This is the Message Centre for Keseral - lost...
Keseral - lost... Posted Mar 28, 2005
oh yes, I think that may have been a slight understatement! Ironically I was born in '89 when the old series ended, so I have been deprived of who'ness! (also this new doctor is.... very good looking!)
Mr Jack Posted Mar 28, 2005
I enjoyed the new episode muchly.
The Autons I remember as being quite scary when I saw them as young one.
They were still kinda creepy.
The wheelie bin worked for me as comedy moment.
It was quite action driven, which is OK for a pilot to catch people attention before going on to develope charaterisation later, but it makes me wonder if the new writing team want to cram too much into a 45 minute episode, it seemed all over resolved quite quickly asif the episode could done with a hour.
Keseral - lost... Posted Mar 30, 2005
yes, I think that it was intended to be a sort of pilot episode, to get the audience back into the swing of it.
Also, they made a continuity(sp?) mistake! When roses boyfriend is stuck to the bin, whe he turned around, the bits ofd plastic should have crossed, but they didnt!
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