This is the Message Centre for Vicki Virago - Proud Mother

VV begins the divorce process

Post 21

pheloxi | is it time to wear a hat? |

smiley - rose for you new year's solutions smiley - winkeye

VV begins the divorce process

Post 22

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

*looks at VV sleeping on the sofa* smiley - bigeyes

Well, that's zonked her out folks smiley - cuddle

VV begins the divorce process

Post 23


just to say best wishes from me as well. Know we don;t talk as much as we used to, but I do follow your postings (just not as social as most of your friends on here!) and this is an important step. When got, it will help draw a line for you.

By the way, I do believe that if you get divorced around christmas it is mandatory to dress up as Angie Watts for the day.

VV begins the divorce process

Post 24

pheloxi | is it time to wear a hat? |

who is Angie Watts?

does she turn on smiley - eureka?

VV begins the divorce process

Post 25

Ivan the Terribly Average

smiley - lurk

I don't have a whole lot of useful things to say, VV, but I'm glad the process of decluttering your life is underway. Things will be simpler afterwards. [insert other platitudes here]

smiley - choc

And if you want a holiday afterwards there's a sofabed here that you can borrow.

VV begins the divorce process

Post 26


Just popping by to say .... all of the above really.

Take care of yourself. Allow yourself plenty of time for smiley - teasmiley - chocsmiley - cupcake. smiley - hug

I know I'm not around very much atm, but I've not fogotten you. smiley - cuddle

VV begins the divorce process

Post 27

MadSnacker-h2g2 ambassador to Yorkshire and the UK

Best wishes for a hard time ahead..smiley - hugsmiley - cuddle

VV begins the divorce process

Post 28


bloody hell it's an Odo!!!

Hello Odo, you ok?

VV begins the divorce process

Post 29


Yes, the letter spotted Odo is still out there, roaming the borders.

Am fine, enjoying life - and hoping to get back online a bit more often. Hope all is oke with you, and the new job is going well.

Should move this elsewhere - this is VV's thread after all. smiley - winkeye

VV begins the divorce process

Post 30

Vicki Virago - Proud Mother

*faints at the site of Icky and Odo*

Madspaniard. Thank you for your very kind words smiley - smooch

I'm really hoping that this is the start of the rest of my life.

For those of you who are married who are about to get married, the only advice I can give you is talk. If there is an issue, talk it through. If you are sad, talk it through.

My love to you all.


VV begins the divorce process

Post 31


Hi VV, smiley - hug. I hope you seize it with both hands, and dance with it forever. smiley - smiley

VV begins the divorce process

Post 32

Vicki Virago - Proud Mother

Hiya Odo.

From what I'm hearing, you certainly don't have any problems in the marrital department. I'm glad smiley - smiley

Give my love to B.

What have you been upto? Are you still working at the same place where I played that April Fool joke on you?

VV begins the divorce process

Post 33


Hiya VV. I'm very happy atm. Who has been talking? Dread to think what the gossip is. smiley - winkeye We have our moments; but hopefully we can keep working through them.

Shall pass on your message. If you're ever in the area, or want to pop down, drop us a line. You'd be very welcome. B wants to organise a Herefordshire meet at some point.

I'm still at the college - hope you've lost the phone number for them! smiley - tongueout I'll have been there 7 years at the end of Janurary. I think I've become instituionalised!!! Never mind, I still enjoy the company of the students. We've got one this year who looks like Legolas.

VV begins the divorce process

Post 34

Vicki Virago - Proud Mother

Thats the spirit girl!!!

I'm up for a Hereford meet! I know that area fairly well.I promise to be on my bestist behaviour and not wind B up smiley - winkeyesmiley - evilgrin

VV begins the divorce process

Post 35


Oh I don't know, a bit of winding does B good from time to time. smiley - winkeye Not this week though as he's in 'Director' mode.

VV begins the divorce process

Post 36

Vicki Virago - Proud Mother

ooooh!!! smiley - bigeyes

Anyway. I'm making a list of people I would love to visit. I'm adding people on that list day by day. You're there, although the posting I've made on this site doesn't include your name. Don't take it personally, I just don't want B to get wind of it beforehand smiley - evilgrin

VV begins the divorce process

Post 37


Well, tonight is opening night. But because the dates for the show had to be changed I had a pre-arranged comitment, so I couldn't make it back in time for ths start. Saw a rehearsal on Wednesday and it's rather good. Hope it's gone well tonight.

No offence taken - you're welcome if you ever want to come. Oh, btw my work email has changed. The 'Alice' address should still work though.

VV begins the divorce process

Post 38

Vicki Virago - Proud Mother

I think I still have the Alice address. I'd have to check my hotmail contacts...but I'm 99% sure that it's still there.

You do realise that there is a good chance I'd be down there within the month! smiley - rofl

VV begins the divorce process

Post 39


Best time of the year with the trees changing colour and all.

Mind you, November might be better (unless you want to share a room with the guinea pigs). B's mum is coming down, and she's baggsied the sofa.

VV begins the divorce process

Post 40

Vicki Virago - Proud Mother

Then November it will be! I'll be in touch over the next couple of weeks and we can work things out from there.

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