Journal Entries

Adds by bill

One thing I am wondering is who thought up the idea to insert advertisements into a bill statement? My view on this is that it is just plain stupid. Here is why:

You owe the electric company $264.73. They insert pamphlets advertising everything except electricity. first of all you owe them money! but they are saying you can also spend your money here because someone paid us more money to offer you these services which we do not in fact provide. Your payment is due to us before you pay them, however please consider sending this coupon to the company which is listed here so that they know they are paying good money to us for the service which we provide to them. Just what I need is more junk mail disguised as a bill.

First thing to think about is did you receive a discount because they are getting this extra money for not selling electricity? I think we should because they are usually part of the city or state that you live in. If I were to put a solar electric battery into my house and was able to provide more electricity than they could provide (according to US law) they would have to pay me or I would get my electricity at a discounted price. (this may vary from state to state I don't know that but will definetly look into it) then why would we not get a kick back from the advertisement which we pay for when we purchase the product and the electric company gets paid because we spent our money because of them?

Second, Why a bill asking me to spend more money!!!? Is it not enough that they want me to pay them? they want us to go broke with thier ideas of good spending?

Third, What if we don't pay them, but do buy the products? Who would that benefit? not the electric company. Not you cause you will eventually pay the electric company or be very cold for not doing it!

If anyone has the reasons for this please let me know

P.S. I once heard and have used it in it's entirety, of putting the ads and other junkmail back into the reply with check envelope and sending it back to them. This is great because my Trashbag is less full at the end of the day for this. Let them throw it away I say!


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