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remember me

Post 141


Im still coughing and sneezing, but not as bad. Its been nearly 2 weeks.
Why cant medicine work quicker? smiley - laugh

remember me

Post 142


back again been sorting out a new laptop as the other went beep up

remember me

Post 143


I know the feeling, but Im ok now with my new pc.
I prefer a tower to a laptop. I cant get used to a laptop keyboard. I know the letters are in the same place, but its using everything else. smiley - doh

remember me

Post 144


ive got a tower but its with a bloody big monitor and theres no room for it so got to use the lap top till i can get the pennies together for a flat screen on

remember me

Post 145


I had a package from Tesco.
Monitor, keyboard mouse and flatscreen tower.
The whole lot is smaller than my old tower smiley - laugh

remember me

Post 146


i know its ammazing how small things are i remember the old sinclair spectrum the average calculator has more power than they did lol

remember me

Post 147


smiley - yikes you are back smiley - biggrin

I remember we had a vic 20 and then upgraded to a commodore 64 smiley - senior

remember me

Post 148


yup still around been busy anyhow have a good christmas im off till tuesday

remember me

Post 149


He now works for Elcocks, so beware smiley - laugh

Cristmas has been ok here. Loads of turkey leftovers smiley - wah

remember me

Post 150


same here bought a turkey crown only used half on christmas day lol hope you had a good new year

remember me

Post 151


The dog raided the fridge and finished ours of.. much to my annoyance.

Happy new year to you too.

remember me

Post 152


oooer smelly dog haha one of maidens jack knifed theyre wagon last week in the snow down by banbury

remember me

Post 153


Maidens?? stop swearing smiley - laugh

remember me

Post 154


bet youre wishing ron hadnt retired now lol

remember me

Post 155


He didnt retire. He did something naughty. They didnt like it and got rid of him.

remember me

Post 156


sorry to here that it must have been bad for them to get rid of him
does he still do the bus run or has that stopped as well

remember me

Post 157


He does school runs and holiday pick ups for Elcocks. So I get a bit of peace smiley - laugh

remember me

Post 158


heavenly bliss eh

remember me

Post 159


Not really, I have to keep ironing a uniform shirt smiley - wah

remember me

Post 160


im back what with the changes on here

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