Journal Entries

Mrs B

Hi folks,
well i`ll start at the beginning.On Sunday 14th sept i took mrs b to hospital on way home from van as she had been complaining of stomach pains which seemed to be getting worse,bear in mind i was up about 8am that morning.Anyhow we arrived at the hospital at 7-10pm and after all examinations a bed was finally found for mrs b at 4am.After seeing mrs b settled i got home at 4-45am monday morning.All i did was take the cool box out of the car and said sod it till later,put every thing in fridge and finally got me tea,remember looking at clock (6am) as i started to read sunday papers,must have dropped off but was awake at 7-30am,finished unloading car and sorted washing out and put everything away.went shopping and was on phone telling her sisters what had happened,she`s got 4 sisters so imagine having 4 women telling me all about their problems as well smiley - blue.mrs b didn`t have any treatment until today when a ward sister came on after a weeks hol and recognised mrs b
weren`t you on here last week when i went off sez ward sister,yes sez mrs b,what treatment have you had sez w/s
none sez mrs b,none sez w/s,you`ve been in here over a week and not had any treatment,no sez mrs b,this isn`t good enough sez w/s i`m not having this she sez and stormed off up the ward to the phone.she rang the consultants secretary and just before 12 the registrars surgical officer came down and told mrs b thet they were looking to find her a 3-50pn mrs b was on her way down to laporoscopy unit.mrs b has had a rigid sigmoidoscope which looks into the first part of the bowel,saw mrs b tonight and she was groggy but doing ok,early indications are that everything is ok but will know more when doctor does his rounds tomorrow.
thans from mrs b to all those who have asked after her

smiley - bat

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Latest reply: Sep 23, 2003

Morning Poem

I woke early one morning,
The earth lay cool and still
When suddenly a tiny bird
Perched on my window sill.
He sang a song so lovely
So carefree and so gay,
That slowly all my troubles
Began to slip away.
He sang of far off places
Of laughter and of fun,
It seemed his very trilling brought up the morning sun.
I stirred beneath my covers
Crept slowly out of bed,
Then gently shut the window
And crushed his smiley - bleeping head

I`m not a morning person


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Latest reply: Jul 2, 2003

romani angel

just a brief message especially to Loup,Kow, mystical angel and all other unsuspecting users who know her... romani is about to make an appearance on here very soon.
if you value your sanity i suggest you take to the hills or even emigrate,i,m the one in the distance disappearing rapidly.
romani only has to get her drive sorted then she will be back and life will never be the same again.

smiley - bat

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Latest reply: Jun 24, 2003

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