This is the Message Centre for William of Middenshire, Keeper of Mammals Beginning with "W" and Goatee Beards
Greetings William....
Titania (gone for lunch) Started conversation Dec 3, 2002
*floating in, in her usual vague, elf-like manner*
I noticed that you enjoy 'real' conversations over at the 'H2G2 a dying community?' thread...
There are all sorts of conversations here at h2g2, as you've probably already noticed - some almost purely consisting of smilies, some a light-hearted exchange of 'how are you'/'I am fine', some just plain and some very specific...
Anyway - I just thought I'd tell you about one of my favourite h2g2 places - a place for both light-hearted and more serious conversations, with a lot of OTD (Off Topic Drift) but also keen on Netiquette and Continuancy, and those who have made the effort to get into it (takes a bit of effort, I know) have found that the regulars are really a friendly and helpful bunch of people
If you have the time, I'd like to recommend Asteroid Lil's Atelier - the current conversation found here:
Reading some of the backlog (previous postings) before posting yourself is appreciated - but I think you might find it interesting!
Greetings William....
William of Middenshire, Keeper of Mammals Beginning with "W" and Goatee Beards Posted Dec 4, 2002
Hi, Titania.
Thanks for the invitation. I shall certainly drop in and introduce myself, once I've had a chance to read a few of the threads.
Apologies for the short message, but my computer is playing up at present!
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Greetings William....
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