This is the Message Centre for Elentari
Andreos Picaros Started conversation Nov 3, 2006
How's it going? Long time, no speak (relatively).
I've been on h2g2 a bit more over the past few days, but I could still use your help in guiding me. What's going on in the world of h2g2 at the moment? What should I be reading, where should I be chatting? (etc.) I rely on your experience and in-depth knowledge.
Elentari Posted Nov 4, 2006
Hmm, nothing really comes to mind. Maybe comment on some entries in PR, the journal entries of your friends, and Ask.
I'll probably call you when I get home.
Elentari Posted Nov 6, 2006
It might be on the front page, if not use the search option.
You might find some interesting convos through <./>Info</.>
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