This is the Message Centre for kri stickle mass

Swiss dastards

Post 21

kri stickle mass

i would be glad to pat. smiley - smiley

you can email me at [email protected] probably better to do it that way.

smiley - rose kris.

Swiss dastards

Post 22

Number Six

Hi Krissy Michy Kris Kris smiley - loveblush

Bubble bursting ? smiley - huh

Me no unnerstand smiley - biggrin Sorry didn't get back to you before, but didn't get your "communing with dead woman" post until too late. First time on boards today. Been pushing a wonky trolley around Sainsbo's, causing trolley rage among elderly folk smiley - steam

Now all caffeined-up, and ready to respond !!

smiley - hugsmiley - rosesmiley - dogsmiley - fullmoon

Swiss dastards

Post 23

kri stickle mass

hi perked knose smiley - loveblush

i wont be back till tomorrow now, in fact i shouldnt be here now but i have called and said i wilbe 15 mins late. the boards are incredibly slow tonight. hope you had a giggle with the old folks.

will answer all posts in the morning. nother busy day tomoz but that is the last one and then thurs and fri and sat have more time to play. smiley - wow

see yas later smiley - rose kris

Swiss dastards

Post 24

kri stickle mass

hi perked knose smiley - loveblush

i wont be back till tomorrow now, in fact i shouldnt be here now but i have called and said i wilbe 15 mins late. the boards are incredibly slow tonight. hope you had a giggle with the old folks.

will answer all posts in the morning. nother busy day tomoz but that is the last one and then thurs and fri and sat have more time to play. smiley - wow

see yas later smiley - rose kris

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