This is the Message Centre for Arcan Cirick - Keeper of Silly Horses and all things Entertainingly Equine
Osiyo Arcan Cirick...
Arcan Cirick - Keeper of Silly Horses and all things Entertainingly Equine Posted Oct 3, 2002
I was just at the toilet and I got to look at the loo-brush. My perception of that hing will never quite be the same again.
Guess that's what one risks by being on H2G2!
AC (Still )
Osiyo Arcan Cirick...
Batty_ACE Posted Oct 3, 2002
Among my favorites are:
DNA of course. I've read most if not all. Last Chance To See is my favorite of his books.
The Cairo Trilogy (Palace Walk, Palace of Desire and Sugar Street) by Naguib Mahfouz
The Makioka Sisters by Junichiro Tanizaki (spelling may be off - it's been a while)
A Brief History of Time as mentioned
and I can't think of much else at the mo. My collection is in boxes in the attic right now. Those are the ones I have on hand.
I like reading that is either educational or takes me into a whole other world (also educational I suppose). The Makioka Sisters and The Cairo Trilogy take me to the worlds they are in, Japan and Egypt in the 20s. Fascinating. This gives them the same escapist quality of good scifi/fantasy, IMHO. What do you like to read?
Osiyo Arcan Cirick...
Arcan Cirick - Keeper of Silly Horses and all things Entertainingly Equine Posted Oct 5, 2002
You English-speaking people and your abbreviations…
I am able to figure the DNA – stuff, and even to realise that it has little to do with the building bricks of all carbon based life forms on this planet. (Other than being a fine specimen of’em.)
But IMHO? Now, I am an apt guesser and I can come up with several suggestions, ranging from likely to highly over entertaining or even witty to ridiculously unlikely.
Allow me to express my sympathy. Books should not be stored in attics, they should be put on shelves in the living-room or – if one has such options – in the library. But I know, RL (see, I can abbreviate too!) sometimes makes claims on us, such as lack of sufficient space to store exciting stuff.
What I read? Heehaw… some of this, scraps of that.
Starting from the light end; I read fanfictions, the best croppings of amateur Internet-authors, as they endeavour upon known fictious people and copyrighted settings. (Read about the phenomenon at ) It started with X-Files and has moved on through Doctor Who, Hornblower, Star Trek and even the occasional HHGTTG-crossover. (I’ve even written a few fanfic’s myself, but that’s another story.)
Continuing through genres (The advantage of the Internet – I never quite did get the knack for pronouncing that word!) I must admit to be a Harry Potter devotee. It’s just cosy reading, I suppose. And, somewhat in genre, followed by C. S. Lewis’ Narnia-books.
Seriouser and seriouser (!), I read Umberto Eco, Salman Rushdie, Peter Hoegh (Danish bloke, wrote the book behind the film Smilla’s Sense of Snow,) P. D. James, Tolkien, Dostoyevsky and – surprise – Hawking. (Some mixture, yeah?)
BTW (There it was again, the abb.) I started on Rushdie due to curiosity regarding The Satanic Verses, but I got hooked. He is a superb author with a knack for deep thought combined with humour. Lovely. Did you ever read it?
I’ll look into those guys of your mention that I have not heard of.
‘Ere, ‘ave a !
Osiyo Arcan Cirick...
Batty_ACE Posted Oct 5, 2002
IMHO is In My Humble (or Honest) Opinion. What were some of your more amusing takes on it?
I've never read Rushdie. I'll have to put that on my list for post-exam time (sometime in December if all goes well).
My books are in the attic (along with the rest of my junk) because I moved in with my mom temporarily while I go through the whole school thing. There's actually more to it than that, but my being here until I got myself situated was part of what we decided when I moved. So all my things are in boxes in the attic. The things I bothered to bring anyway. Mostly my books, clothes and several useless kitchen gadgets I'm rather fond of.
Osiyo Arcan Cirick...
Arcan Cirick - Keeper of Silly Horses and all things Entertainingly Equine Posted Oct 9, 2002
Well, look at the brigt side. If your vooks and stuff is packed in the attic, perhaps it has a nice, increasing effect on your concentration...
When is The Time due?
Osiyo Arcan Cirick...
Arcan Cirick - Keeper of Silly Horses and all things Entertainingly Equine Posted Oct 10, 2002
Osiyo Arcan Cirick...
