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Hello and a bit on IB
Quille the cynic...TC Started conversation Jan 3, 2003
Hiya Phoenix!
I'm Quille (and no this is not an ACEing )
Your brother, The Anonymous Researcher, asked me to tell you a bit about IB as you were thinking of doing it...
Well, American IB includes normally Pre-IB the years before you would be graduating from secondary school in Britain. I'm currently in the first Pre-IB year. So, I haven't much say..except that my brother is in his last full-fledged IB year and I've talked to a lot of IB students.
An article on IB is written by my friend BenniBi here A865244 (you may wish to contact him as well, as he is graduating from the IB in Britain this year). You may wish to check it out. Also some IB websites like http// .
On a more personal note, IB is generally an international lesson plan that works you extremely hard (as I've been told it is the hardest curriculum offered anywhere in the world currently) but not always with the most complex concepts, so being brilliant is not a required skill, it just helps (I'm more than positive that you'll have the edge on many others in that field). The teachers seem to actually care, and the students tend to work together to solve problems more than other curriculums. Err you will be able to write like a genius by the time you graduate with a diploma. You must take foreign language etc. At the end of it all, there are the IB exams. But it says all this in the article. I think that IB is well worth any extra work one has to put in to it.
Now that I've raved, I'd like to say bravo on your favorite shows. They're all quite good . Anyhow...yeah, so that's that.
Quille the
Hello and a bit on IB
Elentari Posted Jan 4, 2003
Thanks for all the info (and the backing on the tv programmes, I agree entirely ). My concern is that its experimental, my school have never done it before, plus I have to do maths and science
! I will have a look at those entries , thanks.
Hello and a bit on IB
Quille the cynic...TC Posted Jan 4, 2003
Well it's all run by IBO in some far-off country isn't made up as the school wants. It has to be certified through IB etc.
Maths and sciences? You don't already have to do them?
My pleasure..
Hello and a bit on IB
Elentari Posted Jan 6, 2003
I do already have to do them (at Secondary School) but at an ordinary sixth form college I wouldn't have to and wouldn't want to, and the IB is the equivalent of college in the UK.
Hello and a bit on IB
Elentari Posted Jan 8, 2003
What do you mean, "it's what they go on hardest"? Do you mean that it is the hardest to do?
Hello and a bit on IB
Quille the cynic...TC Posted Jan 12, 2003
IT's what they're most interested in us doing well in it seems, and what most do the worst in...Umm math and Foreign Language are also rather important and Sciences too..hmm nevermind. Everythign is really important.
Hello and a bit on IB
Elentari Posted Jan 13, 2003
Too true - oh, I changed my name by the way (you've probably guessed!) I havent had a reply from thingy (cant remember the name) who's doing the IB here in the UK yet. Oh well!
Hello and a bit on IB
Elentari Posted Jan 14, 2003
Thanks very much, me too! I might leave another message, but I'm 99% certain I'm going to do the IB so I suppose it doesn't matter that much...
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Hello and a bit on IB
- 1: Quille the cynic...TC (Jan 3, 2003)
- 2: Elentari (Jan 4, 2003)
- 3: Quille the cynic...TC (Jan 4, 2003)
- 4: Elentari (Jan 6, 2003)
- 5: Quille the cynic...TC (Jan 6, 2003)
- 6: Elentari (Jan 8, 2003)
- 7: Quille the cynic...TC (Jan 12, 2003)
- 8: Elentari (Jan 13, 2003)
- 9: Quille the cynic...TC (Jan 13, 2003)
- 10: Elentari (Jan 14, 2003)
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