About Me. I am nh.

The Name of a Cat; The Name of a Rabbit

I was dying to put up a subheader, but thoughts as bluntly irrelevent and meaningless as the chosen header have been rolling a bit sparse lately. Since this is supposed to be About Me, I'll liberally use the pronouns all pertaining to the self. There are high hopes that this will not weigh heavily on anyone's sense of self-worth or will not devote to an opinion of me as a self-centered, conceited cretin whose soul is worth less then the skin it inhabits. With that out of the way, it is time to move on.

In this world, there are people. After the pure chance event of an Italian sperm coming in contact with a German/French egg, a mircle development began. However, this development ceased halfway through and was sent spiraling into a pattern of mutation and physical decadence. That's me, folks. After eighteen years of physical and development, I come before you as nothing less then a lazy, jobless American living off his parents while he skips his way through the Music and Computer Science programs of a local college in the lovely state of Michigan1.

As previously implied, music is a fascination of mine. Despite the fact that I could easily name my three favorite bands2, all music touches me in it's own way. Except rap. There are many definitions of music. Rap fits only the definition pertaining to it being considered a category of music. Since it generally doesn't have (or doesn't fit) the characteristics that music seems to have, I don't know how it became a category in the first place3and will thus refuse to acknowledge it as actual music. I really don't like the way it sounds anyways and will often find any oppurtunity to swing at it in a fairly violent fashion. Music is beautiful because it's an art, and like any art, it can be approached from virtually any angle and still produce something considerably marvelous. It's my passion. Unfortunately, having a passion doesn't necessarily mean getting a job is any easier.

Beyond that which has been stated, there is very little about me that I'm confident enough about to state in such a public forum4 I typically rest of my bum in the virtual realm of the JEC-X gaming community's IRC server. From there I stem off into hourly episodes of game playing, internet browsing, and criticizing of just about everything I come in contact with on a day to day basis. This is my life. And it's ending one minute at a time5

That is all for now, good sirs and madams. Go forth and multiply!

1By lovely, I mean to say that it's completely schizophrenic in it's geographical identity. It has very little sense of climate in the 90/100+ degree summers and the way too far below freezing winters.2Radiohead, Dream Theater, Muse. In that order.3Okay, I'm lying.4For those who may not understand what I'm saying here, it's that the one person in the world that confuses me the most is myself. It's a heartbreaking melodrama of sardonicism.5The previous two sentences were based on a quote from Fight Club that goes as follows: "This is your life and it's ending one minute at a time." Keep in mind, however, that I do not promote or devote to any form of worship in the name this movie and/or many of it's ridiculously comical philosophical ideas. It just has some occasional good points as well as some very quotable quotes.

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