Batty_ACE Posted Oct 10, 2002
Oh that! Actually the way it works is I cram like crazy, take a practice exam online and once I've gotten 90% or better on it schedule to go in and take the real exam at the school. I just want to hurry and get through all of the exams as soon as possible...
Osiyo Arcan Cirick...
Arcan Cirick - Keeper of Silly Horses and all things Entertainingly Equine Posted Oct 11, 2002
You said The Word threefold!
I'm sure that would be significant... Somehow...
But I do wish you the best of luck. When is it all over then?
Osiyo Arcan Cirick...
Batty_ACE Posted Oct 11, 2002
I'll have to refer to them as
s then... I am a priestess of
you know...
Hopefully I'll finish with all my s in December.
But that's looking less and less likely.
Osiyo Arcan Cirick...
Arcan Cirick - Keeper of Silly Horses and all things Entertainingly Equine Posted Oct 13, 2002
less and less likely?
Whence thine mournings, my dear? Are the 's very tricky? Or just plain nasty?
Osiyo Arcan Cirick...
Batty_ACE Posted Oct 15, 2002
No... my AE (kind of a student advisor) didn't schedule the classes I needed when I asked him to and now I'm on waitlist. It's truly annoying.
Osiyo Arcan Cirick...
Arcan Cirick - Keeper of Silly Horses and all things Entertainingly Equine Posted Oct 15, 2002
Osiyo Arcan Cirick...
Batty_ACE Posted Oct 15, 2002
If I clear waitlist then possibly still December. If I don't I'll have to see when the classes are next scheduled.
Osiyo Arcan Cirick...
Arcan Cirick - Keeper of Silly Horses and all things Entertainingly Equine Posted Oct 21, 2002
Well, luck-luck!
If you should - The Horse forbid it! - fail, how long would you have to wait?
AC in sympathy
Osiyo Arcan Cirick...
Batty_ACE Posted Oct 21, 2002
it's not really a matter of passing... just depends on where I am on the waitlist and if anyone no-shows the first day then they start putting waitlist students in the class...
Osiyo Arcan Cirick...
Arcan Cirick - Keeper of Silly Horses and all things Entertainingly Equine Posted Oct 22, 2002
I guess it's very far from the only aspect of life, where your next step depends on coincidence.
May the Horse be with you.
Osiyo Arcan Cirick...
Arcan Cirick - Keeper of Silly Horses and all things Entertainingly Equine Posted Nov 1, 2002
*Whinnies softly*
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Osiyo Arcan Cirick...
- 21: Arcan Cirick - Keeper of Silly Horses and all things Entertainingly Equine (Oct 3, 2002)
- 22: Batty_ACE (Oct 3, 2002)
- 23: Arcan Cirick - Keeper of Silly Horses and all things Entertainingly Equine (Oct 5, 2002)
- 24: Batty_ACE (Oct 5, 2002)
- 25: Arcan Cirick - Keeper of Silly Horses and all things Entertainingly Equine (Oct 9, 2002)
- 26: Batty_ACE (Oct 9, 2002)
- 27: Arcan Cirick - Keeper of Silly Horses and all things Entertainingly Equine (Oct 10, 2002)
- 28: Batty_ACE (Oct 10, 2002)
- 29: Arcan Cirick - Keeper of Silly Horses and all things Entertainingly Equine (Oct 11, 2002)
- 30: Batty_ACE (Oct 11, 2002)
- 31: Arcan Cirick - Keeper of Silly Horses and all things Entertainingly Equine (Oct 13, 2002)
- 32: Batty_ACE (Oct 15, 2002)
- 33: Arcan Cirick - Keeper of Silly Horses and all things Entertainingly Equine (Oct 15, 2002)
- 34: Batty_ACE (Oct 15, 2002)
- 35: Arcan Cirick - Keeper of Silly Horses and all things Entertainingly Equine (Oct 21, 2002)
- 36: Batty_ACE (Oct 21, 2002)
- 37: Arcan Cirick - Keeper of Silly Horses and all things Entertainingly Equine (Oct 22, 2002)
- 38: Batty_ACE (Oct 22, 2002)
- 39: Arcan Cirick - Keeper of Silly Horses and all things Entertainingly Equine (Nov 1, 2002)
- 40: Batty_ACE (Nov 1, 2002)
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