This is the Message Centre for kri stickle mass
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Swiss dastards
Number Six Started conversation Nov 12, 2002
Evenin Kris
Did you see the game ?
I am gutted. Chez PK, the flags are at half-mast. The hounds have locked themselves in the pantry with a litre bottle of Tanqueray.
Anyways, can't mourn for ever
Ta for the tip on film thing. Took me a while to find it, but have posted. Come on over and play and cheer po ol PK up.
Swiss dastards
kri stickle mass Posted Nov 13, 2002
hi p.k. lil sprout,
it was a heart straining match wasnt it? i didnt get to see it because we only have one tele (by choice) and my son gets dibs on it first and i get dibs on the puter first . it means we still have to practice sharing skills
so i listened on fivelive as usual.
i hope all in the p.k. household are fully recovered and looking forward to the next win . think of me at midday, i will be at the dentist (cue sick dread in pit of stomach)
catch up with you round the rez p.k.
Swiss dastards
Number Six Posted Nov 13, 2002
Hello KrissyKrisKrisKris
Chez PK all has been v quiet today
Did the dentist treat you right ? Seems everyone is getting saw toofs at the minute. Back inthe Middle Ages, we'd have said that there was a hex in play
The snoozehounds are very excited about the thought of you coming to howl with them. They want to know if you like The Cocteau Twins.
See you on Films thingy
Swiss dastards
kri stickle mass Posted Nov 15, 2002
hi p.k.
the cocteau twins i dont know of. i know all about dogs though . they are one of the best kind of people.
i watched the leeds game yesterday p.k. and it was pleasure all the way through once the team hooked in fully. alan smith was superb, at his best. he grows week by week. i watched it on channel five and jonathon pearce was doing it again. (he is another shooting to the top star and so very likeable.) anyway, about 3/4 of the way through the match, the camera panned to a huge block of empty seats. lying across said empty seats was great big fat bloke, belly all hanging out and at the moment the camera closed up on him he was just lighting a great big biff and took a drag and covered it with his hand to bring away from his mouth and it was one of those chillum style biffs and it stuck out the other side of his hand!!
ten minutes later, camera pans back and great big fat bloke, still supremely isolated in the huge empty block, lays snoring, (belly out and next bit showing) oblivious to the millions of eyes watching him.
alan is going to be one of the greatest english footballers of his generation. he is a great lad.
how are you sweet pert peekay? i always love reading your stuff, you have a lovely mind. do you have an exciting horizon in view at present
Swiss dastards
Number Six Posted Nov 15, 2002
Hello my luvly
Have just rolled in from long day of socialising, and amtaking refuge from bleedin children in bleedin need. God, that thing annoys me - if I see one more Eastenders loser Im gonna do a Osama, and divebomb Shpegerds Bush.
Don't you know who tyhe Cocteau Twins are ? Shame on you. They make music that sounds like people howling - thats why the hounds love it. They always put one of their cds on before a night out. Dogs ARE the bet kinds of people
I love your story about fat bloke at Leeds game. Do you think it might have been Peter Lovegrove ? How can you like Smithy so much ? His lips are Oliverlike and out of all proporrtion to his willo the wisp physique ?
Only joking pet. I know you love him dearly.
I love the way that every time I rad one of your posts, my ego is suitably massaged. I am crap at that type of thing, so will just send you happy vibes down the dial-up connection
Have I missed any fun on boards ? were you invasive today ?
