This is the Message Centre for Vicki Virago - Proud Mother

Strangers on messenger! *giggle*

Post 21

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

Oh Lord!

She's back smiley - rolleyes

Strangers on messenger! *giggle*

Post 22

Captain T A Nuge, leader of the Clique (A3542186) Join today! -Back from the dead-

Scary stuff. Hello, everypeoples.

Strangers on messenger! *giggle*

Post 23

Vicki Virago - Proud Mother

Hello hunny bunny!!! smiley - biggrin

Strangers on messenger! *giggle*

Post 24

Captain T A Nuge, leader of the Clique (A3542186) Join today! -Back from the dead-

I know how it is with the messenger thing, I get wierdos on all the time. I had to set up one for my online name for spam and other wierd people.

Strangers on messenger! *giggle*

Post 25

Vicki Virago - Proud Mother

I'd like to know how she found me in the first place. How do you search for something like that?

Strangers on messenger! *giggle*

Post 26

Captain T A Nuge, leader of the Clique (A3542186) Join today! -Back from the dead-

You can't. If you've forwarded chain mail, then your e-mail address could have been gotten from that. Another possibility is that she typed in the wrong e-mail address. Who knows but her? Or him? It could be a dude, its impossible to tell.

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