This is the Message Centre for Vicki Virago - Proud Mother

I was 3 yesterday!!!

Post 21

Vicki Virago - Proud Mother

*dances around*

Can't wait until a week today...I won't be classed as a "youngster" anymore. I'll be a proper grown up then! smiley - laugh

I was 3 yesterday!!!

Post 22

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

... Ooh.. going backwards in time is marvelous!!

I am not even two yet!! smiley - magic

I was 3 yesterday!!!

Post 23


smiley - bubbly Happy Birthday

A propper grown up! smiley - yikes But that means you've got to behave like a grown up - I don't think hootoo is ready for that.

I was 3 yesterday!!!

Post 24

pheloxi | is it time to wear a hat? |

I am only 14K something smiley - sillysmiley - bigeyes

I was 3 yesterday!!!

Post 25

Vicki Virago - Proud Mother

Me neither...I wonder if the site will go offline completely come the 11th! smiley - rofl

I was 3 yesterday!!!

Post 26

pheloxi | is it time to wear a hat? |

only if Hamsters are replaced by Vicki's smiley - tongueout

I was 3 yesterday!!!

Post 27

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

Can't get wheels strong enough for that!! smiley - whistlesmiley - run

I was 3 yesterday!!!

Post 28

pheloxi | is it time to wear a hat? |

I meant mini Vicki clones smiley - silly

I was 3 yesterday!!!

Post 29

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

smiley - musicalnote weebils wobble but they don't fall down! smiley - musicalnote

I was 3 yesterday!!!

Post 30

pheloxi | is it time to wear a hat? |

makes lil me dance with li me!
smiley - disco

I was 3 yesterday!!!

Post 31

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

smiley - diva.. yay Pheloxi!! smiley - smooch

I was 3 yesterday!!!

Post 32

Captain T A Nuge, leader of the Clique (A3542186) Join today! -Back from the dead-

Whoo! Random dancing! *dances randomly, then stops* You mean, it took you almost 27 years to find hootoo? *shock, horror* And you became an ACE after 3 years?!? *more shock and horror* AND YOU'RE ONLY THIRTY?!? Well, they say life begins at fifty, anyway, so technically, you haven't been born yet. How's THAT for young?!?

I was 3 yesterday!!!

Post 33

Vicki Virago - Proud Mother

I've been an ACE on and off for (I think) 2 years or so now, so smiley - nahnah

I was 3 yesterday!!!

Post 34

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

smiley - erm I've been an ACE for a year..

I was 3 yesterday!!!

Post 35

Vicki Virago - Proud Mother

You don't count...this is MY party, not yours! smiley - tongueout

I was 3 yesterday!!!

Post 36

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

I might as well go back to bed </> *sulk*

I was 3 yesterday!!!

Post 37

Vicki Virago - Proud Mother

You can't...Ally has taken over the whole bed

I was 3 yesterday!!!

Post 38

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

smiley - bigeyes

Dagnabbit so she has!! smiley - doh

I was 3 yesterday!!!

Post 39

pheloxi | is it time to wear a hat? | nice afterall it is a party mood thread!!

dances with smiley - divas (sounds like movie with J-lo, Madonna and Christiana A.)

I was 3 yesterday!!!

Post 40

Captain T A Nuge, leader of the Clique (A3542186) Join today! -Back from the dead-

Well, its only to be expected that you needed a break... or nine. ANyway... *dances with Pheloxi*

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