This is the Message Centre for William of Middenshire, Keeper of Mammals Beginning with "W" and Goatee Beards

Hello, you, Keeper of Goatee Beards

Post 1

Connie L

Beeing a Keeper myself, I came accross the proclamation of you Keeper title, and I thought I'd pop in for a little bit of advice, I hope you don't mind...

I have been trying to keep a goatee beard for the past 2 or 3 years now. As it grows (VERY slowly, I am not the hairy type), I am full of expectations. Then it starts to have that ideal goatee shape (and I feel I look very sexy smiley - winkeye), and after a week or two, or three, I am so bored with it I shave it off.

Within a week, I feel like growing one again...

Am I a desperate case ?

Or has this anything to do with my part-time smiley - divaDragQueen activity ? Another subtlely by-polar split in my split-personality ?

Otherwise, I am quite fine with Mammals beginning with the letter "W"...

Cheers !

(Have you noticed that this h2g2 place is absolutely INSANE ? How do you like that ?)

Hello, you, Keeper of Goatee Beards

Post 2

Sea Change

Aha! Caught you, Connie! "DQs can look faaaaabulous (5 'a's, remember?) with facial hair" InDeeeeed.

Have you tried Rogaine?

Certain depilatories have chemicals in them that suppress further hair growth, and sometimes a topical application elsewhere can inhibit hair growth where you might want it.

As for myself, I don't have any beard except a goatee-just a few retarded stragglers on my cheek and neck, and the wispiest baby sideburns.

Hello, you, Keeper of Goatee Beards

Post 3

William of Middenshire, Keeper of Mammals Beginning with "W" and Goatee Beards

The hardest thing about the goatee is keeping it even. It could be that I have wonky eyes, of course, but when I look at mine, it never appears totally symmetrical. I have to fiddle around with nail scissors, etc. until I am satisfied. Which I never really am. Some people seem to be able to create these really intricate goatees with a sculpted sideburn here, a chiselled moustache must have seen them. I, however, end up looking like a sort of cut-price extra in a Robin Hood B-movie. **sigh**

Any tips in retaining beard symmetry gratefully received.


Hello, you, Keeper of Goatee Beards

Post 4

Sea Change

Can't help much with symmetry as mine grows natural, sorry. I trim the mustache with scissors, bevelled from underneath (that is to say, the lower blade faces down and the cutting surface is higher than the optimal lenth of the mustache), so if I miss by a little, the overgrowth hides it.

I know there are specialty beard trimmers out there which have narrow heads with interchangeable blades. Do they help?

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