This is the Message Centre for serenity

remember me

Post 21


i dont fancy a jellied eel smiley - ill

remember me

Post 22


haha ive just got back from aberdeen so ive got a fresh stock of haggis and dundee cake

remember me

Post 23


smiley - drool

hang on, while i put the kettle on smiley - winkeye

remember me

Post 24


tea whitw no sugar
so you dont bother coming on here much then or is it ron stopping you

remember me

Post 25


ive lost most of the friendships i had. partly cos of him and partly cos i cant be bothered to make polite conversation when i do manage to get online. too depressed smiley - laugh
its not like the old days on LD.

was up by your house this morning. my niece now lives on wayside.
did you see me wave? smiley - laugh

remember me

Post 26


what time was you up on woodside been up the carboot today

remember me

Post 27


about 11ish. stayed for a cuppa and a chat and then had to get back for grumpy to get to bingo.

have seen you a couple of times at the car boot since we chatted last, but i kept quiet. you would think some mad woman was about to accost you smiley - laugh

remember me

Post 28


haha i shall have to watch myself

remember me

Post 29


havent done a sunday one for ages and ages. so you are safe smiley - laugh

we did one on the rabbit run the other saturday, the first one this year. got a few bits, nothing earth shatteringly cheap and an amazing find.
maybe next time.

remember me

Post 30


the one up the center is picking up i didnt realise the one on the rabbit run had started again

remember me

Post 31


its on all year round, except for bad weather. its been using the field by 'the wheel at worfield', which is like the side of a mountain, so we dont go then. now that its moved to the other field, its better.
they have 4 fields and alternate. you can only spend 15 weeks in one spot, some local bylaw.
so at the moment its just before you get to wrekin farmers.

not sure yet, but may be there on saturday. i will wave smiley - laugh

remember me

Post 32


wont be around tommorrow of to wolverhampton for a car club meet might see you at the carboot up the town center if you go

remember me

Post 33


its a good job you didnt go. they had the car park field as well as the car boot field for car booters. the 'customers' were parked along both sides of the road for quite a distance. there was a hold up with a break down and traffic was back for about 2 miles towards the bridgnorth-wolves road.
we got to the field entrance at 9am and was waved on and we went back about 2 hours later. it was a nightmare and i wouldnt mind betting someone will complain and next week it will be policed by real policemen and not the car boot organisers.

remember me

Post 34


im glad i didnt go so theres nothing much happening on here then

remember me

Post 35


naaa. i keep myself to myself these days and speak when spoken too. dead boring..smiley - laugh

remember me

Post 36


ive had a look round and its not as good as the ld days

remember me

Post 37


nothing ever is. so much for progress smiley - laugh

remember me

Post 38


yup so much for it but hey never mind thing must go on

remember me

Post 39


so how is life treating you these days?

remember me

Post 40


hectic to be honest my other half got cancer of the lymph glands about 3 years ago and had to have major surgery but shes nearly over it now so that on the up im still working for the same firm and were pretty busy hows life treating you now that rons under youre feet all the time

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