spend Christmas with the family and there's few places better than Edinburgh for new year (in my humble opinion)!
smiley - alesmiley - drunksmiley - cdoublesmiley - cheerssmiley - cuddlesmiley - sleepysmiley - hangover

Hello Riccardo

Post 22


smiley - cuddlesmiley - cheers
smiley - laugh
To have a drink?

Hello Riccardo

Post 23

Riccardo - Keeper of the Hammond Organ

For hogmany/new year there's a great atmosphere. People are outside in the cold, but they're all warm from a combination of clothes, body heat and drink smiley - smiley

Hello Riccardo

Post 24


Sounds good
smiley - hug

Hello Riccardo

Post 25

Riccardo - Keeper of the Hammond Organ

You'd love it. Hope you do go!
smiley - hug

Hello Riccardo

Post 26


So do I
smiley - hug
So hows you?

Hello Riccardo

Post 27

Riccardo - Keeper of the Hammond Organ

smiley - smiley
I'm OK, I'm still at work, I've had a really hectic day. I was meant to be going to a meeting in Cardiff 2morrow but I'm so busy here I've had to cancel. (I didn't want to go anyway smiley - winkeye ).
How about you, are you well?

Hello Riccardo

Post 28


Very well and happy thanx
smiley - laugh
Bunking work
You little smiley - devil

Hello Riccardo

Post 29

Riccardo - Keeper of the Hammond Organ

smiley - laugh
Yeah I can't believe the things they expect. You really would think I work here or something! I just KNOW they're going to cut me off from H2G2 eventually smiley - smiley.
Ah well, I better finish off before I go home. It's nice chatting to you - must do it again soon smiley - smiley
smiley - smooch

Hello Riccardo

Post 30


smiley - smoochsmiley - hug
Take care
Have fun!

Hello Riccardo

Post 31

Riccardo - Keeper of the Hammond Organ

Hi there my friend smiley - smiley
I had another busy day today. Wednesday's good because I play 5-a-side football after work. We won 3-2 and guess who scored 2 magnificent goals? Moi! Not that I'm blowing my own trumpet or anything!
Since I'm half Italian I wear an Italy strip (the smart one from the last world cup) - it gives me extra power smiley - winkeye.
How are you? smiley - hug

Hello Riccardo

Post 32


Half Italian
smiley - winkeye
smiley - biggrin
I`m ok....a bit ill actually
But I`ll get better
smiley - hug
Well done for scoring the goals!

Hello Riccardo

Post 33

Riccardo - Keeper of the Hammond Organ

Sorry to hear you're ill - what's wrong?

Hello Riccardo

Post 34


Just a cold and I feel sick and light headed

Hello Riccardo

Post 35

Riccardo - Keeper of the Hammond Organ

That's a shame. Just take it easy and drink loads! When I get a cold my biggest mistake is to pretend it's not there for the first day. Then my body gets run down and I feel bad for days. On the occasions where I just admit to myself straight away that I have a cold, and take that first day off work, I get better really quickly, usually just 2 days.
smiley - doctor Riccardo

Hello Riccardo

Post 36


smiley - hug
Well at least you`re well

Hello Riccardo

Post 37

Riccardo - Keeper of the Hammond Organ

One of my friends' mum was a bit of a drinker and a smoker, in fact maybe a bit too much. Her advice on getting over a cold: "Forty fags an' a bottle ay whisky. Just burn the cold right oot ay ye"!!! I never took that advice and I don't think anyone else should either - but it did make me laugh smiley - smiley.

Hope you get well soon smiley - cuddle

Hello Riccardo

Post 38


smiley - kiss
My dad says a whisky will clear a cold but the drink is too strong for me

Hello Riccardo

Post 39

Riccardo - Keeper of the Hammond Organ

smiley - cuddlesmiley - smooch
Hi Cybercat, hope you're feeling better. Me and a few friends were down in Southampton for the weekend there. It's quite nice but it was raining so we got a bit wet going from place to place. When we got back to my friend's house we had a little whisky smiley - smiley. It made me so tired (we'd been out drinking and dancing), but I still managed to get 1st place on Wipeout 2097 on the PS smiley - biggrin he he!

Hello Riccardo

Post 40


smiley - laugh
I`m much better and raring to go thanks
Glad to hear you had a good nite out
smiley - cuddlesmiley - smooch

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