This is the Message Centre for Vicki Virago - Proud Mother

Vicki Virago Fan Club

Post 21

Cal - interim high priest of the Church of the Holy Tail

Me I'm the chairperson

Vicki Virago Fan Club

Post 22

Vicki Virago - Proud Mother

smiley - tongueout

Vicki Virago Fan Club

Post 23


I'm back, I just got cut off. Does this mean If there's already a chairperson, can I be treasurer?

Corporal X

smiley - martiansmile

Vicki Virago Fan Club

Post 24


Can I be club lurker? smiley - biggrin

Vicki Virago Fan Club

Post 25


If the Chairperson decides so, I can't tell. I've got to dash, I'm needed at the photocopier.


Corporal X

smiley - martiansmile

Vicki Virago Fan Club

Post 26

Maverick {'Doc, I get a stabbing pain in my eye every time I drink tea.' 'Take the spoon out'.}

*brews a round of smiley - coffee that vaguely resembles tar*

Ok, so who wants smiley - coffee?
smiley - smiley

Vicki Virago Fan Club

Post 27


I can only drink very weak, sweet smiley - tea I'm afraid...I'll do me own smiley - smiley

Vicki Virago Fan Club

Post 28

Calamitea the tea drinking penguin

I have some smiley - tea if you'd like some.
smiley - smiley
Is there room in the fan club for a fully caffeinated penguin who usually goes by another I.D.? smiley - winkeye
smiley - biggrin

Vicki Virago Fan Club

Post 29

Vicki Virago - Proud Mother

*looks at smiley - coffee*

smiley - erm I'll have smiley - tea daSilva!

Vicki Virago Fan Club

Post 30

Vicki Virago - Proud Mother

Greetings, oh "unknown" one smiley - winkeye

Vicki Virago Fan Club

Post 31

Cal - interim high priest of the Church of the Holy Tail

well desilva can be lurker and cheif tea maker

Vicki Virago Fan Club

Post 32

Calamitea the tea drinking penguin

Greetings, VV.
smiley - biggrin

Vicki Virago Fan Club

Post 33


Vicki Virago Fan Club

Post 34


I'm back.
Speaking of coffee, do you think you could do me a cappucino sil vous plait?

Corporal X

smiley - martiansmile

Vicki Virago Fan Club

Post 35

Maverick {'Doc, I get a stabbing pain in my eye every time I drink tea.' 'Take the spoon out'.}

I'd be happy to...

*quickly brews a smiley - cappuccino and serves it to Corporal X*
smiley - smiley

Vicki Virago Fan Club

Post 36

Vicki Virago - Proud Mother

Huh!!!! favouritism!!!!

Vicki Virago Fan Club

Post 37


Vicki Virago Fan Club

Post 38

Maverick {'Doc, I get a stabbing pain in my eye every time I drink tea.' 'Take the spoon out'.}

I'm sorry VV, did you want a smiley - cappuccino?

Vicki Virago Fan Club

Post 39


I'm back, sorry I left yesterday, but my Mother was going under the knife and I had to leave suddenly. Thanks for the . I won't be back until about Friday, as I'm off for me hols, I'll see you all when I get back.

Corporal X

smiley - martiansmile

Vicki Virago Fan Club

Post 40


I'm back, sorry I left yesterday, but my Mother was going under the knife and I had to leave suddenly. Thanks for the smiley - cappuccino. I won't be back until about Friday, as I'm off for me hols, I'll see you all when I get back.

Corporal X

smiley - martiansmile

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