Talking of today (?) hear ol Myra has popped her clogs. Ironic it being Children in need day and wot not. O Boy, she must have some very bad karma
I am now settling down with +
and will watch Model Behaviour, which is a very great show, and one also much beloved of hounds. Have you ever done any modelling ? I heard a rumour that your picture is somewhere on here, but keep forgetting to look for it
I think I will send my picture to Cat Deeley, and see if she will go out for tea with me
Well, must go and get cold air.
keep on truckin
Swiss dastards
kri stickle mass Posted Nov 16, 2002
hi pk, and i always love talking to you - there is something in your manner that is endearing and elegant too.
he was fatter than peter and you cant tear my image of alan down. he is a dad too did you know? he has high ideals, just from looking so young and innocent, he overcompensated on the returned aggression. i understand that, i was youngest so have always been a bit overcompensated
sarnia is the one who has been diving in on the high jinks, then the lot gets modded by the time i get there so cant say as to the boards.
model behaviour sounds like a programme full of high ideals
but i thought you had a mrs pk so will she get to go to tea too or are you just looking to see if cat is blonde and brunette as well
hope you have a great weekend pk, i am away tomorrow evening and will be back late monday night.
you the cute one kris
Swiss dastards
kri stickle mass Posted Nov 16, 2002
ps - my picture is posted in here
there is a pic of me on front page or click on pics to the side and i think it is on the last page. photo of me and my two oldest sons.
my hair is 5 ins shorter, the rest is the same.
Swiss dastards
Number Six Posted Nov 16, 2002
Hello KrissyKrisKris
Tracked down your pic. O boy, you are an urban fox !
"Oh Mickey you're so fine, you're so fine you blow my mind, HEY MICKEY !!!"
Have a groovy weekend, though I've just realised you won't see this til you come back, so I should say, I hope you HAD a groovy weekend
b seeing you
Swiss dastards
kri stickle mass Posted Nov 16, 2002
thanks p.k.
you always make me feel good it is a great song.
i am travelling late - listening to the travel reports everyday has put me right off travelling any day in daylight.
hope you all have a good time while i am gone. i love coming to this place for a chat. it always means more when you know the person you are talking to knows you a little.
see you when i get back lovely p.k.
Swiss dastards
Number Six Posted Nov 16, 2002
Hey Kris, have you gone yet ? Kris ??
Just realised that in my alcoholic stupor last night, I didn't pick up on something you had said. Like that you thought there was a Mrs PK !!
Where did you get that idea from, I wonder I shall be scratching my head for a day or two....
Not that there is anything wrong with marriage of course, and I have deffo come close, but Mrs PK is still out there somewhere, blissfully unaware of the horrors fate holds in store for her. Oh, and no, no kids either.
So that would make me a SPANKME - Single Professional Animal-lover, No Kids, Meat Eater.
Speak to you later later
Swiss dastards
kri stickle mass Posted Nov 18, 2002
view halloo!!!!!!
hi peaceful p.k.
i made it back through thick fog (from coupla miles before the dartford tunnel all the way back to colchester). it didnt stop us people in the fast lane from banging along at 80 where possible. it wasnt dangerous because people were keeping a good distance but it did roll along and i couldnt make up my mind if we were mad or just great and confident drivers (i go for the latter as it is true in my case
). 20 miles from home i peeled off because queueing had begun and took the back roads instead. i popped by and spent time with some people i love very much on the way, so have come home totally loved up and glad i can feel so happy.
i have been in brighton with my niece who had a baby girl 3 weeks ago and named her lola. she is just wonderful - they both are. there is an english bull terrier in the family and i have never known a dog like it. they look - mean (which is a kind way of putting it). they are close to mongoloid in the dog world scheme of things, except they are also capable of a frenzied killer instinct. she will kill cats & kittens, she will fight dogs for heirarchical positioning. however, she is an interesting phenomenon of study. hormones are a very crucial element in the basic character and make up of different dogs. hormones, the dog's receptivity to them/the dog's system's hormonal cascade in response to stimulus, govern the nature of the dog and the capacity for intelligence.
oh god, i just went off on one - nearly. on a personal level it took me time to warm to her. i spent 2 weeks in spain with her a few years back and began to connect with her person. the dogs in spain are very much more evolved than in england because they are allowed to run free through the hills at night. most families have some dogs and they are not pampered. the dogs social system is highly sophisticated and you can hear them in the night and study them too. so she had the intelligence to engage with the social order of dogs but her capacity for engagement with humans is not beyond simple, and yet therein lies the treasure. i have spent time with her since then and she has some wonderful qualities that are priceless as teacher but she also needs vigilance because there is an unstable element (but very unlikely toward the baby). i hope that all i just wrote isnt boring or nonsense to you.
