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hello stranger
Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home. Started conversation Jan 30, 2008
hi helen
yep im still araond, one year older now 60.
i havent been around as mush over the last 4 or 5 months, ive had the whole house turned upside down.
from new electrics, to the whole house painting and decorating.
they only finished yesterday.
ive damaged tiles in the kitchen and shower rom to be done, and the floorboards on the landing have been lifted so many times, they want sorting.
my sinus is doing my head in with the smell of paint.
i dont go to a library for the pc now, i use a cybershop, i get the pc, headphones,mike, and cam, for a pound an hour.
my hotmail addy is on the ps.
take care jimbob xxx
hello stranger
serenity Posted Jan 30, 2008
hi jim
long time no chat.
i dont get on here much these days either. i seem to be losing contact with most of the old freinds. its my own fault, i just havent been iin a very sociable frame of mind.
do you think that the workmen will come and do my house when they have finished yours? i could do with a makeover. my kitchen and bathroom are in desperate need of some attention.
hello stranger
Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home. Posted Jan 31, 2008
hi helen
you dont want them in, ive had chaos for over 3 months, nearly everyday lol
they are supposed to be finished now, but there is stuff need doing again, some missed altogether. lol
just of in the wind and rain for a few hours at the cybercafe take care jim xxx
hello stranger
serenity Posted Jan 31, 2008
hi jim.
we have had loads of wind and rain as well. from what the weather forecast says, we are in for a bad few days.
we have to go to a funeral on tuesday next week, so i hope its not too bad then. as long as its not too bad underfoot as we walk to the graveside. i shouldnt moan really. i just want to service to go well. as well as it can be under such times.
its our grandaughter. she was born very prematurely and only lived for 4 days. so its going to be a very sad time.
not sure when im back online. so have a good weekend.
hello stranger
Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home. Posted Jan 31, 2008
hi helen
sorry to here the sad news.
yep we are suposed to be in for it, the wind is gusting at the moment.
im on h2g2 from home anytime i can get on, the weather sometimes stops me, as you will remember with the old digi, lol
take care jim xxx
hello stranger
serenity Posted Jan 31, 2008
hello jim
i dont get anyone mailing me on activemail anymore. i dont know why ive still got the box
i do get plenty of junk mails though. which i think is a bit silly for such a basic system. i dont forward them to the pc, just in case they are infected.
hello stranger
Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home. Posted Feb 1, 2008
hi helen
never send any from the active to an email on the pc, just delete without opening. they are only spam.
i still have all three in action, but use 1 and 3 mostly.
i have emails on the pc side for yahoo, hotmail ,com and ,, and the blueyonder that i got from being on tw now virginmedia
ive been losing the signal on the emails and h2g2 freezing with the heavy wind over the last few days
take care( my emails are on the ps, for active, hotmail and blueyonder. jim xxx
hello stranger
serenity Posted Feb 3, 2008
hi jim
i tend to stick to hotmail and then yahoo as a back up.
we have had some snow. not much though. it really looked like a blizzard and possibly being snowed in, but it went as quick as it came. not even time to build a snowball
hello stranger
Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home. Posted Feb 3, 2008
hi helen
its been nice but cold here lol
i was in town at the cafe for dinner then a few hours at the cybercafe.
- jim xxx
hello stranger
serenity Posted Feb 4, 2008
mornin jim
its still very cold here and we have had a frost. the heating is on full and ive got extra layers on.
its days like this when you wish it were summer.
hello stranger
Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home. Posted Feb 4, 2008
hi helen
at the moment the sun is out, and its warm, but as we know it wont last long lol.
i have to paint from the front door to the back one, in about 2 hrs,just before i go out,lol
ive some adeisive tiles for the hallway, but its concrete, and the tiles wont stick, so im going to emulsion, with some leftover paint from the shoer room walls, to give it a better surface lol
i will be at the cyber about dinnertime today take care jimbob xxx
hello stranger
serenity Posted Feb 4, 2008
hi jim.
ive just been having afternoon tea and cakes with a close friend. dont it sound posh?
we just sat with mugs of tea and a couple of small chocolate swiss rolls. nothing fancy.
she comes to see me on a monday or tuesday and then i go to see her on a thursday.
now i have to consider what to cook for dinner.
hello stranger
Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home. Posted Feb 4, 2008
hi helen
ive only had a chicken pasty up to now, i cant decide what to do.
when i went out i had the floor painted, so when i got back i could touch up any blue i got on the skirting boards. with some white gloss i had.
