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Staying up late to check my CDs!

Post 1

Scarlet Woman

Hello Duw Duw,

I rather like your new thread on MC - but feel a little uncomfortable about it too! Perhaps because nothing like what has happened to you has happened to me - so far!

I've just been driving 3 hours from London to Dorset in the dark (which always confuses me!) and I need to wind down - so I am going to trawl through the CG CD collection and see what I can come up with - at best I might come up with an amusing post - at worst you will have an insight into the quality of my musical taste - which is probably pretty average for someone of my vintage. Though it is good to see my 18 year old daughter latch onto the JJ Cale and Dylan and Lou Reed- who are as gods to me!

Well I better get to it! Good nite smiley - fairy

Staying up late to check my CDs!

Post 2


hiya, Scarlet. Sounds to me like you got a good record collection, esp. JJ Cale, I've four of his albums and only one of them taped off my father. I notice you also like a bit of Santana, good quality stuff.

Other music I love thanks to my father includes John Mayall(& the bluesbreakers), Fleetwood Mac (the peter green era), the bonzo dog band, Love, Jefferson Airplane, Capt. Beefheart and many others (mostly obscure 60/70's psychedelia, ever heard of the Mandrake Memorial?)

as they say in Llandow, ciao for now

Staying up late to check my CDs!

Post 3


We've got sit down, the three of us, sometime and have a serious talk about music and favourite bands.

I didn't know there was anyone in the country who remembered Mandrake Memorial! Late sixties, had an album called Puzzle, On RCA(?) sounded a bit like early Floyd. Am I right?

The Scarlet One keeps mentioning bands that I like. We seem to have very similar taste in music. But you've just mentioned two of my favourites in one sentence (well, two sentences)! JJ Cale and the Bonzos.

There is a new Bonzos album out of their Beeb sessions (on Strange Fruit). I listen to (and email constantly) the Phill Jupitus Breakfast Show on 6Music and he is a great Bonzos fan and knows I am as well and every few days slips in a track for me. "And here's a track from the Bonzos at the Beeb for Lovegrove" (We're on last name terms). I try to get him to play my other favourite more often, Frank Zappa, but it probably isn't so easy to find a playable track of his at that hour of the morning.

Enough for now. It's nearly eleven o'clock on a Friday night and my back is shouting for the mattress.

Night all

Staying up late to check my CDs!

Post 4


Mandrake Memorial had three(?) albums, Puzzle being the third and it's totally out there. The second album, Hedgehog Sandwich, is a bit more down to earth and they're both good. Alas, I've not heard the first eponymous album, but I'd love to get my mitts on it. oh yes, Puzzle was released on Poppy records and (I think) distributed by RCA. I'll check this when I see my father in the week.

I'd love to hear Bobby Brown Goes Down on morning(or any time) radio, but it aint going to happen, is it?

Staying up late to check my CDs!

Post 5


Lovely thought, though.

I did hear Valley Girl on Friday morning on 6Music.

Not one of my favourite songs, I must admit. But at least it was Zappa.

Staying up late to check my CDs!

Post 6



I had a look and all three Mandrake albums are available on CD from Amazon on import for £12.99 each.

Staying up late to check my CDs!

Post 7

kri stickle mass

wow !! you are the first person i have met in years who likes bonzo dog. i think they are totally superb originals, especially vivian stanshall who has sadly now died.

i still have the album, let's make up and be friendly - know that one??

kris smiley - rose

Staying up late to check my CDs!

Post 8


kris, you lovely lady! smiley - biggrin Another Bonzos fan heard from!

I'm on my third copy of Let's Make Up.... I bought it first time on one of those old 12 inch black plastic thingies (remember?). The second time I had the cd and it was nicked while it was in my cd walkman which I stupidly left in plain site in the back of a car smiley - doh.

The third and hopefully final copy is part of a box set of Bonzos albums called Cornology which has all the Bonzos albums on three cds. That's Gorilla, The Doughnut In Granny's Greenhouse, Tadpoles, Keynsham and Let's Make Up... plus some rare tracks. Great value.

What is you favourite LMUABF track? I personally can't choose between Bad Blood, Rawlinson End, King Of Scurf or Slush (which I challenge anyone to listen to without laughing)

I saw Roger Ruskin Spear live once with all his robots and mannequins. One loveable loony! smiley - tongueout

Good on yer, girl! smiley - smiley

smiley - cheers


Staying up late to check my CDs!

Post 9

kri stickle mass

hi peter,

i stumbled onto bonzo by accident, i picked up the album in a second hand shop along with mike oldfield ommadawn and going underground by cheech and chong. i didnt know who any of them were and they all turned out pucka.

i wasnt around in england to see them perform but saw vivian stanshall once in an obscure film on bbc2 - he was skinny and in a black suit and down by the seaside amongst big rocks from what i recall (about 20 years back)

i also bought keynsham but it got lost somewhere and i heard them doing some really good rock music at someone's house once but dont know what album that was.

i loved all the tracks. i used to watch neil innes in puddle lane while it was on.

krissmiley - rose

Staying up late to check my CDs!

Post 10


favourite LMUABF track? I can't decide between King of Scurf and The Strain.

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