Journal Entries
robot logic
Posted Nov 2, 2002
After reviewing sites (on chaos, anarchy, gardening, and shoe care), I have no alternative but to condem humanity to death. It appears that if you are versed then you can not translate, if you can spell then you can not write, if you have something worth saying, then you can not exprese your self properly. So, all in all, I would say it would be best if everyone just died. Leave me here to talk to the animals, drink, start a garden, bust windows, paint landmarks, shine my shoes, set very small fires, liberate zoos, and turn everything left over off.
If you'll do this for me, I promise to live like we were all supposed to, I'll teach myself to fly a plane, sleep in a lions den (with a lion, of course), build a ferret house 80 meters high out of worthless cash stock, feed everyones cats and dogs and goldfish, and I'll even produce the worlds first truely solo space flight.
I'm pretty freakin smart, and vow to extend true air/space, sea, and land exploration. I will disolve all notions of war. If you will all die and just leave me be, I will put an end to hunger and homelesnes(I guess everything but humans are pretty good at taking care of themselves). There are other things I shant do until you buggers go away, and it's better that way. Yea.
As you can see I really don't mind the position, and have a pretty good idea about what to do with it, SO PLEASE ELECT ME AS YOUR LAST MAN ON EARTH, YEA! (I know I already said yea, but hey, I'm trying to get used to the sound of my own voice.)
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Latest reply: Nov 2, 2002
h2g2 is bleak
Posted Nov 2, 2002
This place sucks, why do I even check? I can go into porn chat rooms and get people talking about quantum physics, or teen chats and end up with reasonable talk of social decay. These freegin brits don't have shite to say, unless it's to themselves.
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Latest reply: Nov 2, 2002
stage worship demise
Posted Oct 3, 2002
Well, this is it, too much time and cash is being invested to turn myself out of this one. With the help of the cream called the 806 Click, set lists will be burned and the stage worship installed by the early nineties indie movment shall be no more. The arts will no longer be seperate but equal. Nay, they shall be joined into The One. The great ideas of man shall force man to become the great ideas of art, forcing evolution and leaving a new humankind. Like a sulphur match, sparked in the dark, a flame and then a glowing new people full of glamour and the magic of creation (who, hopefully, won't make me pay so much freakin' rent and wear so many bleedin' clothes).
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Latest reply: Oct 3, 2002
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