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Elentari Started conversation Jan 14, 2003
Yay! Another one of my entries is going to be edited! That's 3 so far.
Edited Entries
Researcher 188007 Posted Jan 22, 2003
Indeed it is, my dear Star-Queen
The subbing version is A925913 - I'll give you a shout when I've finished and then you can complain vociferously or say everything's hunky dory. OK?
Edited Entries
Researcher 188007 Posted Feb 5, 2003
I've now had a more thorough go at editing it, and I reckon I've finished. I've made quite a lot of changes - are they OK?
Edited Entries
Elentari Posted Feb 5, 2003
It looks great - the statistics are good and make it more thorough. Nice job!
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