i am sure you said to someone in one of your strands that your wife had manic depression but it is possible, if i got your conversations mixed with brad, that it was brad who said it, in which case i probably shouldnt believe it cos he also claims to ride his bike wearing pink lycra.
give your snoozies a big hug and a wrestle from me, tell them ol' whiteface is nearly all round. tonight i was on the m25 when the moon came up and the sun going down behind me, the moon was low and extra huge.
you have a from me too, (i'll leave out the wrestle, you might be a sore loser
see you soon, o pert and knowing pk
Swiss dastards
Number Six Posted Nov 19, 2002
HI Krissy Kris Kris
My computer mutinied yesterday morning, and havent been able to post anything til now . Bill Gates needs shot, in my humble.
Thank you for your last post. Very interesting about Spanish doggies. I guess they have more of a true pack identity thing going on over there. Funny, all I remember about Spanish animals are the cats. My parents would always take their holidays in Spain when I was a kid, and for some reason, the place always seemed to be overrun with these scrawny little pussies. Perhaps the dogs were in decline at that time, and have now resurfaced to claim their inheritance.
I quite like English Bull Terriers. I know someone who has a couple of them, and they are very nice little snarlers indeed. Some people think their off the wall looks are very appealing, but I agree they are probably called "mong" by other canines. Talking of which, who was that loony who kept posting about "mongs" and "bad boys" over on AF ? Don't think it was any of us, do you ? The ol board seems very quiet. Or is it just that everything gets modded before I check it out ? I'll have to post a few posers tonight.
Re Mrs PK, still no Mrs PK here, so I guess it must have been Brad you were thinking of. Must be difficult for him
Will see yas later later later.
Swiss dastards
kri stickle mass Posted Nov 20, 2002
hello p.k. perfect knight
love the way you say my name
the dogs are very sophisticated and get involved or not in the nightly runabout by choice. they literally own the hills at night, because the hills are steep and close together, the communication stretches over long distances. there are only roads halfway up the mountains, below that level only dirt tracks and permanently dry river beds. their social intelligence is of a high order. they all know each other and their communication and interaction happens from horizon to horizon and therefore is witnessed by the whole, including me . (i cant explain the fullness of it properly on here. most things are hard to explain properly by written word but can be communicated easily by gob !!!)
i am not sure what high jinks we may have missed on the boards. i have not had so much time to get on and play. i am my own boss so have to make sure i am out and creating enough money, not come here and play too much with lovely sweet pert knowing things like you
hope i bump into you here and there today peeks, i am playing till midday. big to
one for you
Swiss dastards
kri stickle mass Posted Nov 21, 2002
hi p.k.
missed your sweet little notes, are you ok?
luv kris
Swiss dastards
Number Six Posted Nov 22, 2002
Hi hi hi Krissy Kris Mick-e-o Sushi
My pc has been on death row the last couple of days - will start up, but then throws up error messages - then everything crashes
So havent been able to do anything puterish at all. Finally got it sussed, I think Think I may have a nasty little virus lurking somewhere in puters innards though
If all goes well now, will drop you a longer note later later. How have you been ? Looking forward to catching up on your wisdom.
Swiss dastards
kri stickle mass Posted Nov 22, 2002
i am glad you are back p.k.
it has been in all kinds of ways. i am not at my usual level of serenity right now but it has been a week of initiating major change (one of which includes a holiday for me hooray x 150 billion squillion more hoorays).
i have to fulfill my part of the deal (with me) which is finish plan something (might be b or c). then i can go away for up to 10 days in the caribbean and then come back, collect all my money and put more money making items out in the shops for sale and repeat (sans les vacances). this is the culmination of 18 months work on this particular project (a solo affair - like all my projects).
how are your dogs? i am jealous of you for having their company. i could do with a great big dog for company right now, to lean against, to talk stupid and silly to and wrestle with and wind up and gentle down. dogs are so true, they make great company.
i hope you get your puter fixed properly. my son loaded some things on mine yesterday and it took me all day to get rid of it.
oooooerrr you said you were looking forward to my wisdom. oh yeh, dont take any wooden knickers (something like that, very wise american saying)
thanks for cheering me up p.k.
