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France -- GMT+ 1
zendevil Started conversation Jan 5, 2003
Chan-Mick le Frog ()
--- all in Angouleme, France. But bear in mind that has the weirdest sleep patterns on earth!
France -- GMT+ 1
toybox Posted Feb 11, 2003
There, I'm in France too, so it should be GMT+1 as well.
France -- GMT+ 1
zendevil Posted Feb 26, 2003
Hey, Toy box, we meet at last! which bit of France are you in? What are you doing out here? Do you speak excellent French? (I don't I'm ashamed to say!) Do you realise I'm trying to get to the Brum meet as well (depending on finances & domestic circumstances!)
A bientôt!
France -- GMT+ 1
toybox Posted Feb 26, 2003
Hello Terri! I'm from upwards on the right, from Reims
to be more precise. I should speak correct enough French as I am French; nevertheless this is far from being a sufficient condition
! It may also depend on the amount of
that went into my belly, actually
Well, er I already booked a flight to Birmingham with MyTravelLite or something, I couldn't find a cheaper way to travel (even with a coach); last but not least it's a direct flight . Had I known earlier we could have arranged something together
, now it seems up to you
. Of course the best way would be hitchhiking
Domestic circumstances are no real problem when you're a phd student and have no scruple whatsoever .
Speak later.
Toy Box
France -- GMT+ 1
zendevil Posted Feb 26, 2003
I shall look up Reims when I get the chance! another real Frog!
--hitchhiking not a real option for me, yes I'm broke, but also an ageing female with mobility problems, so if I do make it, will probably go by train & budget for taxi's when I arrive at New Street Station. At least I know my way round Brum, or did last time I went there, I was born there, though have moved about a bit since then, to put it mildly!
--anyway, it remains an option, the domestic bit should be sorted one way or the other pretty soon; so we shall see! If I don't make it, promise me you'll bring some photo's back?
France -- GMT+ 1
Titania (gone for lunch) Posted Feb 27, 2003
France, eh? OK, I've added you both to the CET time zone here: A831656
France -- GMT+ 1
zendevil Posted Feb 28, 2003
Bonjour, Titania! (& poor kid; does he/she know they are unauthorised?)
--just about to go & have a lurk to see if I can find out which bit of Frogland you're in!
& whinging Yoda
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France -- GMT+ 1
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