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The Matrix Reloaded (SPOILER WARNING)

Ok, my thoughts:

Pretty damn good. Different to the first one, and not as good. VERY confusing, with lots of unanswered questions meaning we have to wait for Revoloutions for the answers. Hugo Weaving as Smith was good, I thought, he was very menacing. There was a completly unneccessary sex scene (I'm not a prude, but there was no reason for it).

Anyway, final score about 8 out of 10.

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Latest reply: May 23, 2003


Do not read further if you haven't seen it yet!

These are my thoughts:

Wow! So good. An exhilarating 2 hours and however many minutes. The plot was a bit silly but still entertaining and the acting was great. The filming was done really well, particularly the fight sequences. There was so much stuffed into the plot that character development (and there were a lot of characters) went right out the window, and Cyclops had virtually nothing to do, except get beaten up. Mystique and Iceman have expanded roles but Rogue has little to do, which is a shame because she's a good character. Nightcrawler was a shock as I thought he was going to be a baddy, but Alan Cumming did very well in the role. I thought it was good how more time was devoted to Jean Grey because she had bugger all to do first time around and seemed like a bit of a weed, but it turns out she's much more powerful than you think, so when she sacrifices herself at the end it's really sad.

However, there was the suggestion that something happens under the water, no doubt to be explored in the probable X - Men 3, and according to a friend who saw the cartoon (and it makes sense) is that she becomes the Phoenix, a really powerful character.

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Latest reply: May 4, 2003


Holidays and a new house! What a great combination! HAve to revise though. smiley - sadface

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Latest reply: Apr 14, 2003

Countdown to war

T minus 5 hours and counting.....

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Latest reply: Mar 19, 2003

Declaring War

I've already discussed this with The Anonymous Researcher and Tishura, but I'd like otehr opinions. When does everyone think we're going to war - my guess is Wednesday. But you never know, it could be Tuesday.

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Latest reply: Mar 17, 2003

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