it wont be till wednesday, till i get to fixing the adesive tiles in the hallway.
i didnt go out till after 12 noon, and there was no call from the housing or the ones that did the house yet.
ive a ceiling needs redoing,the banister painting again, they misssed behind the rail. tiles around the kitchen fire they broke to replace, what a fiasco lol. take care. its like old times being in touch, if your on the msn, i look for you. jim xx
hello stranger
Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home. Posted Feb 6, 2008
hi helen
ive had a bad 4 years, and anything can happen without warning. lol
ive spent a few hours fitting tiles in the hallway, and a mates car exhuast was banging the frame, so he asked me to see if i could sort it, i did in about 15
im resigned that i am going to win the £450 3 picks before summer, i want a good new pair of glasses, this time glass not plastic, with reactolight lenses. lol jim xxx
hello stranger
serenity Posted Feb 10, 2008
hi jim.
ive had a really bad start to the new year.
first of all the troubles with the baby and now grumpy has been suspended from work. not sure of the outcome yet but there is talk of losing a weeks wage. which isnt a good sign. its not something i need.
oh well. just have to live with it.
hello stranger
Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home. Posted Feb 10, 2008
hi helen
mine is still in the balance. ive things in the house that are not done right ie
the ceiling in the doorway is still showing the yellow through, they havent painted behind the bannister on the stairs. and other things like the broken tiles on the kitchen fireplace, they did, and drilling through a wall into the shower, and throught the tiles ggrr.
one good thing i had a letter to say my disabled will be going up by £3-50 a week, but this wont count, as the dissabled is in with my credit pensions i get,
so till i get word what the rise is on the creditp, then i wont know if its the £3-50, or could be more.
as the gas and lecy as gone up, its going to be taken up by that.
im march i get the new all england busspass, so i hope to go to say, york in the summer on the bus, for free. lol take care jimbob xxxx
hope things arnt to bad, and it sorts itsself.xxxx
hello stranger
serenity Posted Feb 10, 2008
hi jim.
grumpy will be getting that bus pass as well. he takes great delight in the fact that he can go anywhere for nothing and i still have to pay.
at the moment he can go anywhere in the telford and wrekin area and half price on the other nearby services..
as its now £1.50p to get from the town centre to our house, its not a trip i do if i can help it.
its only about a 15 minute journey of 3-4 miles.
hello stranger
Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home. Posted Feb 11, 2008
hi helen
i only have to pay £1-50, if i have to go out before 9-30am.
so its still up in the air with , you should have left him years ago.
mind you i have no room to talk, i still have rats with me, but as he is on the housing books im stuck with him.
he as been courting for years now, and they have been on about getting a house and getting married, before the end of the year, so maybe by next xmas i will have to house to myself again lol.
still no word on the workmen coming to sort the house things they have messed up, or not done right. jimbob xxx
ps if you visit my space, ive a fotki to pics, i have a few new ones i added, im getting a bit old and grey in the tooth now.
the last one, is for the new england buspss i get in a month or so lol xxx
hello stranger
serenity Posted Feb 11, 2008
hi jim.
im not going anywhere. its my house.
ive got a few new pics to add somewhere online. thats when i get around to it. i had to go to a big 30th birthday bash with was a black tie and tiara ball. so there are a couple of pics of me in my ballgown.
we have an all zone day ticket and it gets me from my house to shrewsbury and back. i could go further but my feet hurt enough with just doing shrewsbury
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hello stranger
- 1: Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home. (Jan 30, 2008)
- 2: serenity (Jan 30, 2008)
- 3: Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home. (Jan 31, 2008)
- 4: serenity (Jan 31, 2008)
- 5: Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home. (Jan 31, 2008)
- 6: serenity (Jan 31, 2008)
- 7: Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home. (Feb 1, 2008)
- 8: serenity (Feb 3, 2008)
- 9: Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home. (Feb 3, 2008)
- 10: serenity (Feb 4, 2008)
- 11: Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home. (Feb 4, 2008)
- 12: serenity (Feb 4, 2008)
- 13: Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home. (Feb 4, 2008)
- 14: serenity (Feb 6, 2008)
- 15: Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home. (Feb 6, 2008)
- 16: serenity (Feb 10, 2008)
- 17: Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home. (Feb 10, 2008)
- 18: serenity (Feb 10, 2008)
- 19: Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home. (Feb 11, 2008)
- 20: serenity (Feb 11, 2008)
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