Swiss dastards
Number Six Posted Nov 22, 2002
Hello dah again !!
Whats upset ya man ? Was it the DD thing on the board ? I'm like you, I don't give a toss about politics here. I can't think why, because I do care about what is going on elsewhere in the world ! O well, just call me a lightweight lightweight ! Dougy always gives me a laugh, and thats good enough for me
Whatever it is just keep thinking about your hols. I've never been to the Carribean, but it sounds pretty fantastic. I really fancy the Seychelles for a holly, but can't seem to get motivated to do anything about it
Have you been watching "Mr Right" on Channel 4? Possibly the worst programme ever, but addictive. The american is gorgeous
. I think I am in love
Ahem err, anyway now then, time for a glass of and a
See yas later later
Swiss dastards
kri stickle mass Posted Nov 22, 2002
i gave up tv in april pk. i only watch footie and occasionally marat safin.
i havent booked my hol yet, not allowed till my work is done. then i am going anywhere i can get, last minute, cheap and must have guaranteed sun. i am going to only swim, sunbathe, sing, dance, and anything else free and exciting that pops up (and probably fix people too cos that is part of me)
i wont be able to get away for about 7/8 months afterwards and i havent had a holiday like that for years, so this is my present to myself for all the graft and struggle of the last 3 years of blind faith in what i am doing.
you never know, i might end up in bali if it is cheap enough. there was a great series on television about 12/15 years ago by lawrence and lorne blair. they spent 10 years filming in bali and other parts of indonesia, trying to capture the indigenous tribes and their relgion and culture before it was corrupted. it was a terrific series p.k. they focussed on animism. there is a book which covers it too. Ring of Fire. it might be in the library. bali was also covered in a book by timothy wylie called dolphins, telepathy and underwater birthing. if you are interested i will tell you a little about that too.
were we talking about something, oh yes. holidays whooppeeeeee yes !!!
ps i am using my real name tonight
pps i am back to normal (for me)
Swiss dastards
Pat Pending Posted Nov 25, 2002
Afternoon Kris,
Just thought I'd better correct a misconception revealed in this thread which was caused, I think, by me changing my name and pretending to be Brad. It's Mrs Pen who has manic depression, and whwn I have more time I'd appreciate talking to you about it some time: Mrs Slovan, as far as I know is fine.
Just thought I'd mention it in case I'd caused any confusion: it's not really a joking matter.
Catch ya later: hope the sun's shining wherer you are?]
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Swiss dastards
- 1: Number Six (Nov 12, 2002)
- 2: kri stickle mass (Nov 13, 2002)
- 3: Number Six (Nov 13, 2002)
- 4: kri stickle mass (Nov 15, 2002)
- 5: Number Six (Nov 15, 2002)
- 6: kri stickle mass (Nov 16, 2002)
- 7: kri stickle mass (Nov 16, 2002)
- 8: Number Six (Nov 16, 2002)
- 9: kri stickle mass (Nov 16, 2002)
- 10: Number Six (Nov 16, 2002)
- 11: kri stickle mass (Nov 18, 2002)
- 12: Number Six (Nov 19, 2002)
- 13: kri stickle mass (Nov 20, 2002)
- 14: kri stickle mass (Nov 21, 2002)
- 15: Number Six (Nov 22, 2002)
- 16: kri stickle mass (Nov 22, 2002)
- 17: Number Six (Nov 22, 2002)
- 18: kri stickle mass (Nov 22, 2002)
- 19: kri stickle mass (Nov 25, 2002)
- 20: Pat Pending (Nov 25, 2002)
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